[ Rubbish Thread ] Why so many people use canon rather than olympus?

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I'm a nikon user.. but if given a choice between canon and olympus, I would also choose canon. One of my reason are the 2 things you said which I agree. (1) more choices for lens, and (2) many people use it. My main reason will be 2 because this also means (1) I have more choices for 2nd hand lenses, (2) I can easily borrow from friends who also have canon setup, (3) I have more choices for 3rd party lenses and accessories. This has nothing to do with the capability of olympus but more on being practical.

I think you should be happy with what you have and change brand only if you got a real reason to do so and not because of "trends" and other intangible reasons.

I'm a nikon user.. but if given a choice between canon and olympus, I would also choose canon. One of my reason are the 2 things you said which I agree. (1) more choices for lens, and (2) many people use it. My main reason will be 2 because this also means (1) I have more choices for 2nd hand lenses, (2) I can easily borrow from friends who also have canon setup, (3) I have more choices for 3rd party lenses and accessories. This has nothing to do with the capability of olympus but more on being practical.

I think you should be happy with what you have and change brand only if you got a real reason to do so and not because of "trends" and other intangible reasons.

Despite not been an Oly dslr user myself have it's advantages on his tele-range because of the 2 times crop factor, lighter in weight and it's JPEG straight out of the camera is one of the best.

There is of course other advantages to the Oly system too, I am sure members of the 4/3 family can share them too. :)

people have won photo competitions with a simple P&S - am i saying that P&S = dslr.. no.

what i'm saying is that you have your own preferences. 8000 people tell me nikon good, i can see that it is good. so what? i still like my k20d. it meets what *i* need.

i'm not saying that olympus is necessarily better than canon. i'm saying that none of them are necessarily better than each other.

loads of people just parrot what the camera salesmen tell them. most camera salesmen will tell you "oh, buy canon, nikon, they popular, loads of people using them". here are some pictures from a pentax camera that most people in singapore will never buy:




next time your friends tell you canon > olympus, show them pictures taken by an olympus that they cannot take with their 1000d, 550d, 50d, 7d, whatever:



I feel so ashamed that I can never take such beautiful pictures with my D700 but then again, I always admit it is the grey matter behind the dslr that matters. :bsmilie:

Despite not been an Oly dslr user myself have it's advantages on his tele-range because of the 2 times crop factor, lighter in weight and it's JPEG straight out of the camera is one of the best.

There is of course other advantages to the Oly system too, I am sure members of the 4/3 family can share them too. :)

I think this is not about the advantages and disadvantages on the brands but based on the fulfillment of needs. Since I do not shoot JPG, its not an advantage to me. And since I mostly use wide up to 50mm only, and occasionally 85, tele-range will also not be advantageous. Since I most often crop my photos, so crop factor is also not an issue.

I think it is based on the individual's careful decision to choose a brand based on their needs. My choice based on the example was because of the over-all fringe-market of canon. And when I bought nikon, that was the time when my choice was canon rebel or nikon d70, and my choice was due to my budget and my brother having nikon lenses I can borrow. So if the TS has chosen Olympus then he should be satisfied with his decision. If not he can change brand. I see a few canon users also decide to change brands. That does not mean any of these brands are good or bad, but its just personal decisions.

In any case, its personal choices,like I've said before, we all have different needs and wants :)

A bought an Olympus and his pictures sucked.
A saw B taking better pictures and wondered if B's Canon had made the difference.
A sold his Olympus and bought Canon,
and became yet another example of incapable shooter with a Canon.

I think this is not about the advantages and disadvantages on the brands but based on the fulfillment of needs. Since I do not shoot JPG, its not an advantage to me. And since I mostly use wide up to 50mm only, and occasionally 85, tele-range will also not be advantageous. Since I most often crop my photos, so crop factor is also not an issue.

I think it is based on the individual's careful decision to choose a brand based on their needs. My choice based on the example was because of the over-all fringe-market of canon. And when I bought nikon, that was the time when my choice was canon rebel or nikon d70, and my choice was due to my budget and my brother having nikon lenses I can borrow. So if the TS has chosen Olympus then he should be satisfied with his decision. If not he can change brand. I see a few canon users also decide to change brands. That does not mean any of these brands are good or bad, but its just personal decisions.

Agree.. every DSLR brands have it's pros and cons, that why I feel it's up to the photographer personal preference. :)

I feel so ashamed that I can never take such beautiful pictures with my D700 but then again, I always admit it is the grey matter behind the dslr that matters. :bsmilie:

I can exchange with you if it'll make you feel better.


In any case, its personal choices,like I've said before, we all have different needs and wants :)

Yes, but how many people know what they need, and how many actually spend time to research (and think about) what to buy?

IMHO, No matter which brands you use I believe is the person behind the cam.
A compact cam can take nice photos as well
And of cos plus some photoshop skills. :cool:

Yes, but how many people know what they need, and how many actually spend time to research (and think about) what to buy?

