Nikon's: A photographer is only as good as the equipment he uses!!!

if you come here and tell me equipment doesnt matter, then put the money where mouth is... sell your dslr and go back to your iphone/pns.. simple as that..

if you come here and tell me equipment doesnt matter, then put the money where mouth is... sell your dslr and go back to your iphone/pns.. simple as that..

Why use DSLR? It's not the best. Should use Medium Format Phase One camera. :bsmilie:

Buy a Hassleblad now and unleash your full potential. :bsmilie:

Why use DSLR? It's not the best. Should use Medium Format Phase One camera. :bsmilie:

Buy a Hassleblad now and unleash your full potential. :bsmilie:

Was it intentional? I would really love the hassle. :bsmilie::bsmilie:

Why use DSLR? It's not the best. Should use Medium Format Phase One camera. :bsmilie:

Buy a Hassleblad now and unleash your full potential. :bsmilie:
wait until i strike toto :bsmilie:

wait until i strike toto :bsmilie:

A toto-buyer is only as good as:

1) The money used to buy the toto
2) The wallet used to hold the money used to buy toto
3) The parrot used to pick the numbers
4) The bus taken to buy toto....
5) Etc


A good car makes a fast driver even faster. If not everyone will be racing in a toyota corrolla at f1 last weekend.

A good frying pan makes a good cook an even better cook. You will understand this if you cook...less oil, final product looks better, don't need such a big fire...just nothing beats the wok and knife that you are used to.

A good plane makes a good pilot a better pilot. Through the years, it is aircraft technology that has evolved to allow pilots to do the impossible. It is also technology that has made aircrafts that are totally wrong from stability point of view, perfectly flyable.

A good camera makes a good photographer a better one. Yes, iphone, pns etc can make nice artistic photo, but it just does not have the resolving power. Can your iphone shoot a 20mp 1:1 macro of a tiny butterfly, where every pixel is useful? No, but most good dslr can. Can a pro ff dslr shoot a 40mp landscape photo where every pixel is useful? No, but a medium format digital back can. Do we even need that sort of resolution for hobbyist? Nope, but if you want sometime better and can afford it, why think so much? And there are some situations, when a photographer is only as good as his camera.

A good car makes a fast driver even faster. If not everyone will be racing in a toyota corrolla at f1 last weekend.

A good frying pan makes a good cook an even better cook. You will understand this if you cook...less oil, final product looks better, don't need such a big fire...just nothing beats the wok and knife that you are used to.

A good plane makes a good pilot a better pilot. Through the years, it is aircraft technology that has evolved to allow pilots to do the impossible. It is also technology that has made aircrafts that are totally wrong from stability point of view, perfectly flyable.

Good equipment yields better results, but the measure of a craftsman has nothing to do with his equipment. My point from the start, has always been - good photographer is about skill set , good equipment is another thing altogether. Making the best pictures, you want the best of both worlds for the apt situation, but the man IS separate from the machine. :)

Why use DSLR? It's not the best. Should use Medium Format Phase One camera. :bsmilie:

Buy a Hassleblad now and unleash your full potential. :bsmilie:

I totally 100% agree with you!!! I give u all my hands, fingers and arms up + legs, feet and toes up for u!!!

too bad hassy doesnt make ultra telephotos.... if not I would ultra consider getting a hassy...

OMG, what have I been doing till now? I must go buy a really good pen, hmm maybe Mont Blanc and start writing Pulitzer winning novels. Why had I not thought of that sooner?:kok::hammer:

OMG, what have I been doing till now? I must go buy a really good pen, hmm maybe Mont Blanc and start writing Pulitzer winning novels. Why had I not thought of that sooner?:kok::hammer:

The statement reads "A photographer is only as good as the equipment he uses"

This could be taken to mean loosely that "A photographer will be limited by the equipment he uses", that is true and is what all the naysayers are using to justify the statement.

An alternative interpretation that a lot of people are taken (and it is not unfair that they take this interpretation) is that "Equipment is more important than photographer", that is very debatable.

