3 movies you watched 3 times or more.

1) Back to the Future. Watched it so many times till the VHS tape went bonkers and the VCR player followed suit. i was so desperate to watch it again, that the minute my parents repaird the player, the first tape i watched was Back to the future again! or should i say, tried to watch, coz my VCR player immediately spoilt again. my mum spanked beat the crap out of me man. Movie is great, flashbacks of the workout fashion era eg. leotards, headbands and loud neon colours. "Doc" was such a character, and Biff made the film an enjoyable one on the whole. Great scene was when Marty was performing "Earth Angel" and "Johnny B Goode" on the stage, anticipating George to kiss his mom. part 3 was even better.

my favourite part is always the part where horse manure is dumped onto Biff. :bsmilie:

1) Roman Holiday (Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck)
2) Somewhere in time (Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour)
3) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet)

2) Somewhere in time (Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour)

This was Christopher Reeves best movie after the Superman series, IMHO. And Jane Seymour was just soooooooo beautiful in this movie! The romantic theme music, wow!....just drives me nuts, yes, even a male like me. Believe it or not, there is Fan Club for this movie and most members are actually male! Watched it on TV once and on tape once, and just recently bought the DVD and watched it again with my wife. Only disappointment with the DVD is that it is not anamorphic widescreen.

1) Silence of the Lambs:
at least 12 times - brilliant script and chemistry between anthony hopkins and jodi foster

2) Black Hawk Down
5 times - the scene in the begining where the militant picks up his AK47 after praying was so powerful

3) Happy Together
3 times - wong kar wai film, the mood / colours of the entire film was really great

4) Dancer in the Dark
4 times - liked the music mostly, and the last scene where bjork got hung still haunts me

5) Kill Bill 1 & 2
3 times each - great soundtrack, great mood, silly fight scenes, very campy and uma is such a babe

6) Closer -
3 times - Natalie Portman with the wig :bsmilie:

7) Matrix
at least 7 times - very alternative movie at its time, and really good fight scenes, IMO all action movies now all take some inspiration from the matrix which took inspiration from HK action movies

7) Matrix
at least 7 times - very alternative movie at its time, and really good fight scenes, IMO all action movies now all take some inspiration from the matrix which took inspiration from HK action movies

The action wasn't inspired by HK action movies, they were actually chorographed by HK martial arts director Yuen Woh Ping.

Perrenial favorites If I have to choose.
But so many movies i have watched more than 3 times over.

1. Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo
My all time favorite director/documentarian, always amazed at how he got away with the investors with getting a bunch of people carrying a whole steamboat over the peruvian mountains. only in the 1980s!

2. Ang Lee Eat man drink woman
Only indie movie i like from him, not including commercial ones like crouching tiger and brokeback. started the whole food film genre craze for me. exception of Peter greenway, but thats another story.

3. Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
Always love Jean-Pierre Jeunet's direction and scripts. Watched most of his early films more than 3 times. another director who always uses the same cinematographier

besides that Julio Medem works for his scripts such as artic circle and tierra

Wong kar wai's films mainly for its cinematography by Chris doyle's, if not for the beautiful art direction, his films are quite boring.

Johnny To for his reinvention of the gangster genre as well as his commerical flicks like Election and running out of time.

and Takesi Kitano's stuff, because I don't reallly understand it the first few times of watching it.

Not possible to list only 3 - here are some of my favorites - not necessarily in this order

1. Return of the Jackal

2. The Thomas Crown Affair

3. The Bourne Identity (both 1 and 2)

4. Commando (with Arnold S)

5. Dirty Harry

6. Lethal Weapon

7. The Eagle Has Landed

8. The Matrix series (of course)

Perrenial favorites If I have to choose.
But so many movies i have watched more than 3 times over.

1. Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo
My all time favorite director/documentarian, always amazed at how he got away with the investors with getting a bunch of people carrying a whole steamboat over the peruvian mountains. only in the 1980s!