Actually if you are buying DSLR, it is considered irresponsible not to research and not to know what to buy. And if you get burnt for these reason, then its your fault. Normal users will buy PnS, and only people who want to get serious about photography will move into a more complicated camera (and I do not consider rich people who buy DSLR just to show off but knows nothing about photography as part of my argument). So having said that, it is a MUST to research and know why you need DSLR.

I dont understand the Canon/Nikon bashing over here. So does it mean all users who bought these two brands are blinded, or like sheeps who follows without the ability to think, or do research? And that those who chose Olyumpus or other less popular brands are "the smarter consumers"? These makes you no difference from the canon/nikon fanboys which you so detests.

All brands/camera bodies/lenses are made to cater to their specific audiences; be it professionals, semi-pro, serious hobbyists, casual shooters, budget users, students, uncles aunties grandparents. Like Anson pointed out, The Equipment is only as good as it's wielder, which i totally agree.

And why should we be pissed off when we see someone using a pro body with a big lens, but shoots in auto mode? Its their money to burn, and it helps the economy as well. Everyone is free to choose whatever brand and the type of lens (kit lens or pro lenses) they want; whether they are doing the equipment justice thats another qn. :)

Actually if you are buying DSLR, it is considered irresponsible not to research and not to know what to buy. And if you get burnt for these reason, then its your fault. Normal users will buy PnS, and only people who want to get serious about photography will move into a more complicated camera (and I do not consider rich people who buy DSLR just to show off but knows nothing about photography as part of my argument). So having said that, it is a MUST to research and know why you need DSLR.

Some people find research like that quite tedious, and would rather just buy the damn camera and start shooting. I've met 2 people like that - one was buying it as a gift, another just could not be bothered ("Just tell me which one to buy!").

I dont understand the Canon/Nikon bashing over here. So does it mean all users who bought these two brands are blinded, or like sheeps who follows without the ability to think, or do research? And that those who chose Olyumpus or other less popular brands are "the smarter consumers"? These makes you no difference from the canon/nikon fanboys which you so detests.

I don't see any bashing here. Not yet anyway ;p

And why should we be pissed off when we see someone using a pro body with a big lens, but shoots in auto mode? Its their money to burn, and it helps the economy as well. Everyone is free to choose whatever brand and the type of lens (kit lens or pro lenses) they want; whether they are doing the equipment justice thats another qn. :)

Jealousy/Sour Grapes? :bsmilie:

I dont understand the Canon/Nikon bashing over here. So does it mean all users who bought these two brands are blinded, or like sheeps who follows without the ability to think, or do research? And that those who chose Olyumpus or other less popular brands are "the smarter consumers"? These makes you no difference from the canon/nikon fanboys which you so detests.

All brands/camera bodies/lenses are made to cater to their specific audiences; be it professionals, semi-pro, serious hobbyists, casual shooters, budget users, students, uncles aunties grandparents. Like Anson pointed out, The Equipment is only as good as it's wielder, which i totally agree.

And why should we be pissed off when we see someone using a pro body with a big lens, but shoots in auto mode? Its their money to burn, and it helps the economy as well. Everyone is free to choose whatever brand and the type of lens (kit lens or pro lenses) they want; whether they are doing the equipment justice thats another qn. :)

Who is bashing Canon or Nikon brands? It's safe to say that those who blindly push their friends and co-workers to buy any brand deserve bashing, even more than those who buy blindly.

Yes, but how many people know what they need, and how many actually spend time to research (and think about) what to buy?

I'm gonna sound very bad,but its their own business,hahaha,if they choose not to research before hand,I can't say anything,we can give advice but whether or not to follow is another,but basically,its their choice to follow or know :cool:

There are people who refuse to accept any brand other than canon and nikon for dslr. As long as it's other brand, it's lousy. Lousy in terms of build quality, technology, lens, user-friendliness, final picture quality. Every single thing is below par with canon/nikon. Comment that oly body is not good.

I got such friends. Then now comment that photos taken with their dslr is poorer than their previous pns. :bsmilie:

honestly i dun think it's worth fighting over this silly topic just because the TS facilitated it by posting.
I personally think TS should have done some reading on his own before posting.

to be blunt..because canon is better than olympus....naff said.;p

My, am I glad there is a guy like you who put things straight. For a moment this discussion was describing Olympus to be so good that I thought it is better than the Canons. I nearly want to dump my Oly.

I own Olympus for two reason.

I went to the camera shop and asked for the camera that shoot the worst pictures. The salesman first took out a Pentax, I said I want something really worse, he then shoved the Oly to me said this was it. I said this camera really shoot crap pictures? Yup he said. I said what if some good pictures come out of it? He the said Then you are a damn good photographer loh.

I bought Olympus on the spot and never look back.

You see I have an ego bigger than the Canonians or Nikonians, when my pictures are good I don't want to share any credit with my camera.

The other reason is since owning a Oly Pussy, I have more Pussy humour that I see lacking in my CanKon friends.

Wish everyone well.....;);):p:p

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