At the end of the day, Nikon is still looking silly because it made such a statement. How's that for a quick summary of these few pages? :bsmilie:

A good car makes a fast driver even faster. If not everyone will be racing in a toyota corrolla at f1 last weekend.

A good frying pan makes a good cook an even better cook. You will understand this if you cook...less oil, final product looks better, don't need such a big fire...just nothing beats the wok and knife that you are used to.

A good plane makes a good pilot a better pilot. Through the years, it is aircraft technology that has evolved to allow pilots to do the impossible. It is also technology that has made aircrafts that are totally wrong from stability point of view, perfectly flyable.

A good camera makes a good photographer a better one. Yes, iphone, pns etc can make nice artistic photo, but it just does not have the resolving power. Can your iphone shoot a 20mp 1:1 macro of a tiny butterfly, where every pixel is useful? No, but most good dslr can. Can a pro ff dslr shoot a 40mp landscape photo where every pixel is useful? No, but a medium format digital back can. Do we even need that sort of resolution for hobbyist? Nope, but if you want sometime better and can afford it, why think so much? And there are some situations, when a photographer is only as good as his camera.
you mean like this?

hehe.. oh wait.. that is not even a toyota, my bad..
anyway, no point discussing as there are two sides in a coin.. we just have to agree to disagree

The statement reads "A photographer is only as good as the equipment he uses"

This could be taken to mean loosely that "A photographer will be limited by the equipment he uses", that is true and is what all the naysayers are using to justify the statement.

An alternative interpretation that a lot of people are taken (and it is not unfair that they take this interpretation) is that "Equipment is more important than photographer", that is very debatable.

At the end of the day, Nikon is still looking silly because it made such a statement. How's that for a quick summary of these few pages? :bsmilie:

Haha I understand that the mistake was made by only one of the employees and doesn't represent Nikon as a whole. What I typed was in response to Mr. rasdeep. Should have used the quote function to prevent misunderstandings :bsmilie:

Haha I understand that the mistake was made by only one of the employees and doesn't represent Nikon as a whole. What I typed was in response to Mr. rasdeep. Should have used the quote function to prevent misunderstandings :bsmilie:

Just thinking aloud, anyhow quote your post, not responding to you either. :bsmilie:

Haha I understand that the mistake was made by only one of the employees and doesn't represent Nikon as a whole. What I typed was in response to Mr. rasdeep. Should have used the quote function to prevent misunderstandings :bsmilie:
oh Mr spree86, in that case with your mont blanc, you will very likely fall into this category
"And there are some situations, when a photographer is only as good as his camera." ;p
anyway, have fun guys.. this topic is getting old, chao

“Don’t spend money on gear. Spend it on plane tickets.” -Yves Chouinard

Everytime i think about buying new gear i always think about this quote and this article by david duchemin. Bought my air ticket to kathmandu (heading to everest base camp) in december in the end. :)


btw this was shot using my iPhone 3GS
with no fancy filters

i would like to see some DSLR users beat this

the person behind the camera matters more than the equipment he/she uses, if he/she does not know how to fully make use if the equipment then the result will not be good

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Good equipment yields better results, but the measure of a craftsman has nothing to do with his equipment. My point from the start, has always been - good photographer is about skill set , good equipment is another thing altogether. Making the best pictures, you want the best of both worlds for the apt situation, but the man IS separate from the machine. :)

Yes, I agree that measure of a craftsman has nothing to do with his equipment. However, in the real world, a man is made by his eqiupment. The equipment is useless without him. The man is nothing without his equipment. I hope this doesn't give a "money can do everything" impression, but after being in a competitive environment for a couple of years, I have come to realise the importance of better tools. Despite me being less capable, my better equipment from more fundings have given me the edge over my competitors, time and time again.

OMG, what have I been doing till now? I must go buy a really good pen, hmm maybe Mont Blanc and start writing Pulitzer winning novels. Why had I not thought of that sooner?:kok::hammer:

Might sound weird...but I write faster and better in exam with the non-refillable pilot gel pen, simply because it is the lightest. Oh ya, MUST BE 1/3 ink left, if not the balance is funny...So pen does

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