Who is learning driving now?

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All the best.

Drive with confidence..........

I got my first driving licence in 1981, and I am still learning how to drive...........:)

Damn cursed. Hit the side wall of the round turn inside carpark cause of misjudge :thumbsd:. In the end, pay $170 :bheart: for repaint of the whole bumper. Don't know whether they will repaint whole of it or just partial. But I request to see the repair when done, just in case they take the money, didn't do the work. Damn expensive price to pay this time compare to last. But $ is nothing compare to life lost. Consider myself not involving in accident, phew! :sweat:

wad happen? mount kerb?

did you mount kerb or speed over red light ?

no mounting of kerbs, but i struck them a couple of times while attempting to park (both vertical and parallel). :( still not too good at this yet as i tend to turn either too early or too late. it is quite robotic actually, but i guess learning how to see and judge where the car is positioned would be better. but that would take a long time i suppose.

other than that, i chalked up points in other common errs like failing to check safety and blindspots. i even moved off from 2nd gear. :sweat:

and as for the immediate failure, i turned right in a turn left-only lane while exiting cdc (i.e. formed up in the wrong lane). all in all... my confidence was kinda wrecked after that cos i realised how easy it was to screw up.

It is good to know your weakness early and then practise more to correct it. Good driving skill really need a lot of practise.

thanks megaweb. those are words that i need now. :)

everyone who's learning now, let's work hard and drive safely! :)

btw do lazy instructors turn you off? i hate it when they end lessons early considering the fact of how much you pay for lessons. but i guess focusing on practicing and passing would be better use of my energy. :D

when i saw an earlier date on the website, so i faster changed liao lor..

the 1st re-test date i booked via the driving centre counter was in mid Jan 08. Then
yesterday I managed to book an earlier date in mid Dec when i refreshed the webpage then this
morning saw another earlier date in end Nov so i quickly cancel the mid Dec one
and booked it...will hv to keep monitoring the page if u want an earlier date...

i hv a feeling that the driving centre is controlling the test date availability cos one
moment the test date can be very far away then next moment the test date can
be very near with all timing available.

Lucky for you.. My first booking was end Nov, later managed to book early Nov but that was the earliest I could find.. I think maybe some people book early then find that they are not ready so have to cancel lor.

Lucky for you.. My first booking was end Nov, later managed to book early Nov but that was the earliest I could find.. I think maybe some people book early then find that they are not ready so have to cancel lor.

Just passed my 2nd test with 6 points today. :)

So good, congrats. Auto or Manual?

Manual. Supposed to be test road 5 but the tester changed to road 8 (first right turn after U-turn), I think.. Commented my blind spot checking not consistent.. I got check.. but think I probably didn't turn the head enough.. ;p This clocked 4 points. The other 2 point came about from the E-brake. I jam both brake and clutch together (which I have always done during practice.. instructor never corrected me) but he told me it was wrong.. Need to jam on the brake first then clutch in later.. I think would be more logical because engine brake would have helped in the braking also.. :dunno:

Manual. Supposed to be test road 5 but the tester changed to road 8 (first right turn after U-turn), I think..

Still route 5 mah but hor, u damn heng lor. Route 5 fail me n I ended route 1 which allow me to pass ;p

Congratulations !

Car price is cheap but expensive to maintain. If you dun drive frequently, suggest to get a OPC.
Thanks! :)
But the problem is if I drive, it will be during the peak hours.. :( Taking public transport or taxi during peak hours can be a pain in the @$$ also!!

lsisaxon, congrats and well done !!

3 more weeks to go for my 2nd attempt...hope can pass this time round cos learning to
drive is too damn expensive !! hv to sacrifice my holiday plan for this year..haiz..what to do..

lsisaxon, congrats and well done !!

3 more weeks to go for my 2nd attempt...hope can pass this time round cos learning to
drive is too damn expensive !! hv to sacrifice my holiday plan for this year..haiz..what to do..

Thanks! All the best to you and raptor1988 also! Don't make the mistakes I made and don't make the mistakes you made in your first test. Just be careful and confident, should be able to pass. :) Be more obvious when checking blind spot, turn your head and look over your shoulder.

Yes.. I think I spent quite a lot on the lessons. ;p

Dang! I haven't driven a car since July this year :sweat:

Last night saw an accident n the driver are young punks. I told my friend, ah beng drive like racer, sure accident lor. The driver is more experience than me but I drive more safe than them. :bsmilie: Serve them right, luckily no one injure.

Hello everyone,
Thought i should just share my expriences with fellow CSnappers.

Took my TP test just now at SSDC. I failed. I had one immediate failure and a total of 28 points deducted. The one that killed me was the directional change. The immediate failure occured when I required more than 3 corrective changes.

To be frank, I never had any problems with directional change during my practice sessions. I have no idea why I turned my steering wheel to the left instead to the right.

And during the directional change, I striked kerb, so 10 points gone.

So from then on, I knew I failed - and the rest I did not bad - I checked all my blind spots and all. And since just now it had a huge downpour just now, my speed was also fine.

MORAL OF THE STORY - Do not let your nerves overtake your brain. Be confident and if some **** happens halfway, breath.

Anyway, my retest is 3 months from now. But I feel very guilty I'm spending so much of my parent's money just to get the license.

Sorry if I am just ranting and ranting away. I am very disappointed but I didn't expect my nerves to just crack at the last minute.

{Mich} :)

Hello everyone,
Thought i should just share my expriences with fellow CSnappers.

Took my TP test just now at SSDC. I failed. I had one immediate failure and a total of 28 points deducted. The one that killed me was the directional change. The immediate failure occured when I required more than 3 corrective changes.

To be frank, I never had any problems with directional change during my practice sessions. I have no idea why I turned my steering wheel to the left instead to the right.

And during the directional change, I striked kerb, so 10 points gone.

So from then on, I knew I failed - and the rest I did not bad - I checked all my blind spots and all. And since just now it had a huge downpour just now, my speed was also fine.

MORAL OF THE STORY - Do not let your nerves overtake your brain. Be confident and if some **** happens halfway, breath.

Anyway, my retest is 3 months from now. But I feel very guilty I'm spending so much of my parent's money just to get the license.

Sorry if I am just ranting and ranting away. I am very disappointed but I didn't expect my nerves to just crack at the last minute.

{Mich} :)

Try harder next time and remember not to commit the same mistakes.

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