3 movies you watched 3 times or more.

3 favorites watched more than 3 times (among many!):

1. Monty Python Quest For The Holy Grail
2. Fight Club
3. Heat


Pulp Fiction

The Matrix

1. Top Gun
2. Hunt For The Red October
3. Amadeus
4. What Dreams May Come
5. Dead Poet Society

First 3 same, same... :)

1. Top Gun ( Great Balls of Fire )
2. Hunt For The Red October ( One Ping only... )
3. Amadeus ( Arggh... hehehehe... ) :bsmilie:

I wanna post my list too~

1. harry potter
2. forrest gump
3. titanic

can i have one more?

4. the hunt for the red october

these are my all time favourite~~

First 3 same, same... :)

2. Hunt For The Red October ( One Ping only... )

The interesting thing about this movie is that Sean Connery's charactor was the main star whilst Alec Baldwin's Jack Ryan took the background. Subsequent episodes of the Jack Ryan series had Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan, and in these episodes, Harrison Ford always took the lead! :)

yeah, the hunt for the red october was really cool..

i've yet to see amadeus.. is it anything like falco's rock me, rock me amadeus!?

yeah, the hunt for the red october was really cool..

i've yet to see amadeus.. is it anything like falco's rock me, rock me amadeus!?

Haven't seen falcos rock me, but this movie is a version of a stage play by Peter Shaffer, and not meant to be an objective biography of Mozart. But this is a beautiful movie, with great acting by F. Murray Abraham. Must see!

The interesting thing about this movie is that Sean Connery's charactor was the main star whilst Alec Baldwin's Jack Ryan took the background. Subsequent episodes of the Jack Ryan series had Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan, and in these episodes, Harrison Ford always took the lead! :)

Not forgetting current Jack Ryan, Ben Affleck

Star Trek the Movie - 3 times
This was in the early 80s & in those days, there was no video tape(couldn't afford also). First time watching it was facinating about the story but I couldn't understand the scientific terms. SO I went looking up astronomy books at the library. Second time, I could understand more of the terms but then I couldn't get the last part of the story. Only on the 3rd time did I managed to understand the whole story.

So cost of 3 shows together, $7.50

Speed - Many times
This is one show that's non-stop action all the way.

Blown Away - Many times
This was when I have a home theatre system and used it for sound testing.

Before Sunset

Before Sunrise

I think they are underrated commercial masterpieces. Being companion pieces, they were filmed about 10 years apart and sortof about 2 star-crossed lovers who met, did not see each other again for 10 years, and remet.

Stars Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke. They essentially talk throughout both films, no guns, no violence no twist in the tale etc etc. I cannot stand talkies, but they had so much chemistry and was so well scripted/well paced I ended up immersed in their characters throughout.

Star Trek the Movie - 3 times
This was in the early 80s & in those days, there was no video tape(couldn't afford also). First time watching it was facinating about the story but I couldn't understand the scientific terms. SO I went looking up astronomy books at the library. Second time, I could understand more of the terms but then I couldn't get the last part of the story. Only on the 3rd time did I managed to understand the whole story.

So cost of 3 shows together, $7.50

Speed - Many times
This is one show that's non-stop action all the way.

Blown Away - Many times
This was when I have a home theatre system and used it for sound testing.

For Star Trek Movie, the vger thingy is quite interesting!

Yes, Speed I also watched at least 4 times. Non stop action! But didnt watch Speed 2 cos I heard was quite crappy.

Black Hawk Down
Casino Royale : Always dream of being 007


Secret : Jay Chou is an amazing talent.

Black Hawk Down
Casino Royale : Always dream of being 007


Secret : Jay Chou is an amazing talent.

Black Hawk Down is :thumbsup: I am a Ridley Scott fan.
Casino Royale the opening chase sequence is simply jaw dropping! even better than the best of Jackie Chan chase sequences.

Jay Chou is one of those singer-turn-actor that have really made it. BTW, what is this "Secret" movie about? Watched a short sequence in a Laser Flare shop where he was playing the piano as the building was being demolished.

3 movies that I watched more than 3 times that I will recommend people to catch

1) The classic (korea movie)
2) 28 days later (HELL or HELLO??)
3) PTU (Hong Kong movie)

alien 1,2,3,4

predator 1,2

all more than three times..

The Sound of Music = 6 times
The Ten Commandments = 3 times
Star Wars > 3 times
The Day After Tomorrow > 3 times
the list goes on...

ya... how sad... but the AvP sequel sounds good..

Snatch - at least 6 times

Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels - at least 5 times

Pulp Fiction - 3 times

Blade Runner
The Matrix