Who is learning driving now?

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yeah.. cheer up! not everyone passes on their 1st try.. :) when i go for my prac next week, i would have stopped driving for 4 mths. :bsmilie: wonder how it will be like.. probably will stall the car. :bsmilie:

yeah.. cheer up! not everyone passes on their 1st try.. :) when i go for my prac next week, i would have stopped driving for 4 mths. :bsmilie: wonder how it will be like.. probably will stall the car. :bsmilie:
Hey raptor1988,
I think driving the car is something like swimming? Once you learned it, quite difficult to forget. Probably the areas that might be rusty are the parking, slope and directional change.

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement! Hope I will make it the second time round!

{mich} :)

To be frank, I never had any problems with directional change during my practice sessions. I have no idea why I turned my steering wheel to the left instead to the right.

And during the directional change, I striked kerb, so 10 points gone.


this kind of thing happen.
same as me, dunno why turned my steering wheel to the left instead to the right.
and when i realise it, it was too late. the car was so near the kerb that it was impossible not to hit the curb when turning out.

so failed my first test. luckily passed on mine 2nd.

Hello everyone,
Thought i should just share my expriences with fellow CSnappers.

Took my TP test just now at SSDC. I failed. I had one immediate failure and a total of 28 points deducted. The one that killed me was the directional change. The immediate failure occured when I required more than 3 corrective changes.

To be frank, I never had any problems with directional change during my practice sessions. I have no idea why I turned my steering wheel to the left instead to the right.

And during the directional change, I striked kerb, so 10 points gone.

So from then on, I knew I failed - and the rest I did not bad - I checked all my blind spots and all. And since just now it had a huge downpour just now, my speed was also fine.

MORAL OF THE STORY - Do not let your nerves overtake your brain. Be confident and if some **** happens halfway, breath.

Anyway, my retest is 3 months from now. But I feel very guilty I'm spending so much of my parent's money just to get the license.

Sorry if I am just ranting and ranting away. I am very disappointed but I didn't expect my nerves to just crack at the last minute.

{Mich} :)

Yeah... Just learn from your mistake and I believe this test has given you some confidence in the next one. Just drive normally and don't care whether pass or fail. Just forget that it's a test.

taking my pt on tue afternoon.. can anyone tell me wad to expect? the flow of things, which one do first etc.. taking my test at CDC. :bsmilie:

taking my pt on tue afternoon.. can anyone tell me wad to expect? the flow of things, which one do first etc.. taking my test at CDC. :bsmilie:
Simple . Read this 30 pages thread again :bsmilie:

Just many members said, just keep claim and dun panic. In case you commit a mistake, dun panic and correct it. Simply, just proof the TP that you can manage any situation or hazard on the road.

that's alot.. went for my last lesson today.. wasn't that smooth. hit the pole when doing parallel parking, mount curb when entering crank course, made a U-turn when i should have waited a little.. but i din stall the car. :bsmilie:

excited and scared that tmw going for test.. dunno if the tester going to wear those huge shades and stare at me anot.. :eek:

have to calm my nerves. when i get nervous, i tend to rush things and it screws up my parking.. any tips on how to face the tester?

Good luck to you test... remember to show that you are confident... but not over confident... helps to deliver the correct perception of you to the tester...

As for parking... the key is to remember that your car behaves differently when you turn and move forward as compared to turn and move backward... this is due to the fact that you are turning only the front wheels and your front and back wheels take different lines...

Good luck to you test... remember to show that you are confident... but not over confident... helps to deliver the correct perception of you to the tester...

As for parking... the key is to remember that your car behaves differently when you turn and move forward as compared to turn and move backward... this is due to the fact that you are turning only the front wheels and your front and back wheels take different lines...

yep! thanks!! :bsmilie:

:D passed! 12 points! haha.. my circuit was ok. just that emergency brake wrong technique, din hold the wheel with both hands. on the road i had 2 insufficient acceleration, 1 fail to slow down when approaching road hazards and 2 wide turning.. other than that, i guess i'm ok. din get marked down for any blind spot checking. made mine as dramatic as possible.. turn my whole head until can't turn. :bsmilie:

:D passed! 12 points! haha.. my circuit was ok. just that emergency brake wrong technique, din hold the wheel with both hands. on the road i had 2 insufficient acceleration, 1 fail to slow down when approaching road hazards and 2 wide turning.. other than that, i guess i'm ok. din get marked down for any blind spot checking. made mine as dramatic as possible.. turn my whole head until can't turn. :bsmilie:
Congrats !!

Dun forget these safety rules while driving on the road , they are important to execute and not for show

Cool... so when are you getting your car?

:D passed! 12 points! haha.. my circuit was ok. just that emergency brake wrong technique, din hold the wheel with both hands. on the road i had 2 insufficient acceleration, 1 fail to slow down when approaching road hazards and 2 wide turning.. other than that, i guess i'm ok. din get marked down for any blind spot checking. made mine as dramatic as possible.. turn my whole head until can't turn. :bsmilie:

congrats raptor!! :)

:D thanks everyone! still feeling high.. :bsmilie: now not in any position to buy a car.. maybe 8 yrs later? :bigeyes:

:D passed! 12 points! haha.. my circuit was ok. just that emergency brake wrong technique, din hold the wheel with both hands. on the road i had 2 insufficient acceleration, 1 fail to slow down when approaching road hazards and 2 wide turning.. other than that, i guess i'm ok. din get marked down for any blind spot checking. made mine as dramatic as possible.. turn my whole head until can't turn. :bsmilie:

Congrats!!! :)

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