2. Ang Lee Eat man drink woman
Only indie movie i like from him, not including commercial ones like crouching tiger and brokeback. started the whole food film genre craze for me. exception of Peter greenway, but thats another story.

3. Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
Always love Jean-Pierre Jeunet's direction and scripts. Watched most of his early films more than 3 times. another director who always uses the same cinematographier

besides that Julio Medem works for his scripts such as artic circle and tierra

Wong kar wai's films mainly for its cinematography by Chris doyle's, if not for the beautiful art direction, his films are quite boring.

Johnny To for his reinvention of the gangster genre as well as his commerical flicks like Election and running out of time.

and Takesi Kitano's stuff, because I don't reallly understand it the first few times of watching it.

Wah...Ullyss, the films you watch are all very ARTY FAHTY leh.....some not even English!:confused:

Good for you! Thanks for sharing! :D

1) Silence of the Lambs:
at least 12 times - brilliant script and chemistry between anthony hopkins and jodi foster

2) Black Hawk Down
5 times - the scene in the begining where the militant picks up his AK47 after praying was so powerful

3) Happy Together
3 times - wong kar wai film, the mood / colours of the entire film was really great

4) Dancer in the Dark
4 times - liked the music mostly, and the last scene where bjork got hung still haunts me

5) Kill Bill 1 & 2
3 times each - great soundtrack, great mood, silly fight scenes, very campy and uma is such a babe

6) Closer -
3 times - Natalie Portman with the wig :bsmilie:

7) Matrix
at least 7 times - very alternative movie at its time, and really good fight scenes, IMO all action movies now all take some inspiration from the matrix which took inspiration from HK action movies

the best is the gogo yubari fight scene! :thumbsup:

Wah...Ullyss, the films you watch are all very ARTY FAHTY leh.....some not even English!:confused:

Good for you! Thanks for sharing! :D

These flicks are not arty fahty just not mainstream brain numbing hollywood flicks! ,
Grew up watching hong kong and japan gangster flicks then went into european flicks of great scripts, art direction and cinematography to learn about composition and lighting techiques. A wise one told me, if i wanted to learn about photography/cinematography, make sure i watch plenty of european/asian flicks, don't watch hollywood flicks with their one dimensional angles and souless direction.

I like the european flicks of the late 1970s and early 1980s then early 1990s when everyone had plenty of cash to throw at wacky directors who do crazy stuff
It was also the height of great Hong kong flicks, the HK film industry went into huge decline after that. So sad.

Hollywood movies tend to kill my brain cells with their souless crappy scripts. They just don't have any soul in them.

They did have a good run in the 1970s-80s with the Blaxploitation period and grindhouse flicks, so call arty soft era of russ meyers, jean franco, john waters.
Hollywood B-grade films are my favorites!

There's Rocky horror show, evil dead, george romero's zombie flicks, you can totally watch them more than 10 times and still never get sick.

Here is my list of movies:

- Interview with the Vampire (feat. Brad Pitt & Tom Cruise) about 5 times, I reckon
- City of Angels (feat. Meg Ryan & Nicholas Cage) >10 times, obvious eh? :) I still cry each time I watch it.
- The Notebook (feat. Ryan Gosling & Rachel Adams) about 5 times
- I Am Sam (feat. Michelle Pfeiffer & Sean Penn) 3-4 times
- Patch Adams (feat. Robin Williams) 4-5 times
- Dead Man Walking (feat. Sean Penn & Susan Sarandon) 3-4 times
- The Shawshank Redemption (feat. Tim Robbins & Morgan Freeman) 3 times
- LOTR Trilogy - 3 times

I'll just list down those that >5 times

Star Wars triology (old one with Leia and Luke)
Back to the future
Rambo 2
Indiana Jones Temple of Doom

3. Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
Always love Jean-Pierre Jeunet's direction and scripts. Watched most of his early films more than 3 times. another director who always uses the same cinematographier

The more well-known of the three, Amelie would also be one of my picks. A very witty script complimented with excellent cinematograhy - a combination that pleases the casual and more serious movie-goers alike. I've also seen Jeunet's Delicatessen, which also boasts the same qualities making it another enjoyable film.

