3 movies you watched 3 times or more.

Crash - countless number of times, still one of the best films ever in my opinion
Saving Private Ryan - fantastic film
Four Weddings and a Funeral - extremely British, extremely funny
Layer Cake - excellent plot
Top Gun - fantastic film all round

Saving Private Ryan - fantastic film

This is one landmark war film. The first person viewpoint during the beginning beach sequence was so well made, I was trembling in shock when I first watched it at the cinema. War must be avoided at all costs!

any Jean Pierre Jeunet fans around here? after watching (and owning) three of his films, Delicatessen, Amelie and A Very Long Engagement, i've totally fallen in love with his quirky story telling and amazing visuals. a good start for those who want to explore more into foreign language films...

Haha, very dark humoured.

Anyway, My pick: Cinema Paridiso, City of Joy, The Messenger (Jap)

Ya, and when the Trishaw uncle retaliated at the unreasonable boss, the whole cinema never failed to applause man! :D

What about 'The Girl Next Door' ? Enjoyable Movie.

This is one landmark war film. The first person viewpoint during the beginning beach sequence was so well made, I was trembling in shock when I first watched it at the cinema. War must be avoided at all costs!

The opening scene is one of the best ive seen from any movie, really set the scene well and showed why war must be avoided in about 5 minutes.

Spaceballs, A River Runs Through It, Storm of the Century, The Ghost and the Darkness, T2, Jesus according to Luke, Rocky 4, Twister....

any Jean Pierre Jeunet fans around here? after watching (and owning) three of his films, Delicatessen, Amelie and A Very Long Engagement, i've totally fallen in love with his quirky story telling and amazing visuals. a good start for those who want to explore more into foreign language films...

Yeah, I'm a pretty big fan of his flicks as well. Delicatessen is my favorite out of the three that you have listed. Though I do have all 3 DVDs :)

Haha, shockingly ive only seen that twice, great film though, Elisha Cuthbert is fit as!

yes initially thought its a "watch once then discard" teeny movie. I was wrong.

Yes Elisha Cuthbert is really HOT in this movie :sweat: :sweat:

The soundtrack for the movie is also awesome

1. Traffic - So well directed; star-studded cast, and no one overacted.

2. City of God (Brazilian) - Gritty and uplifting at the same time, compelling and tragic. Also superbly directed.

3. Matrix - First one is the best.

4. Alien - Again, the first one. Terrifying.

Other movies worth watching repeatedly: Amadeus, LOTR (any one), Black Hawk Down, The Abyss, American History X, Brazil, Titus, Capote.

Spaceballs, ....., The Ghost and the Darkness, T2, ....

Spaceballs....hahah....one hilarious ride! Mel Brooks is a genious!

The Ghost and the Darkness....watched it once on VHS many years ago and then again on DVD recently. Suspense was as gripping as when I first saw it!

This is a great film and truly inspirational, and more incredible because it's adapted from a story by Stephen King. Most of King's movie adaptation are just horror movies and some recent ones really Zzzzzzz. Another good King movie is Misery. Older classics like Stand by Me (River Pheonix) and The Shining also not bad.

For it is that last scene when Morgan Freeman finally found Tim Robbins on a beach and they hug, in soft focus, IIRC.

I like the part when his cell mate couldn't pronounce Alexander Dumas and pronounced it Dumb Ass.

That's really tickling.


And also this quote, "It's in here (pointing to his head), in here (pointing to his heart), that's the beauty of music, they can't take that from you"

I love this movie, the storyline.. the strong characters... superb. I must watch it again.


My wife and I both :heart: this movie!

Back to The Future (trilogy)

Love it man.......watched countless times

Chungking Express (23 times)
The Fight Club (about 15 times)
American History X (10 times)

Back to The Future (trilogy)

Love it man.......watched countless times

i agree. this movie has a timeless quality, maybe this is why it is still a permanent fixture at universal studios theme parks at over the world.

very good show. Michael J. Fox defining character.

Spaceballs....hahah....one hilarious ride! Mel Brooks is a genious!

The Ghost and the Darkness....watched it once on VHS many years ago and then again on DVD recently. Suspense was as gripping as when I first saw it!

the best part is the part where they "comb" the desert. :bsmilie: big laughs! :bsmilie:

I'm a romatic lah! So

Somewhere in time by Christopher Reeve & Jane Seymour.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

especially listen to the music....sends a chill down my spine each time [in a nice way] :)