[ Rubbish Thread ] Why so many people use canon rather than olympus?

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I think only very few people are qualified to actually compare brands because you need to use multiple systems, each extensively to judge.

Then you might as well shut down this forum since no one here design cameras and lenses, and hence not qualified to even speak about the subject.

Take it easy. This is a forum. Everyone is free to post as they deemed fit.

Well... put it this way, its personal,like I've said before, today's 1600 and 3200 are pretty good,coming from the film days like others in this forum,I've learnt to accept what I have and work around what I have,a problem is a problem only if you deem it a problem rather than a set back that you can work around,honestly speaking,I'm not 100% sure what I'm saying now :bsmilie: but yea... in summary,its personal and it depends from person to person, to work around it or not

So true... Last time as a kid (aged 10 :cool:), I wanna shoot also cannot because film was so expensive also cannot shoot. Buying ISO 3200 film already blew my allowance into the realms of the galaxy and beyond. And the quality sucks big time some more... T_T"

So true... Last time as a kid (aged 10 :cool:), I wanna shoot also cannot because film was so expensive also cannot shoot. Buying ISO 3200 film already blew my allowance into the realms of the galaxy and beyond. And the quality sucks big time some more... T_T"

Haha,I see you're younger than I am,oh well,Last time only films I had to use were those 3 packs for XXX price,hahahha but ah well,more important at that time was composition :cool:

next time if someones says to u that their brand is better than urs, just do ur best to take a very good pic and showed them. if they awe by it and said, "This is from ur Olympus?" u reply "Yes, but the "eye" is mine and not my camera"

A camera is just a box with light than helps u take a picture, overall the ones that sets it and composed it is YOU.

They are just brand-freak than Pic-freak IMO.

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next time if someones says to u that their brand is better than urs, just do ur best to take a very good pic and showed them. if they awe by it and said, "This is from ur Olympus?" u reply "Yes, but the "eye" is mine and not my camera"

A camera is just a box with light than helps u take a picture, overall the ones that sets it and composed it is YOU.

That is,if they're not talking about IQ la ;p

That is,if they're not talking about IQ la ;p

kekeke... Okay okay, no end to this. Conceptual discussions are pointless!

Alright, let's all go out and shoot!! (while I'm slacking at home)

Maybe people are obsessed with owning the best equipment even if they do need to. So with the fantastic marketing by Canon, plus the marketing abour sensor size, people naturally gravitate towards buying Canon. However, that is not to say that Canon is no good or Olympus is not good. Canon must be good cos so many pros use it. That also is another reason.

I am so confused why people are using canon rather than olympus. Canon does have more variety for lens and cameras. But canon is becoming a trend. People are saying my olympus e-620 is not good while having a canon 1000d is good enough. Sometimes, i feel like changing my system to canon. Any opinions on this issue?

Well, I'm using canon, but I dont take great photos cause I'm just a newbie. Still lots of stuff to learn in photography.

We should let the gear work for us, not we work for the gear. Get something that you are comfortable with, cause YOU are the one who are going to use them.
You buy the camera for your own use right ? not to lend people for their use right ?

Go along with your heart and enjoy what you have, dont worry about what others say. cheers.

That is,if they're not talking about IQ la ;p

IQ depends on the Lens IMO. I dun think a body will do much exept for those extra added features. Though I love Oly's Blue and Red colors. same as Panny.

Well, for me I dun think most of these people whom says this brand is not good and this brand is good will be talking about IQ though. Usually they just talk alot about Branding like NIKE & Adidas.

They make it look like Why buy New Balance when Adidas is better. Though both gave better quality in walking...but overall, its still our feet. :sweatsm:

Well, even though there are still pros who jump shipped from Canon to other brands. One example is my ex-teacher, he jump ship from Canon to Oly. When I ask why, he said "There is something wrong about canon that I will not said, But Oly is great"
its still a mystery to me but his Picture quality on our training he showed good quality images. Alot of his student go for Oly except me...XD

I am so confused why people are using canon rather than olympus. Canon does have more variety for lens and cameras. But canon is becoming a trend. People are saying my olympus e-620 is not good while having a canon 1000d is good enough. Sometimes, i feel like changing my system to canon. Any opinions on this issue?