Life Is Beautiful - Roberto Benigni
Some of you might remember this one from quite awhile back. I could remember that I really loved this film the first time I saw it when I was around 10-11 yrs old and finally went to get the DVD just recently. A very uplifiting film, where Benigni shines as both the male lead and director. It also helps that it won 3 Oscars including Benigni as best actor.

Forrest Gump - Robert Zemeckis
A very endearing story acted out by Tom Hanks perfectly.. from the southern drawl to forrest's mannerisms. A great film that just about anyone can relate to.

Infernal Affairs I (5 times)
The Departed was rubbish. This is the real deal man...

Heat (3 times)
This is clash of the gods, Robert de Niro and Al Pacino.
Very cool sh*t.
Gam pua cool sh*t.
My favourite line from De Niro's die hard loner character, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." Watch out for that scene when he does walk out in 30 seconds flat. Blood, bang and morals. Must watch. 1995 film by Michael Mann

Lower City (5 times)
Neat latin american movie. A lot of motor heat, skin, sweat, sex and terrific soundtrack. Sensual and seductive.

Closer (Uncountable)
Very good script, cutting dialogue, beautiful cast (Natalie Portman, Clive Owen, Julia Roberts and Jude Law) made even more poignant with haunting soundtrack by Damien Rice. I liked it because of it's realistic take on the complexities of modern relationships.

Shawshank Redemption (5 times including director's commentary)
I can't pin what made this story tick. Maybe after 2 hours worth of grey and gloom from the prison walls, the great reward of the Pacific Ocean makes it unforgettable. Or maybe it was Morgan Freeman's narration. Don't know. Very nice movie. Must watch again soon.

Apocalypse Now (Twice)
This one is self explanatory lah. Great war film.

Pretty Woman (At least 20 times)
Biologically programmed to like this movie.

Where can I find Annie Hall? HMV?

In The Mood For Love (7 times)
The only art film in asian cinema with any substance. I think this movie review explains my thoughts:http://www.celtoslavica.de/chiaroscuro/films/inthemood/moodlove.html

Infernal Affairs I (5 times)
The Departed was rubbish. This is the real deal man...

Heat (3 times)
This is clash of the gods, Robert de Niro and Al Pacino.
Very cool sh*t.
Gam pua cool sh*t.
My favourite line from De Niro's die hard loner character, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." Watch out for that scene when he does walk out in 30 seconds flat. Blood, bang and morals. Must watch. 1995 film by Michael Mann

Lower City (5 times)
Neat latin american movie. A lot of motor heat, skin, sweat, sex and terrific soundtrack. Sensual and seductive.

Closer (Uncountable)
Very good script, cutting dialogue, beautiful cast (Natalie Portman, Clive Owen, Julia Roberts and Jude Law) made even more poignant with haunting soundtrack by Damien Rice. I liked it because of it's realistic take on the complexities of modern relationships.

Shawshank Redemption (5 times including director's commentary)
I can't pin what made this story tick. Maybe after 2 hours worth of grey and gloom from the prison walls, the great reward of the Pacific Ocean makes it unforgettable. Or maybe it was Morgan Freeman's narration. Don't know. Very nice movie. Must watch again soon.

Apocalypse Now (Twice)
This one is self explanatory lah. Great war film.

Pretty Woman (At least 20 times)
Biologically programmed to like this movie.

Where can I find Annie Hall? HMV?

In The Mood For Love (7 times)
The only art film in asian cinema with any substance. I think this movie review explains my thoughts:http://www.celtoslavica.de/chiaroscuro/films/inthemood/moodlove.html

hope is a good thing, maybe the best of all good things, and no good thing ever dies. :)

28 Weeks Later (twice and will continue watching it down the road)
One of the best zombie flicks. Watched this twice alone just to maximise the freak factor. A thousand times better than 28 Days Later. Great thrill ride.

Ok I'll stop ranting now.