Canon 1000D thread III! [general discussion]

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Originally Posted by rocfreaks
so here is the info.

What: Session on photograhy fundamentals I.
Who: Thomas will be teaching us.
For: All of us who is interested in understanding the power of black and white.
When: 150309, 1500hrs
Where: Thomas's place in Sengkang
Bring: Bring along yourself, 6 pictures which you took(any pictures lah). Can bring along your laptop...

8 people in a group...

1. Affan 1000D 92254410
2. De3pster 96433664
3. Fatah
4. sleepytiti (97422474)
5. Chooi Mei (choomee)
6. Haslan (91826646)
7. Just2ofus (91557023)

I'm in!

okay so confirm of people who are going.

1. rocfreaks
2. Hardeep
3. Fatah
4. Felix
5. Chooi Mei
6. Haslan
7. Just2ofus

And please bring your bestest/notyourbestest pictures(Quantity:6) on Sunday.

Ps: If i missed out on someone, update this post. Sorry hor.

Its a good idea... And is a bad idea as well...

Its a good idea is because, imho, i think it will make gallery looks neater and of course systematic. :thumbsup:

The bad side of the idea is that, people tend to have their own weaknesses. Eg; Maybe one of the month, the theme is on Macro photography.. There are many bros who have no right lenses for him/her to take macro photography or maybe he sucks big time with macro, so he might have to wait for at least a month before he can place his pictures. And the next theme might not for his pictures...

So i'm kinda neutral abit this bro ;)

Yup, agree with rock here..what if we had a theme on macro, i myself dun have a macro lens. afraid when came to macro photography..the post will be lesser.
hmm..anyway its open to all..not only for 1000D..i believe other people with macro interest can post too..but its only if they came across the themes for that particular month..hmm.:think:

Guys help to consider...

But Bros, personally I feel that we have not reach the full potential of our objectives, C&C is still lacking so how to improve.
I 2gether with Roc just return from the Spore Photographic Society C&C session as guest of Bro Ardaan. It was a GREAT learning experience.
Even Bro Ardaan SUPERP photo got C&C.
I suggest we look into this, as we need to understand that our seniors and sifu(s) may not have sufficient time for us. Though we must appreciate their effort to 'go down' at our level.

My thoughts; maybe once a month we gather somewhere to show 6 pics each and everyone give their thoughts ... or something along this line la.

People, your thoughts please as I maybe wrong ..... Im always wrong.

Hi chakka..for C&C i believe its the nature of human art.Theres always compliments,critics and comments. But if we take this as systematically arrangement for our photo should be fun. The idea is to fill us with idea on what to post monthly,.. but like affan aka roc was saying..wat if sum1 touch in macro themes or even studio photography. Den some of us will be jammed especially me..hahaha.

Guess its quite hard ah. hmm if we look at the situation now..all of us will sometimes try to host a outing..and the outing will bring up a theme. but then, majority of members here will not able to take part due to availabilty of everyones on this way it also give us the flexibilty in posting our pics.

k its alrite..anyway still need more suggestions and idea.. i follow the flow..haha :thumbsup:

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Its a good idea... And is a bad idea as well...
Its a good idea is because, imho, i think it will make gallery looks neater and of course systematic. :thumbsup:
The bad side of the idea is that, people tend to have their own weaknesses. Eg; Maybe one of the month, the theme is on Macro photography.. There are many bros who have no right lenses for him/her to take macro photography or maybe he sucks big time with macro, so he might have to wait for at least a month before he can place his pictures. And the next theme might not for his pictures...
So i'm kinda neutral abit this bro ;)

Agree with rocfreaks. There are some areas of photography that may not interest everyone and they will feel left out. Maybe instead of making the theme fairly specific, we can just pick a theme and any shots that follows the theme will do.

For example, a theme like "Reflection" could apply to someone with only telephoto lenses as well as wide angle lenses (and even macro shots). If someone is really into moonshots .. they can still do that and stick with the theme. Another example might be "crooked" or "straight" or "circles" or "primary colors".

So if you are specialising .. you should be able to find subject matter in your area of specialisation but if your interest of the month/week/fortnight is product shots or macro shots you can still do it. Think about it .. if you kenna BBB virus and drop a lot of money on a 70-200 f2.8L and the theme of the month was macro .. you would be frustrated (well i would).

2 cents .. mine.

Hi pipol... ive been reading this thread for sometimes... this is also my arena and its a good idea what fatah presented or i can i say Chief Fatah? Cheers.Uv been the heart and soul of this thread and i thank you for making it grow because everyone benefit. So you are looking for suggestion... and its time for us to support this wonderful idea. I would AGREE on your propose idea... why not... it will give us straight idea on what to post... a theme that everyone can relate because all of us is in the same page. Well we can start on listing themes? let say we change it every 2 weeks.... so we still have 2 weeks to come up on all the potential theme that Club 1000d will be posting...

Suggested theme:
1. Kids, and their expressions - Fatah
2. Moonshot
3. Product Photography
4. Last Kampung on Singapore Mainland ( - fedodedo
5.street candid ...
and so on...

So whats your theme? Anything... Share

How about Macro for you guys? :think:

Some general theme is good too. Anyway, I think the Canon photography competition is good for you guys too.

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Agree with rocfreaks. There are some areas of photography that may not interest everyone and they will feel left out. Maybe instead of making the theme fairly specific, we can just pick a theme and any shots that follows the theme will do.

For example, a theme like "Reflection" could apply to someone with only telephoto lenses as well as wide angle lenses (and even macro shots). If someone is really into moonshots .. they can still do that and stick with the theme. Another example might be "crooked" or "straight" or "circles" or "primary colors".

