D3 Wedding and Sport Photo Sample

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don need guess got flash or no flash, he left the exif for us. :devil:
and yes all showed "flash = off". (unless he edited the exif as well :sweat:)

Cliff Mautner is one damn good wedding photographer! His images are just superb!

actually, sb400 does work pretty well, even on a pro body. it's small and handy for those situations where just a little fill-light will do. for the hell of it, i actually used it to cover the dec 06 Mega CS event at suntec. ;p

i just hope the d3 prices will drop and stablise in time for me to get b4 my fren's wedding next nov... :sweat:

wow... u getting D3 :eek:;p

what about u? heh

D3 itself is impressive, but D3+either 14-24 or 24-70 = 1Ds3 liao. :sweat: I still dun charge 8K per wedding. :(

But back to the topic, wedding shooters using Nikon DSLRs can now shoot like wat FF have, subtle subject 3d "pop", can minimise use of flash and no need to be concerned about upping the ISO.

this is one time i'll say get a new body instead of getting a new lens
the new things that you can do with this camera
the images that this tool can get that the older tool cannot

got to wait for the results of the big sweep draw

or the consumer model

apply for the j-sponsorship.:p

um... ExplorerZ,
where is the exif? i couldn't find it :embrass:
all the pict are edited and got no data exif left

ups... i can't see the exif from picasa, but from photoshop the exif is visible
and you're right.. all no flash

don need guess got flash or no flash, he left the exif for us. :devil:
and yes all showed "flash = off". (unless he edited the exif as well :sweat:)

Isisaxon, all the lighting in the photo looks very very natural to me too.
and he is very good in using ambient lighting and all the photos there taken with ambient as main lightsource. but i doubt that he didn't use any fill in flash at all.

Mostly looks like ambient lighting to me. I shoot ambient lighting most of the time, so roughly should be able to tell if a fill flash was used.

i like this...

Q. How good is the camera on low iso. Is iso 200 better than iso100 on the D2X/
A. Honestly, in my testing, ISO 1200 on the D3 is like ISO 400 on the D2Xs. The noise is dramatically, shockingly, stunningly less.

methinks i'm going to really empty out my girl's baby bonus... think my wife will understand? :embrass:

i sort of browse through some of the pics posted in the link by TS.

do you think the photog used auto iso or for every shot before he fires, he sets his iso?

if D3 is really that good in noise reduction, does that mean if i get one, i can set to limit the iso to 6400 and fire away in low light condition?

also, is it because the pics are resize for web browsing hence even if there's noise it wont be that visible?

enlighten me a little please.

i like this...

methinks i'm going to really empty out my girl's baby bonus... think my wife will understand? :embrass:

baby bonus got so much meh?tot 3-5k only?

tmc / ortega
err... think the seeds of evil already planted earlier. exorcism? chinese "dang kee" can or not? :bsmilie:

more imptly j sponsorship where to apply har?

/queueing behind ortega ..... :sweat:

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