Olympus E-P2 launched

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There are no direct comparison btween these 2 cams. So pls give some info to back up your claim of bad colors from gf1.

There are no direct comparison btween these 2 cams. So pls give some info to back up your claim of bad colors from gf1.

Just shoot the same scene in iAuto mode from both cameras and see the jpg output, I think that is what he meant. RAW processing is personal and subjective already. And not everyone is capable of really tweak RAW though...

Some like cool, some like warm, so again it is subjective.

There are two kind of people with cameras... photographers and cameraman... oh, not forgetting hum sup lo... LOL!... Take it easy lah my young protege shooter...

:bsmilie: Too long no post. Sorry about that. Haha!

And yep, what I meant was out of cam JPG output. :)

But again, it's subjective. So what looks good to me might not be to you, so... :bsmilie:

worst.. 4wks owning the GF-1 I still unable to install the silkypix raw converter that comes with the camera on my main pc..."always give an error says installation interrupted..." so i cannot even play around those raw image that i took. now have to live with GF1 jpeg output for the time being until i get a raw converter for it.

miss oly color badly and hope so much that the ep2 has faster focus... i can live without flash but need that faster focus to catch my kids..


worst.. 4wks owning the GF-1 I still unable to install the silkypix raw converter that comes with the camera on my main pc..."always give an error says installation interrupted..." so i cannot even play around those raw image that i took. now have to live with GF1 jpeg output for the time being until i get a raw converter for it.

miss oly color badly and hope so much that the ep2 has faster focus... i can live without flash but need that faster focus to catch my kids..


Unfortunately, the AF is still the same. If your kids are hyper, then it might be back to DSLRs to solve that issue. Or go manual.

worst.. 4wks owning the GF-1 I still unable to install the silkypix raw converter that comes with the camera on my main pc..."always give an error says installation interrupted..." so i cannot even play around those raw image that i took. now have to live with GF1 jpeg output for the time being until i get a raw converter for it.

miss oly color badly and hope so much that the ep2 has faster focus... i can live without flash but need that faster focus to catch my kids..


Anti-virus software in the way?

Disconnect from any internet connection, disable the anti-virus software, install Silkypix SE, enable the anti-virus software, and restore your internet connection, right? I'm assuming that you're on Windows.

Maybe the most important thing is... look into the viewfinder and see? I mean, specs are written by marketing folks, and there MUST be a reason behind that logic... :bsmilie:

I've got a name for these particular marketing folks and I can't say it here. :bsmilie:

In any case, I think that the E-P1 should be retired already. By the time they get this line to a full-featured camera body, we'll be at E-P28.

I've got a name for these particular marketing folks and I can't say it here. :bsmilie:

In any case, I think that the E-P1 should be retired already. By the time they get this line to a full-featured camera body, we'll be at E-P28.

Maybe E-P3a, E-P3b, E-P3c.... E-P3y?

haa that's what one of my contractor did for his software version change when we told him the final version has to stop at v13...he came up with v12.a, v12.b.....to circumvent the issue

I find the evf particularly attractive.

Saw alot of posts regarding "no flash = no upgrade"
May i know why do you want an inferior inbuilt flash anyway?
I'll gladly use the external ones they have.

in terms of focussing, is it really that bad? im looking for an upgrade frm my gx100. if focussing is better, i'd def put my money on one.

Try it out when it comes. :)

in terms of focussing, is it really that bad? im looking for an upgrade frm my gx100. if focussing is better, i'd def put my money on one.

The best thing is to try the camera first and then decide if it works for you.
If you are shooting kids, seems like Olympus has tested the C-AF Tracking on kids. Interesting.

I find the evf particularly attractive.

Saw alot of posts regarding "no flash = no upgrade"
May i know why do you want an inferior inbuilt flash anyway?
I'll gladly use the external ones they have.

The only problem now is, when you are using the EVF, you cannot attach an external flash. Hmmm...:think:

The only problem now is, when you are using the EVF, you cannot attach an external flash. Hmmm...:think:
Ya, that's right.. hmmm. :sweat:

Although some may suggest that a GN14 flash is of little use, I beg to differ, it can still be used as a fill flash and if you need more power or want to be creative can still use the pop-up flash to trigger other slave flashes.


The best thing is to try the camera first and then decide if it works for you.
If you are shooting kids, seems like Olympus has tested the C-AF Tracking on kids. Interesting.

The only problem now is, when you are using the EVF, you cannot attach an external flash. Hmmm...:think:

An EVF is good to have but the down side is really the sharing of the hotshoe slot. EVF vs External Flash, I choose to mount a flash anytime.

I find the evf particularly attractive.

Saw alot of posts regarding "no flash = no upgrade"
May i know why do you want an inferior inbuilt flash anyway?
I'll gladly use the external ones they have.

I prefer to use an external flash anytime but I don't usually carry one everytime. So you see why a built-in flash will come in handy? (since most of us also use this as a 'Handy' size camera)

An EVF is good to have but the down side is really the sharing of the hotshoe slot. EVF vs External Flash, I choose to mount a flash anytime.

I prefer to use an external flash anytime but I don't usually carry one everytime. So you see why a built-in flash will come in handy? (since most of us also use this as a 'Handy' size camera)

All of you make sense. So let's wait for E-P6000! :bsmilie:

An EVF is good to have but the down side is really the sharing of the hotshoe slot. EVF vs External Flash, I choose to mount a flash anytime.
I think when you reach a certain age with eyes failing... your perspective might change. :bsmilie:

For now if you can focus accurately using the LCD.. good for you, many of us who needs the EVF bcos we old men. :sweatsm:


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in terms of focussing, is it really that bad? im looking for an upgrade frm my gx100. if focussing is better, i'd def put my money on one.

i recently tested EP-1 and GF1 at Courts. assuming the EP-1 has same speed as EP-2...

the EP-1 to me its about the same speed as a PnS camera, focuses in less than a second. GF1 is twice faster. both had some wrong focusing problems especially when shooting in macro. workaround here is to focus and recompose

EP-1 in-body IS is a BIG help. had a lot of blurred shots using the GF1

they say EP-1 LCD is inferior... but i actually like it more than the GF-1. it looks more contrasty to me which i prefer

note: this is just a casual comparison. im still undecided which one to get as well

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