Canon 1000D thread III! [general discussion]

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hahha.. chey.. if cannot share... that means dont need add la... hahaha

K la...haha, i make up my mind.. for easy communications.. maybe club 1000D can chat thru msn. K those interested in chattin can add me at k...add. please add.

Those got friendster also can add me. The same email add. Or can find me, nick is " The Gaslamp Killer" or heres the link . k.. facebook ..tagged i dun time to do.


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USM is an option in Photoshop.

Noise Ninja need to buy, I got it from my friend. But there's a trial version online.

mmm pm me fatah. but the new msn quite sucky always dunt allow me send must install thier anti virus which i dont want.

hI guys,

After giving my msn add..i able to have conversations with eleveninth,deepster and also netjackal. I find it quite fun.
When chattin with netjackal..we both find out that..its quite interesting if we able to communicate to each other in msn. regardless of time and place.

Si i have a suggestion..anyone of us here who wish to communicate with each other, thru msn. May want to leave ur id here. So we can add each other for msn conversation..

Wat u guys thinks. Sould i start a list like this.

1. Fatah (

& so on.

If u guys thing its not convenient than its ok.No hard feelings.hahah

hI guys,

After giving my msn add..i able to have conversations with eleveninth,deepster and also netjackal. I find it quite fun.
When chattin with netjackal..we both find out that..its quite interesting if we able to communicate to each other in msn. regardless of time and place.

Si i have a suggestion..anyone of us here who wish to communicate with each other, thru msn. May want to leave ur id here. So we can add each other for msn conversation..

Wat u guys thinks. Sould i start a list like this.

I really had fun chatting with Fatah. It felt like I went out to chat with my kaki without having to leave my office desk. Feel free to add me as well.
1. Fatah (
2. Netjackalsg (, Yahoo:iam.kelvin)

I really had fun chatting with Fatah. It felt like I went out to chat with my kaki without having to leave my office desk. Feel free to add me as well.
1. Fatah (
2. Netjackalsg (, Yahoo:iam.kelvin)
3.william yang ( MSN:

1. Fatah (
2. Netjackalsg (, Yahoo:iam.kelvin)
3. william yang ( MSN:
4. emotic aka firdaus (,

1. Fatah (
2. Netjackalsg (, Yahoo:iam.kelvin)
3. william yang ( MSN:
4. emotic aka firdaus (,
5. haslan (

Hi All,

I hope I am posting to the correct thread and hope that one of you guys can share their thoughts on this. I got a phottix battery grip for my 1000D recently and I am a bit puzzled coz when I use only 1 battery and insert it on either side, only one side will work. (ie. If i put the battery on the left side, it will work but not when i put it in the right side).

Is this normal or is this a problem with my grip which I need to be aware of? Based form your experience if in case you own one, can you use either of the sides when using only 1 battery pack? Also I have 2 batteries one is not fully charge and one is fully charge, if I use both, the battery indicator on the camera is showing 1 bar. Should it show full bars?? considering that the other battery is fully charge? How would I know if both battery compartments are working fine?

Need to get your thoughts guys! Sorry for inserting this topic.


1. Fatah (
2. Netjackalsg (, Yahoo:iam.kelvin)
3. william yang ( MSN:
4. emotic aka firdaus (,
5. haslan (
7. axis90x ( - i want number 7 xD

Hi All,

I hope I am posting to the correct thread and hope that one of you guys can share their thoughts on this. I got a phottix battery grip for my 1000D recently and I am a bit puzzled coz when I use only 1 battery and insert it on either side, only one side will work. (ie. If i put the battery on the left side, it will work but not when i put it in the right side).

Is this normal or is this a problem with my grip which I need to be aware of? Based form your experience if in case you own one, can you use either of the sides when using only 1 battery pack? Also I have 2 batteries one is not fully charge and one is fully charge, if I use both, the battery indicator on the camera is showing 1 bar. Should it show full bars?? considering that the other battery is fully charge? How would I know if both battery compartments are working fine?

Need to get your thoughts guys! Sorry for inserting this topic.


regardless of which side u put, it shld work lor..

as for the putting 1 fully charged n 1 not fully charged, it shld normally reflect as full bar or the most drop another bar.

I suspect ur BG got problem liao...

best to check with the seller..:)

Thanks so much bro. Yeah, I also thought that there is a problem. I already called the seller about it and he agreed to settle it out. :)

Hi All,

I hope I am posting to the correct thread and hope that one of you guys can share their thoughts on this. I got a phottix battery grip for my 1000D recently and I am a bit puzzled coz when I use only 1 battery and insert it on either side, only one side will work. (ie. If i put the battery on the left side, it will work but not when i put it in the right side).

Is this normal or is this a problem with my grip which I need to be aware of? Based form your experience if in case you own one, can you use either of the sides when using only 1 battery pack? Also I have 2 batteries one is not fully charge and one is fully charge, if I use both, the battery indicator on the camera is showing 1 bar. Should it show full bars?? considering that the other battery is fully charge? How would I know if both battery compartments are working fine?

Need to get your thoughts guys! Sorry for inserting this topic.


I just happen try mine today out of will work with any single batt inside. i batt shows 2 bars and the other shows 1 bar. Put together mine shows full bar...but mine original lah!

I just happen try mine today out of will work with any single batt inside. i batt shows 2 bars and the other shows 1 bar. Put together mine shows full bar...but mine original lah!

2 + 1 = full bar! :bsmilie:

WAHHH ,...haslansalamm avatar looks like rambo sia....
Rambo 6. hehehe

Any shooting plan tommorow

WAHHH ,...haslansalamm avatar looks like rambo sia....
Rambo 6. hehehe

Any shooting plan tommorow

Yo Bro Fatah

I'll be at Macritchie Reservoir SSS for National Junior Schools Canoeing Championship. Race starts 8.30 am

1. Fatah (
2. Netjackalsg (, Yahoo:iam.kelvin)
3. william yang ( MSN:
4. emotic aka firdaus (,
5. haslan (
6. fedodedo aka faizal ( msn: )
7. axis90x ( - i want number 7 xD

I just happen try mine today out of will work with any single batt inside. i batt shows 2 bars and the other shows 1 bar. Put together mine shows full bar...but mine original lah!

Yo bro dev..
I got plan early in the morning...hahaha. i can make it in the afternoon part. anyway our bro chakka flying off tommorow,..he will miss our action here. haha
But confirm he's now prepeared for his shoot during his trip now..power la chakka. Shoot alotz post alotz ah,,,


Hi All,

I hope I am posting to the correct thread and hope that one of you guys can share their thoughts on this. I got a phottix battery grip for my 1000D recently and I am a bit puzzled coz when I use only 1 battery and insert it on either side, only one side will work. (ie. If i put the battery on the left side, it will work but not when i put it in the right side).

Is this normal or is this a problem with my grip which I need to be aware of? Based form your experience if in case you own one, can you use either of the sides when using only 1 battery pack? Also I have 2 batteries one is not fully charge and one is fully charge, if I use both, the battery indicator on the camera is showing 1 bar. Should it show full bars?? considering that the other battery is fully charge? How would I know if both battery compartments are working fine?

Need to get your thoughts guys! Sorry for inserting this topic.


Yup... i faced tis prob too when my both phottix batt run out and i insert the canon one. It only works when i put the batt which is nearer to the original batt place. Tot it's normal, I just forget about it...

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