The current cameras in the market can be used to shoot just about what most of us photograph. Some might be customised to excel in certain aspects, but shld more than meet the basic requirements. Of couse the bigger boys engage heavier marketting and has a greater selection of lenses and bodies to entice users and even the niche shooters, but oftentimes the smaller companies offer better value for money for their systems.

anyhow, the topic is too broad to answer in any unbiased view, and i suspect the people who slams your e-620 are mostly not thinking hard enough


to be blunt..because canon is better than olympus....naff said.;p

I got nothing to say on this,seriously...

IQ depends on the Lens IMO. I dun think a body will do much exept for those extra added features. Though I love Oly's Blue and Red colors. same as Panny.

Well, for me I dun think most of these people whom says this brand is not good and this brand is good will be talking about IQ though. Usually they just talk alot about Branding like NIKE & Adidas.

They make it look like Why buy New Balance when Adidas is better. Though both gave better quality in walking...but overall, its still our feet. :sweatsm:

Well, even though there are still pros who jump shipped from Canon to other brands. One example is my ex-teacher, he jump ship from Canon to Oly. When I ask why, he said "There is something wrong about canon that I will not said, But Oly is great"
its still a mystery to me but his Picture quality on our training he showed good quality images. Alot of his student go for Oly except me...XD

IQ actually depends on both the photographic medium as well as the lens, great sensor/film and crappy lens = IQ not reaching its full potential, great lens plus lousy sensor/film = waste of good glass

The current cameras in the market can be used to shoot just about what most of us photograph. Some might be customised to excel in certain aspects, but shld more than meet the basic requirements. Of couse the bigger boys engage heavier marketting and has a greater selection of lenses and bodies to entice users and even the niche shooters, but oftentimes the smaller companies offer better value for money for their systems.

anyhow, the topic is too broad to answer in any unbiased view, and i suspect the people who slams your e-620 are mostly not thinking hard enough


I kinda agree with you,this is indeed a topic that is very broad

In '07 I saw Olympus ads in our local newspapers. The cameras advertised were e-510 & e-410 were so beautiful, the controls are so intuitive, the size so miniature in comparison to other brands that even a lady handles it with ease. It was also value for money, built-in ultrasonic cleaning, built-in image stabilization & life preview (the only at that time). I couldn't resist and got one & 3 sets of Zuiko lenses and never regretted. Their tradition of being feature rich still carry on till this day. :)

I find it intriguing these kind of topics invite long discussions... and most if not all ppl become defensive on the brand they use, but generally a brand to brand comparison like these never result in a constructive conclusion. But here's a personal case study since we are in the 4/3 forum: recently got to know a friend from the states and I will say he's an olympus fanatic, often singing praises of how good they are and he's not even using the high end models. His composition and creativity in photography were so amazing he got invited to Getty images on Flickr and now making good money off stocks.

I'm sure there are so many similar examples for nikon, canon, pentax, leica, sony, etc users as well, regardless film or digital. imo there's no wrong or lousy photo or good or bad IQ for that matter, it's juz personal art and everything else is bragging rights and ego.

Strange phenomena. After shooting for while the more I shoot the simple cameras and shorter lenses I am using nowsaday. But my skill have not change much, but the satisfaction sure does increase much.

Gone with the days where long telephoto lenses make my day; now even a simple point-and-shoot or old cameras with just only 50mm lens excites me no less.

So I guess in the total scheme of things, different camera system suits different folks.

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I find it intriguing these kind of topics invite long discussions... and most if not all ppl become defensive on the brand they use, but generally a brand to brand comparison like these never result in a constructive conclusion. But here's a personal case study since we are in the 4/3 forum: recently got to know a friend from the states and I will say he's an olympus fanatic, often singing praises of how good they are and he's not even using the high end models. His composition and creativity in photography were so amazing he got invited to Getty images on Flickr and now making good money off stocks.

I'm sure there are so many similar examples for nikon, canon, pentax, leica, sony, etc users as well, regardless film or digital. imo there's no wrong or lousy photo or good or bad IQ for that matter, it's juz personal art and everything else is bragging rights and ego.

I find it especially true at the last part,as I once read a somewhere,a photographer said "there is no right exposure,only pleasing exposure" if you like it,yay for me, if you don't,oh well :bsmilie:

it is all because of advertisement.

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