Pentax @ PC Show?

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Actually I agree with Arthur, the availability of Pentax lenses in the usual shops these days has gotten much better, even though prices are still not as competitive as overseas. Just a bit more than a year ago, when I was trying to make up my mind if I'd go with Pentax, I recce-ed the shops and the situation was bad enough that I posted here to ask for reassurance to make sure that I'm making the right choice. But this week when I popped over to CP Marina, I saw a decently comprehensive range of Pentax lenses and flash on their shelves, including the 2 DA* zooms, a couple of macros, and some limiteds. If it was like this back then, I wouldn't have worried.

What we need is for Pentax to handle its own business here, so that they can market their products more agressively and bump up the level of their presence to effectively compete with C&N. Marketing is the next step to having a good product. Without proper marketing, even an excellent product can only go so far...

Was at the PC show today and it was really deserted.

Soon to be a Pentaxian again. I miss using my Pentax Z-20 SLR and the other lenses I have.:)

Don't worry guys. shriro knows this forum. More than 1 yr ago when I replace my focusing screen, Kelvin ask me come to CS to surf ard. :)

But I believe their marketing department might not know that many Pentaxian are helping them promoting and feedback displayed on the forum... :(

Bro I just got my K20D body from MS Color 4 days ago, and there is still an extra set there. Apart from that there are a few lens there including the DA*200, DA*300, DA*50-135 and some of the usual standard lens like the DA 16-45 and DA 18-250. So actually from what I'm seeing from CP, AP and MS Color, more and more lens are readily available to the market, only that their prices are not as good as HK or US, but its the same for other brands as well.


I was slightly interested in getting one, and that's what someone at their main store told me. (i.e. no sets, have to order if you want, because demand is low)

Try Out the K20D today at the PC show, the grip on the right hand is getting smaller than my K100D difficult to hold ...The shutter button is very sensitive ...

This not a Pentax boot for people like us, but for fishing accidental coming Pentaxian. that why it is disaapointing and deserted.

My C.... friend said Pentax got no people one!

Try Out the K20D today at the PC show, the grip on the right hand is getting smaller than my K100D difficult to hold ...

The K20D grip size is similar to the K10D. It is shaped a little differently from the K100D because the K100D uses AA batteries, which take up a little more space (ie. bulk). But it is not any difficult to hold.

Try Out the K20D today at the PC show, the grip on the right hand is getting smaller than my K100D difficult to hold ...The shutter button is very sensitive ...

This not a Pentax boot for people like us, but for fishing accidental coming Pentaxian. that why it is disaapointing and deserted.

My C.... friend said Pentax got no people one!

Seems you've been very negative towards K20D ;) Trust me, I've owned and used most Pentax dSLR cameras, and K20D is the best, quite a big step up from K10D, not to say the K100D :cool:

Seems you've been very negative towards K20D ;) Trust me, I've owned and used most Pentax dSLR cameras, and K20D is the best, quite a big step up from K10D, not to say the K100D :cool:

Think grip and handling is quite personal, some like certain grip better;) It's like if u are comfortable to applying more force on shutter button, sensitive ones just doesn't help. So in his case K20D is just not to his likings.

Yeah...I tried k20D before I make the purchase 1mth+ ago and it just fit so nicely into my hands unless u hv very big hands.

Think grip and handling is quite personal, some like certain grip better;) It's like if u are comfortable to applying more force on shutter button, sensitive ones just doesn't help. So in his case K20D is just not to his likings.

Yeah, I know about the grip thing. But if you check his responses to K20D, most of them are pretty negative so far :dunno:

Actually w/o battery grip, to me the best fit grip so far is the K200D :)

Yeah, I know about the grip thing. But if you check his responses to K20D, most of them are pretty negative so far :dunno:

Actually w/o battery grip, to me the best fit grip so far is the K200D :)

It doesn't matter much to us where other camps are neg of Pentax;) So maybe he likes KxxD series better. I too have a neg view of P-TTL, but not that I hate Pentax.

Yeah, I know about the grip thing. But if you check his responses to K20D, most of them are pretty negative so far :dunno:

Actually w/o battery grip, to me the best fit grip so far is the K200D :)

Feng Wei, I have to agree with you on this one, especially that I have both...

I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed holding the K200D more than the K20D. But of course, I am so used to the K20D that I tried to use my index finger to turn the front dial which the K200D doesn't have!!! I use that for exposure, and yes while the K20D is very useful when accessing the different controls (configurable), the K200D is a joy to use because of its simplicity. Haven't seen its battery grip in Singapore, and during the PC Show.. is it coming in?

Feng Wei, I have to agree with you on this one, especially that I have both...

I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed holding the K200D more than the K20D. But of course, I am so used to the K20D that I tried to use my index finger to turn the front dial which the K200D doesn't have!!! I use that for exposure, and yes while the K20D is very useful when accessing the different controls (configurable), the K200D is a joy to use because of its simplicity. Haven't seen its battery grip in Singapore, and during the PC Show.. is it coming in?

I did that also while playing with the K200D at the PC show. Realised K200D don't have the front dial.:bsmilie:

Desmond, when did you go? I heard from Kevin you went a couple of times? :)

If all of us go together, and in our sea of red Pentax t-shirts, maybe we could help promote it, with a little bit of buzz (if they are setting up a big booth again).

Desmond, when did you go? I heard from Kevin you went a couple of times? :)

If all of us go together, and in our sea of red Pentax t-shirts, maybe we could help promote it, with a little bit of buzz (if they are setting up a big booth again).

i miss the entire show...nothing for me to buy anyway...not keen to shoot the sony models since i shoot most of them b4...was told super crowded so when for my own shoot over the weekend...

i dun mind we all go together and help out on the next show, would be a good idea...or maybe even showcase some of our work there as well...

Desmond, when did you go? I heard from Kevin you went a couple of times? :)

If all of us go together, and in our sea of red Pentax t-shirts, maybe we could help promote it, with a little bit of buzz (if they are setting up a big booth again).

Not a couple of times lah...:sweat: I went there on Friday evening after work and Sat afternoon.

Uhmm... That's 2 times...
Which IS a couple of times... ;P

So did I... :D
Once during lunch on Thursday and second time on Friday evening..

Uhmm... That's 2 times...
Which IS a couple of times... ;P

So did I... :D
Once during lunch on Thursday and second time on Friday evening..

my mistake.:bsmilie::sticktong Pentax booth is a couple more times.

I do like the sensitivity of the button, I mentioned it doesn't I don't like it..but my hand are big really big, (19.5cm) from my hand wiast edge to to the longest finger, the grip was a disappiontment.

But it does makes me think that the grass is not entire greener on the higher end models, I really I could own this though. k20D, but not w/o reservation about what I expect, and wish to have - I still have high expectation of Pentax ability to provides camera that really suit, what it meant to be a SLR..Why do this to the grip ...maybe I haven'e been used to it...

The Feel is good, felt like I own a luxury car, when I hold the K20D .. but need a family car not sport and here comes the grip probems - fussy customer like me ...personality test says I am critics, even good points about myself can be thought as bad points. Perhaps, that is my weakness not the K20D.

After I got the feel of the K20D, went back home to feel my K100D is so damn different ...I believe I would have a good time with it ... it may not have the grip like the k100d, but it is good to have a different feel.. Perhaps once I owned a K20D, I would totally say something different about it ... at the same time the feel of K20D has never made me regret about keeping my K100D ... but for now, I am a poor chap..even felt like wanting to get 50-135 f2.8 and 16-45 f2.8 ...

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