3 movies you watched 3 times or more.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2003
Land Downunder
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Hi, just wondering if people here want to share their thoughts on 3 movies (any country, any language) that you have watched 3 times or more, by choice, not compulsion. Please exclude movies you had to watched many times due to the nature of your work. Tell us, in one short para per movie, why you liked the movie, to make you watch it 2 or more times by choice. I will consider the entire Star Wars series as one movie, in case any of you want to mention it.

Let me start by stating my own:

The Untouchables, starring Kevin Costner, Sean Connery. Watched at least 5 times.
This is a very beautiful movie. The sets, the costume(Giorgio Armani), the cinematography, the music (Ennio Moricone), even the violence is beautifully choreographed(the baby scene). The Art Direction (Art Decor period) is just pure eye-candy.

Raiders of the Lost Ark, starring Harrison Ford. Watched at least 7 times.
This is one of those movies you never get tired of watching. The action and suspense sequences are spaced out very comfortably, you don't fee tired, unlike some modern CG action flicks where you feel so giddy. The rest of the trilogy were pretty good too. There have been complaints of this series being very American xenophobic, with not so flattering portrayal of peoples like the Latin Americans, the Chinese, the Indians and the Arabs. Well, just watch the action and story and forget the political incorrectness.

Chocolat, starring Johnny Depp, Juliet Binoche. Watched 4 times.
First watched on the plane on a flight to the US. Watched it twice more on DVD and once more on the TV in the UK. The humour never ceased to make me laugh every time. The dramatized religious bigotry is very real in real life. How a person who wants to change people's lives got changed in the process. At the end, when people start to accept, tolerate, and see the better side of everyone else, it was so beautiful. Fictitious no doubt, but it makes me want to make this world a better world.

There are more movies, but for this thread, these are enough. :)

Please feel free to share your pick of 3 movies you watched at least 3 times.:thumbsup:

Raiders of the Lost Ark >5 times
The Last Crusade> 5 times
Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom > 5 times

James Bond Series> 5 times

Nemo> 20 times

Terminator 2

countless times.. watch so many times, I can recite the movie out for you. Coolest movie ever. with the best sound and action. Machines versus human movie always the best. The motorbike chase sequence is still the best action scene in all of movie making history.


watch this movie at least twice a month. since I was 25. Watch it so many times, I can problably direct the remake if there is a chance. The best sci fi movie ever. Harrison Ford in his best role. The acting and the emotions displayed in the movie is still the best in terms of film noir.

Annie Hall

The best classic movie. Watch it whenever I feel down. Big woody allen fan and this is still his best movie ever. Smart dialogue and clever scripting. :)

Ha...T2, I spent a bomb buying the LD box set. I think it is still the best episode of the series.

Bladerunner.....of course, Deckard. But why twice a month?

Annie Hall, hardly classic. I will start a "Classic" thread if this thread proves successful.

Fight club, Seven, Legends of the fall.

I noticed that it's all starring Brad pitt but in all fairness those were great movies with great scripting and very well shot. Not to mention Brad pitt's an excellent actor too.

The Big Lebowski
- One of my favorite comedies of all time. Doesn't get old. Think I've watched this about 10 times.

Full Metal Jacket
- Best war movie ever made. Platoon and Apocalypse Now come a close second, but this one still sits above the rest. Have definitely seen this more than 3 times.

Amores Perros
- One of my favorite movies. Just an excellent film all round.

I was wondering if you had meant by movies at the theatre more than 3 times or watching it at home...oh well, here's my top 3 in random order (seriously i've watched a few movies more than 3 times on my DVDs :bsmilie: )

1) That Thing You Do! (5 times in the cinema, countless on my DVD)

Was crazy about this show because of the catchy songs....and probably Liv Tyler :sweat:

2) Bad Boys 1 and 2

Just love the way Will Smith and MArtin Lawrence sprout their profanities! :thumbsup:

3) JSA (Joint Security Area) Korean movie

Love this show...made me went all the way to South Korea to visit 'panmunjeon" aka JSA to experience the North/South Korea Border

Fight club, Seven, Legends of the fall.

I noticed that it's all starring Brad pitt but in all fairness those were great movies with great scripting and very well shot. Not to mention Brad pitt's an excellent actor too.

Yes, fight club is one very funky movie!

Don't really know how many times, but more than once ... these are some of the favorites that come to mind quickly, film-noiresque :

Pulp Fiction

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

Sin City

and more really, 3 is too few ...

and when I was a kid, countless times watching Bruce Lee movies :)


I liked Snatch and Tarantino's True Romance, where Brad Pitt were in them too, but only a bit part junkie in the latter ...

Fight club, Seven, Legends of the fall.

I noticed that it's all starring Brad pitt but in all fairness those were great movies with great scripting and very well shot. Not to mention Brad pitt's an excellent actor too.

A few good men

probably watched top gun like 20 times already since its been on HBO.

A bit of cheating here:)

1) Lord of the Rings Trilogy

2) Star Wars Original Trilogy

3) A.I

1. Saving Pte Ryan - more than 5 times
Why : One of the best war movies I saw... comparing with the thin red line which was on the screen around the same time... this movie was simply FANTASTIC !!! Great actions... Great actors... Great story too! Cant forget the 1st 15mins of the movie.

2. The Rock - more than 10 times
Why : The movie which have intro me the great actor in Nicholas Cage! Action-packed all the way... simply one of my favourite movie of all time. Even got the soundtracks of the movie! Best part of the movie... the shower room gunfight!!! " I will not give tat command!!!!!! "

3. 300 - 4 times
Why : Simply fantastic tats why! The fighting scenes... who cares its all done on computers... it simply ROCKS!!! " THIS IS WHERE WE FIGHT! THIS IS WHERE THEY DIEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! "


Some of the films I have watched more than 3 times....

- Kill Bill 1 and 2
- Independence Day
- The Hours
- Lord of the Rings trilogy
- Xmen 1 & 2
- The Mummy and The Mummy Returns
- The Godfather trilogy
- Finding Nemo
- Miyazaki's anime such as Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and Totoro
- The Exorcist
- The Blair Witch Project (I don't know why a lot of people hate this film)

Still got quite a lot of films but I can't remember....

1. Forrest Gump
2. Initial D cartoon...part 1 2 3 and project D
3. Lord of the Rings trilogy

I am too bohliao so cannot remember exactly how many times I watch all those :sweat:

3. 300 - 4 times
Why : Simply fantastic tats why! The fighting scenes... who cares its all done on computers... it simply ROCKS!!! " THIS IS WHERE WE FIGHT! THIS IS WHERE THEY DIEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! "


300 x 4 = 1200 !!! You just watched 1200!
:bsmilie: :bsmilie: