Who is learning driving now?

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very happy today cos juz passed my tp test !!
thanks everyone here for all the precious advices and encouragement.
and for those taking the test soon, good luck and jia you jia you !!

Just many members said, just keep claim and dun panic. In case you commit a mistake, dun panic and correct it. Simply, just proof the TP that you can manage any situation or hazard on the road.
Yup,that's what happened to me. Drove up the slope on 2nd gear, stopped & pulled handbrake. While moving off, forgot to change to 1st gear then released clutch too fast. Engine stalled then car rolled back slightly but luckily i braked & pull handbrake again. This time round, took the correct steps but I was telling myself "Die liao la..." when i went down the slope.

Thank god i passed, that mistake only cost me like 3pts i think. Think if my car rolled back somemore with me fumbling, i would have failed.:D

now i hv a problem..i can't park w/o poles !!! :sweat: can only do head-in parking ;p
i guess i'll hv to do a lot of practising :sweatsm:

oh.. haha.. same. i can't visualize the turning points.. ask my instructor many times le. he says it will come to me one. just need to try and try. :think:

now i hv a problem..i can't park w/o poles !!! :sweat: can only do head-in parking ;p
i guess i'll hv to do a lot of practising :sweatsm:
Yes, practise more.

Use 1/2 clutch method and slight acceleration while reversing. See side mirrors and move slowly. Easier way to park is to position 45 degree to the lot. I position my side mirrors very slightly downward to see the park lot markings.

After reverse in, I will stop the car until the below of my right side mirror with a small gap to the parking lot front marking.

Dun be panic by other car who waiting for you to park. Safety always come first.

hi all, can someone pls correct or provide steps to do vertical parking correctly? cos i followed my instructor's method but always dun get it done!! here is the steps:

1. reverse until pole cannot be seen on the rear windscreen, turn fully to the left.
2. continue reverse and check right side mirror. once the pole is parralle to my body, return the steering back to original position.

hi all, can someone pls correct or provide steps to do vertical parking correctly? cos i followed my instructor's method but always dun get it done!! here is the steps:

1. reverse until pole cannot be seen on the rear windscreen, turn fully to the left.
2. continue reverse and check right side mirror. once the pole is parralle to my body, return the steering back to original position.
No safety check ? No signal ? Confirm score high points from your description.

Nowadays I do reverse parking in a high success rate ;p. I checked for ppl first, if ok, then i proceed. I use side mirrors to see whether my car will hit other car or not. If I didn't see their full front body, i go forward abit n turn more. I use other car to guide the distance which I should park, safer mah, haha! But if no car ard me, i wind down the window n see lor ;p

Later renting a car again for going ard sg. Also need to get some curtain n a dry box, so, need a car, better than taking cab. Gain some road experience n also, try to get known to other places too. Long way to go n hope I can afford a car one day. :think:

hi all, can someone pls correct or provide steps to do vertical parking correctly? cos i followed my instructor's method but always dun get it done!! here is the steps:

1. reverse until pole cannot be seen on the rear windscreen, turn fully to the left.
2. continue reverse and check right side mirror. once the pole is parralle to my body, return the steering back to original position.

That's the general idea... just came back from another round of parking practise with my instructor. Key to no 1 is to check constantly... if you see the pole again, turn back 1 to 1n1/2 turn to correct. Then check the left mirror for alignment. I only check the right side when the left is ok.

hi, can someone pls post the steps to vertical parking. thanks:)

now i hv a problem..i can't park w/o poles !!! :sweat: can only do head-in parking ;p
i guess i'll hv to do a lot of practising :sweatsm:

Head in parking very difficult to get out!! ;p Go for the driving orientation course.. they will teach you how to park without poles.. not that difficult actually. ;p

Head in parking very difficult to get out!! ;p Go for the driving orientation course.. they will teach you how to park without poles.. not that difficult actually. ;p

head in parking very difficult to get in.. straight.. hahahaha..

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