[ Rubbish Thread ] Why so many people use canon rather than olympus?

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Once we start looking at the E-XX and E-X, as well as the SHG lenses, the whole argument about lighter and smaller is lost!

Well, compare the size of Oly's 300mm f/2.8 to Canon's 600mm f/2.8 and the argument is won...oh wait, there isn't a Canon 600mm f/2.8...well, compare it to Canon's 600mm slow f/4 lens then! The argument is still won!

As for body size/weight, that's a personal preference and is dependent on the user's hands. Smaller cameras may not be best if the photographer has large hands. Having tried the Micro FourThirds cameras they are just too small for (my) serious photography...and cameras like the E-1/E-3 are too big for me to tote around.

...and cameras like the E-1/E-3 are too big for me to tote around.
Too small cannot too big also cannot. You are giving Olympus designers a hard time. :sweat:

Did you submit the size of your hand to their R&D for research purposes ? :bsmilie:

Too small cannot too big also cannot. You are giving Olympus designers a hard time. :sweat:

Did you submit the size of your hand to their R&D for research purposes ? :bsmilie:

That's why I don't want them to stop making the E-4xx and E-5xx series bodies as what's going around in the rumour...although I'm still happy with the E-3xx bodies which I plan to continue using for at least another 5 years (or when they break down, unless my needs change)...although at the time I wished that they had released the E-4xx sized body first before the E-1 even; the E-4xx size was similar in size to the SLR I used for 20 years!

Well, compare the size of Oly's 300mm f/2.8 to Canon's 600mm f/2.8 and the argument is won...oh wait, there isn't a Canon 600mm f/2.8...well, compare it to Canon's 600mm slow f/4 lens then! The argument is still won!

As for body size/weight, that's a personal preference and is dependent on the user's hands. Smaller cameras may not be best if the photographer has large hands. Having tried the Micro FourThirds cameras they are just too small for (my) serious photography...and cameras like the E-1/E-3 are too big for me to tote around.

Aiyo... our zooms still bigger leh. Primes wise, I'd say olympus sure beat them hands down!

The day olympus comes out with shorter portrait primes for the SHG (with SWD) lenses would make me drooooool...:bsmilie:

Aiyo... our zooms still bigger leh. Primes wise, I'd say olympus sure beat them hands down!

The day olympus comes out with shorter portrait primes for the SHG (with SWD) lenses would make me drooooool...:bsmilie:

And the price will make you go "OMG!!!!!" :bsmilie:

Oh my gosh, I come back to CS after a few days and this is still going on? Oops, I contributed to the thread anyway... Hehehe... :p

Anyway, just to lightly correct a fellow brother somewhere above:

Olympus only makes super light and small kit lenses and lower end DSLRs. Once we start looking at the E-XX and E-X, as well as the SHG lenses, the whole argument about lighter and smaller is lost! I think it is a smart move for Olympus to focus on their m4/3.

There is a point when it comes to the big bodies but it's mostly invalid when it comes to lenses.

My E-1 is quite small and easily held even for long hours. The E-3 and even the E-30 are bigger. Of course, since the micro Four-Thirds and E-620, we know that Olympus can make components smaller now. The E-3 is likely big because of the faster auto focus with separate processor and the image stabilisation technology. Both are obviously a lot smaller in the E-620.

If you consider the effective focal length of any of the lenses, they are small. Of course, Olympus' 300mm is not going to be smaller than the competition's 300mm since the grade of glass is high. I think, as has been mentioned ad naseum, you'll find that it's tough to find an effective equivalent focal length and quality at the size or maybe even the price.

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Wasn't the E3 designed so that the SHG lenses can be comfortably handled? One reason why I think the E5 may not be a marvel of compactness.

Wasn't the E3 designed so that the SHG lenses can be comfortably handled? One reason why I think the E5 may not be a marvel of compactness.

Most like it will not be very compact,but if it really turns out to be modular,it could be compact though

Most like it will not be very compact,but if it really turns out to be modular,it could be compact though

Or maybe Oly would WOW all of us by coming out with a MKII version of all their lenses which turn out to be two times smaller and lighter... I pray really really hard!!! :(

Or maybe Oly would WOW all of us by coming out with a MKII version of all their lenses which turn out to be two times smaller and lighter... I pray really really hard!!! :(

and have the prices all increase? eh....i'll stick to what i have now :bsmilie:

they should release the 100mm macro already :angel:

and have the prices all increase? eh....i'll stick to what i have now :bsmilie:

they should release the 100mm macro already :angel:

I agree with headfonz,I'd rather they stick with the current size lenses and prices :bsmilie: if they keep getting smaller,I might have to get people to start researching shrink ray to shrink myself :cool:

Yea.... I also wanna try the 100mm macro, wonder when they're releasing :think:

I agree with headfonz,I'd rather they stick with the current size lenses and prices :bsmilie: if they keep getting smaller,I might have to get people to start researching shrink ray to shrink myself :cool:

Yea.... I also wanna try the 100mm macro, wonder when they're releasing :think:

Hahahahaha! Shrink ray! :bsmilie:

Pray hard that technology always get better and cheaper!

This is definitely a most honest comments that I have read so far, Olympus should see this post, I share your sentiments. Although I don't have your problem most likely because I don't shoot in dim light but I agree with what you said. I like your honest and passionate way of saying them.

I had considered jumping ship myself , half because all my friends use Nikon (where I can share accessories etc) and the other half I want the high pixel for large prints. Did a research with my printer friend and surprisingly Olympus came out very well. Olympus do perform in 'good light' or sufficient light. The other thing I wanted faster AF but did an assessment on Nikon and found my equivalent system would weight double (in FF D700) so I held back. I would not consider Aps as my printer friend showed me Olympus were equal (in fact near better) to it. Many may forget as my printer friend said Olympus is a full Digital system where their digital lens "shoot straight and send more information to the sensor".

I am sorry banding occur, I would change system too. Come September will be my next consideration.

That is the exact reason why we have to know the limitation of our gear - Olympus excel when there is plenty of light and its "zoom len" due to the deisgn of the 4/3 sensor.

Low Light Photogrpahy, there are better choices. U cannot eat a Steak with a spoon only, neither u can drink soup with a fork alone.;)

U cannot eat a Steak with a spoon only, neither u can drink soup with a fork alone.;)

Can,tan ku ku nia lor, spoon cut how long than the steak chop off,fork got surface area to scoop the soup,but long time later than finish drinking :D

I eat steak with a fork and use my teeth to bite a piece of meat out of it. just like burger :)

You are getting smarter. Keep it up. :)

ok, i am the one who started this thread. I didn't expect anyone to side either Oly or Canon. I was just wondering why people use canon more than Oly and i got my ans. Anyway, please do not be rude in ur comments. We should just let the pictures do the talking.

Even this is debatable. A famous photog takes a OOF, badly exposed pic, people will pay high price considering it as art. Another guy at photographic school does the same thing sure kenna scolded by teecherr :bsmilie:

So as long as you like your art and your tools, it's enough.

Even this is debatable. A famous photog takes a OOF, badly exposed pic, people will pay high price considering it as art. Another guy at photographic school does the same thing sure kenna scolded by teecherr :bsmilie:

So as long as you like your art and your tools, it's enough.

Mostly true.

How many times have I seen a "piece of art" that has a whole canvas of 1 colour with another colour that dripped down in a straight line one place on the canvas? Those who claim to know art, will "ooooo" and "aaaahhhh" and I'll walk away laughing. :bsmilie:

more ppl buy canon becos their office photocopy machine is canon

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