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  • Hi, I'm interested in the Cosina 50mm f/1.4 at S$95. Is it still available? Does this lens have an A-mode on the aperture ring, or do you have to rely on stop-down metering (on a K20D). My experience with manual lenses is non-existent, sorry if these questions seem stupid.
    hi, feng wei

    I want to sell my DA300. do you think I can sell it at 1850? It is still new in box. No time to use it.

    hi fengwei, noticed that you went to TW's flea market 2 years ago, may I know where's that about?

    I compared Taipei and HK Ptentax price, HK is cheaper alot in original product, not sure about the 2nd hand product.
    Hello Fengwei,

    Saw your ads.

    I checked Pentax homepage for LX camera but can't find. Can the LX Winder used for for MX?
    hi fengwei,

    can you advise me where to post if i want to sell SG F1 tickets? not just for pentax users, but everyone in clubsnap too.

    is consumers corner under the Marketplace suitable?

    If you have time, could u let me know where to get the Body cap for K20D ... and len back ....
    The last guy sold me with the len attached but no body cap and len back cap.
    FengWei, I saw this on Evil Bay, good price?

    Kinda of nice condition...

    AbangB is selling grey K20D from USA ... for around 1500 for the whole set... haven't really negotiated yet .. it that worth it...?

    in China it's about 1200 .. does this comes with the grip and kit len-which I don't need..?

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