So if you are specialising .. you should be able to find subject matter in your area of specialisation but if your interest of the month/week/fortnight is product shots or macro shots you can still do it. Think about it .. if you kenna BBB virus and drop a lot of money on a 70-200 f2.8L and the theme of the month was macro .. you would be frustrated (well i would).

2 cents .. mine.

hmmmm this sounds better:cheers:

For benefits for all of us,

I will post some technicalities/tips/blah blah blah, everyday at around 1030pm, starting from tomorrow.

From there, if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask about those tips. hahaha. Some i copy from Firdaus' scott kelby's books... :) So credits to Firdaus and Kelby..

And if i feel that i'm kinda running dry on tips, please help me to contribute too okay. :)

Agree with rocfreaks. There are some areas of photography that may not interest everyone and they will feel left out. Maybe instead of making the theme fairly specific, we can just pick a theme and any shots that follows the theme will do.

For example, a theme like "Reflection" could apply to someone with only telephoto lenses as well as wide angle lenses (and even macro shots). If someone is really into moonshots .. they can still do that and stick with the theme. Another example might be "crooked" or "straight" or "circles" or "primary colors".

So if you are specialising .. you should be able to find subject matter in your area of specialisation but if your interest of the month/week/fortnight is product shots or macro shots you can still do it. Think about it .. if you kenna BBB virus and drop a lot of money on a 70-200 f2.8L and the theme of the month was macro .. you would be frustrated (well i would).

2 cents .. mine.

yeah agree with kelvin.....
K we take its as free and easyy..haha..for macro..i can use my PnS camera..set to macro mode..haha..den i get macro shotz,,good suggestion kevin. at least it eliminates some of the worryness, hehehe :thumbsup:

For benefits for all of us,

I will post some technicalities/tips/blah blah blah, everyday at around 1030pm, starting from tomorrow.

From there, if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask about those tips. hahaha. Some i copy from Firdaus' scott kelby's books... :) So credits to Firdaus and Kelby..

And if i feel that i'm kinda running dry on tips, please help me to contribute too okay. :)

Now we are talking, and other bros pls share your tips too. Gosh all these good things coming into placed .... I will surely miss my education.

But Bros, personally I feel that we have not reach the full potential of our objectives, C&C is still lacking so how to improve.
I 2gether with Roc just return from the Spore Photographic Society C&C session as guest of Bro Ardaan. It was a GREAT learning experience.
Even Bro Ardaan SUPERP photo got C&C.
I suggest we look into this, as we need to understand that our seniors and sifu(s) may not have sufficient time for us. Though we must appreciate their effort to 'go down' at our level.

My thoughts; maybe once a month we gather somewhere to show 6 pics each and everyone give their thoughts ... or something along this line la.

People, your thoughts please as I maybe wrong ..... Im always wrong.

I have similar feelings as well. I think the problem is that the majority of ppl here are looking for CC but are uncomfortable giving them because we feel that we are just learning. At the very least I found myself doing that .. so I have actually been trying to put some effort into putting some CC ... i must admit .. it is a little wierd since it is not in my personality to 'criticize' other ppl (I very easy going one :D). So I am just trying to make an effort to at least put some comment even if I feel I dont have anything to say and hope that i can develop the habit to CC others pics (so bear w me if I put nonsense in your pic for CC :D).

How about Macro for you guys? :think:

Some general theme is good too. Anyway, I think the Canon photography competition is good for you guys too.
I think I am the only one here 'xiao' macro one :D:p will only have 1 entry that month if it is macro theme.

I have similar feelings as well. I think the problem is that the majority of ppl here are looking for CC but are uncomfortable giving them because we feel that we are just learning. At the very least I found myself doing that .. so I have actually been trying to put some effort into putting some CC ... i must admit .. it is a little wierd since it is not in my personality to 'criticize' other ppl (I very easy going one :D). So I am just trying to make an effort to at least put some comment even if I feel I dont have anything to say and hope that i can develop the habit to CC others pics (so bear w me if I put nonsense in your pic for CC :D).

Just give comments lah. If the person thinks that you're too amateurish to give him/her comments, i guess he/she is not being professional.

At least, we know how people judge our pictures. Another person's views won't hurt.

Everyone have their own views, imho.

So i guess we can never satisfy everyone ;O)

How about Macro for you guys? :think:

Some general theme is good too. Anyway, I think the Canon photography competition is good for you guys too.

Guys, dont have to look far. What about RyanG event ????? this is a great start. He makes the effort, so participating is a gain gain thingy ... go for it.

Guys, dont have to look far. What about RyanG event ????? this is a great start. He makes the effort, so participating is a gain gain thingy ... go for it.

more here. have fun. march submittion date is coming.


Cakka, i just realise your hair lah. Wah sey!!

Happening giler beb!

he he he ... those were the times my mum said 'Belum jadi Orang' not yet human. Live, eat & sleep Led Zeppelin & Pink Floyd. Now mellow down .... as Bro Dev's 'Aged to Perfection' but I only aged la. Cant even use a simple 1000D and too many nooby question to ask.

Bro, I also haev a 105mm macro lens. You can call me to accompany you go shoot shoot ;)
I have not used the lens once yet for shooting insect or flower.

you hardcore sigma fan? seems like i only see you with a sigma lens. haha.

i actually stay in sengkang as well .. maybe we should hook up one day at the anchorvale park or something. I can learn a lot from you in terms of composition.

I havent tried insects for macros so far .. I don't really have proper lighting gear (ext flash or macro ring flash). I have always just taken shots of stuff that dont move :D like water droplets .. pencil lah, coin lah :D ... can just mount on tripod .. put small aperture and long exposure .. dont have to worry the coin walk away :D

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