3 movies you watched 3 times or more.

Because its directed by the Grandmaster Wong Kai Wai : )

Some blu-ray discs to watch this weekend: Les Miserables (Crowe, Jackman, Hathaway version), Life of Pi, Richard Attenborough's Life on Earth (1979 version)

Amazing Life on Earth series have come up very well in the blu-ray conversion. I don't think anyone watching the series on TV during 1979 ever seen it so clearly with our "large" 23inch colour TVs.

So glad this thread is still active. Just watched two gangster movies back to back: "Gangster Squad" and "Lawless".

The latter is certainly a deaper movie with believable characters and very good acting by Tom Hardy and Guy Pearce. Great 1920's vintage cars on display too!

Gangster squad is almost like a comic book, with its saturated primary-colour visuals very similar to Dick Tracy but sadly with one dimensional characters and over the top violence.

1. The Truman show
2. The legends of the fall
3. One hour photo

1. The Truman show
2. The legends of the fall
3. One hour photo

Love the Truman Show too. Jim Carey was at his peak at this time! But this movie makes you think about life, when sometimes it is like a show.

So glad this thread is still active. Just watched two gangster movies back to back: "Gangster Squad" and "Lawless".

The latter is certainly a deaper movie with believable characters and very good acting by Tom Hardy and Guy Pearce. Great 1920's vintage cars on display too!

Gangster squad is almost like a comic book, with its saturated primary-colour visuals very similar to Dick Tracy but sadly with one dimensional characters and over the top violence.

L.A. Confidential is great! and the Untouchables too. Kevin Costner before Waterworld..

Caught Pearl Harbour, The Replacements and The Rock more than several times!

Caught Pearl Harbour, The Replacements and The Rock more than several times!

Pearl Harbour is a lovely movie. Kate Beckinsale was lovely! But a bit long to watch too many times.

Potential new movie for a 3-timer is Gravity. Short, exciting, and visually stunning.

3 movie 3 times or more:
1. Scarface
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Four Wedding and a Funeral