3 movies you watched 3 times or more.

Yep deckard, but there's more that contribute to the story. I think it's that grand liberating scene where Tim Robbins emerged from the river and there was thundering rain. Tsk tsk tsk...

Where did you get Annie Hall?

Yep deckard, but there's more that contribute to the story. I think it's that grand liberating scene where Tim Robbins emerged from the river and there was thundering rain. Tsk tsk tsk...

Where did you get Annie Hall?

For it is that last scene when Morgan Freeman finally found Tim Robbins on a beach and they hug, in soft focus, IIRC.

Shawshank Redemption (5 times including director's commentary)
I can't pin what made this story tick. Maybe after 2 hours worth of grey and gloom from the prison walls, the great reward of the Pacific Ocean makes it unforgettable. Or maybe it was Morgan Freeman's narration. Don't know. Very nice movie. Must watch again soon.

This is a great film and truly inspirational, and more incredible because it's adapted from a story by Stephen King. Most of King's movie adaptation are just horror movies and some recent ones really Zzzzzzz. Another good King movie is Misery. Older classics like Stand by Me (River Pheonix) and The Shining also not bad.

Zihuatanejo yeah.

Stand By Me was that story of 4 friends. Old stuff but neat.

Yep deckard, but there's more that contribute to the story. I think it's that grand liberating scene where Tim Robbins emerged from the river and there was thundering rain. Tsk tsk tsk...

Where did you get Annie Hall?

HMV :)

This is a great film and truly inspirational, and more incredible because it's adapted from a story by Stephen King. Most of King's movie adaptation are just horror movies and some recent ones really Zzzzzzz. Another good King movie is Misery. Older classics like Stand by Me (River Pheonix) and The Shining also not bad.

I quite admire King for his very varied styles. The Shining is one very terifying show.

Another prision saga by King, also great, is The Green Mile, starring Tom Hanks. Quite hardwarming too.

hope is a good thing, maybe the best of all good things, and no good thing ever dies. :)
I like the part when his cell mate couldn't pronounce Alexander Dumas and pronounced it Dumb Ass.

That's really tickling.


And also this quote, "It's in here (pointing to his head), in here (pointing to his heart), that's the beauty of music, they can't take that from you"

I love this movie, the storyline.. the strong characters... superb. I must watch it again.


Fear can hold you prisoner.

Hope can set you free.

Krzysztof Kieslowski's Blue, white and red watched all 3 in a single day years ago, simply breathtaking. Watched it countless times over the years, Red is the definitive out of the lot.

Fear can hold you prisoner.

Hope can set you free.

shawshank redemption what a great movie...

Other prison classics in my book "Papillon" with Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman. "The Great Escape" Steve McQueen and James Garner. "The Italian Job" well... thats another take altogether.

shawshank redemption what a great movie...

Other prison classics in my book "Papillon" with Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman. "The Great Escape" Steve McQueen and James Garner. "The Italian Job" well... thats another take altogether.

Steve Mcqueen is the coolest! :thumbsup:

The Departed is such a ripoff... can't believe they won awards from it...

There are plenty of asian art films with substance prior, Chungking Express, Raise the red latern, Eat Drink Man Woman, Made in HK, Yiyi ... WKW could not have done it better if not for Chris Doyle. Zhang Yimou(earlier works) Derek Yee, Fruit Chan, Edward Yang are great asian directors. In The Mood For Love be it fantastic, standalone doesn't overshadow the rest.

Infernal Affairs I (5 times)
The Departed was rubbish. This is the real deal man...

In The Mood For Love (7 times)
The only art film in asian cinema with any substance. I think this movie review explains my thoughts:http://www.celtoslavica.de/chiaroscuro/films/inthemood/moodlove.html

The Departed is such a ripoff... can't believe they won awards from it...

There are plenty of asian art films with substance prior, Chungking Express, Raise the red latern, Eat Drink Man Woman, Made in HK, Yiyi ... WKW could not have done it better if not for Chris Doyle. Zhang Yimou(earlier works) Derek Yee, Fruit Chan, Edward Yang are great asian directors. In The Mood For Love be it fantastic, standalone doesn't overshadow the rest.

politics lah.... give something to the old guy before he retires......

I'll have to say:

1. Bladerunner - there's something new everytime I watch it. New interpretation, missed scene, double-entendre...

2. Patton - I consider this not a war movie but a course in management. "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way!" Love that!

I'll have to say:

1. Bladerunner - there's something new everytime I watch it. New interpretation, missed scene, double-entendre...
2. Patton - I consider this not a war movie but a course in management. "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way!" Love that!

Exactly! I prefer the original, not the director's cut. :)

1. Grease - 7 times
2. Jesus Christ Superstar - 30+ times
When it was 1st shown in Singapore in the 70s, I booked tickets for the day's sessions back-2-back. Am still watching it on DVD ........ :D
3. The Godfather - 9 times

2. Jesus Christ Superstar - 30+ times
When it was 1st shown in Singapore in the 70s, I booked tickets for the day's sessions back-2-back. Am still watching it on DVD ........ :D

Yeah.....in the 70s my dad brought me to watch it at Prince, if I am not wrong. It was released in 70mm!

To be honest at that time, I didn't understand the movie at all. :dunno: