Who is learning driving now?

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I think the MOST common kind of accident is when you are turning left using a filter lane and looking right to check oncoming traffic, the car turning in front seems to be going to turn as the oncoming traffic is very far away, so you think you can also follow and make the left turn. Then all of a sudden the guy in front scared and Jam brake. You are looking right periodicaltly to check for oncoming traffic so it is almost impossible to brake in time.

after kenna that time once (my only accident in 10+ years of driving) I keep my EYES on the car in front when turning left. Only when I see that guy makes his turn, then I turn right to check for oncoming traffic.

I think the MOST common kind of accident is when you are turning left using a filter lane and looking right to check oncoming traffic, the car turning in front seems to be going to turn as the oncoming traffic is very far away, so you think you can also follow and make the left turn. Then all of a sudden the guy in front scared and Jam brake. You are looking right periodicaltly to check for oncoming traffic so it is almost impossible to brake in time.

after kenna that time once (my only accident in 10+ years of driving) I keep my EYES on the car in front when turning left. Only when I see that guy makes his turn, then I turn right to check for oncoming traffic.

That's happened to my friend. In the end, ended up paying a sum of $. The woman infront jam brake. His wife told me the area of accident as I fetch her to work during last rental.

So, to all p-plate, we will be always bully by other. So, watch out for yourself, becareful will do. ;)

to all drivers, L-plate, P-plate and lao jiao...




That's happened to my friend. In the end, ended up paying a sum of $. The woman infront jam brake. His wife told me the area of accident as I fetch her to work during last rental.

So, to all p-plate, we will be always bully by other. So, watch out for yourself, becareful will do. ;)

this kind of accident is very common. My colleagues kenna b4. I kenna b4 too. My wife kenna b4 too but she was the one who JAM brake so that guy behind got to pay for everything :)

And advise to THOSE "careful" drivers, DON'T jam brake all of a sudden when turning left on a filter lane. If you think you cannot go, then SLOW down in advance. Don't think you can go, then cold feet at last minute and jam brake.

this kind of accident is very common. My colleagues kenna b4. I kenna b4 too. My wife kenna b4 too but she was the one who JAM brake so that guy behind got to pay for everything :)

And advise to THOSE "careful" drivers, DON'T jam brake all of a sudden when turning left on a filter lane. If you think you cannot go, then SLOW down in advance. Don't think you can go, then cold feet at last minute and jam brake.

I don't think you are right one jamming brake on filter lane as the car from behind shouldn't tailgate n take thing for granted that u will move off. Cause there was this thing call "blind spot" and some time, we just miss it n when we sees it, we need to jam break. Best for yourself is not to tailgate ppl n let them moves off before u advance. Not is perfect n so, drive safe, look out for the front car. ;)

I got another experience to share. I was driving along bt timah road, from courts area to bt panjang. A car infront of me, on n off braking. After some time, he been doing it and I thought he tailgate n so, i just release pedal inorder to maintain. Out of a sudden, he really braked n I still don't know abt it. Luckily our distance far enough n I manage to break in time. If not, I will be kissing his butt n will become an accident. Got to becareful next time as every thing can happen in a split second on the road. Esp we just pass, we only got 12 pts, don't be hero, ok? ;)

I was driving along a road on the left lane slowly (was trying to find my destination). A BMW car tailgate me and finally change to my right lane and sped off. Suddenly I was a strong flash, I look to my right, there is a speed camera. Dont know how many points and fine the driver get. It is a expat driver.

I don't think you are right one jamming brake on filter lane as the car from behind shouldn't tailgate n take thing for granted that u will move off. Cause there was this thing call "blind spot" and some time, we just miss it n when we sees it, we need to jam break. Best for yourself is not to tailgate ppl n let them moves off before u advance. Not is perfect n so, drive safe, look out for the front car. ;)

I got another experience to share. I was driving along bt timah road, from courts area to bt panjang. A car infront of me, on n off braking. After some time, he been doing it and I thought he tailgate n so, i just release pedal inorder to maintain. Out of a sudden, he really braked n I still don't know abt it. Luckily our distance far enough n I manage to break in time. If not, I will be kissing his butt n will become an accident. Got to becareful next time as every thing can happen in a split second on the road. Esp we just pass, we only got 12 pts, don't be hero, ok? ;)

You sound like a dangerous driver.... not paying enough attention to the vehicle directly in front.. lol.. ;p Either that or you damn bad luck like always need to jam brake like that. ;p Bottomline.. don't drive too fast, don't follow too close, pay attention.. If enough braking distance even if the car in front slows down or stop, still got enough distance to brake gently.

Whenever I see the car behind me tailgate me, I will slow down and leave a good distance in front of me so I don't need to jam brake. Also if the car in front is tailgating the car in front of him, I will also keep a good distance in case he needs to jam brake and I got time to react.

You sound like a dangerous driver.... not paying enough attention to the vehicle directly in front.. lol.. ;p Either that or you damn bad luck like always need to jam brake like that. ;p Bottomline.. don't drive too fast, don't follow too close, pay attention.. If enough braking distance even if the car in front slows down or stop, still got enough distance to brake gently.

Whenever I see the car behind me tailgate me, I will slow down and leave a good distance in front of me so I don't need to jam brake. Also if the car in front is tailgating the car in front of him, I will also keep a good distance in case he needs to jam brake and I got time to react.

I take note of the car la, if not I so sure he on/off braking so much. He is more dangerous than me as his on/off braking indicated that he is too near to the one infront of him. That's why he confuse me so much and after a distance, he really braked n luckily I got enough distance to brake.

Oh, for me, one more thing, not sure good for u all to learn or not. Beating red light if no vehicles infront of u. When I near to a traffic light (Reached the first arrow) n turn yellow, I will see how the situation like. If got vehicle infront, I will stop. Why? Cause some jokers might e-brake n in the end, I got no time to brake due to I am acceralating. But if my front is clear, I will go ahead n my timing just nice, before it turn red. I do that on main road as minor road light turn fast n also, got ppl one, better don't do it.

Driving need to be alert at all time. In the end, you might get too tired after a day of driving. Remember to drink more water else can get sick easily. ;)

I take note of the car la, if not I so sure he on/off braking so much. He is more dangerous than me as his on/off braking indicated that he is too near to the one infront of him. That's why he confuse me so much and after a distance, he really braked n luckily I got enough distance to brake.
Many impatience drivers like to speed and brake frequently while driving an auto car. Beware of these drivers and better keep at least 2 car lengths or change lane and do not follow behind them.

Oh, for me, one more thing, not sure good for u all to learn or not. Beating red light if no vehicles infront of u. When I near to a traffic light (Reached the first arrow) n turn yellow, I will see how the situation like. If got vehicle infront, I will stop. Why? Cause some jokers might e-brake n in the end, I got no time to brake due to I am acceralating. But if my front is clear, I will go ahead n my timing just nice, before it turn red. I do that on main road as minor road light turn fast n also, got ppl one, better don't do it.
Driving need to be alert at all time. In the end, you might get too tired after a day of driving. Remember to drink more water else can get sick easily.
Always slow down (no need to change down gear) while approaching any traffic light. When reaching the 1st arrow, see the traffic light condition. Green - proceed. Orange or Red - slow down and stop. Your school instructor should teach you these basic rules when L plater.

Always slow down (no need to change down gear) while approaching any traffic light. When reaching the 1st arrow, see the traffic light condition. Green - proceed. Orange or Red - slow down and stop. Your school instructor should teach you these basic rules when L plater.

Sometime the light change too fast on those minor road and I got to jam brake some time. When we driving on L-plate, our speed always slow n steady. Now p-plate, speed control is totally different liao. Therefore, my reaction also changed. As long no tail gate is best unless jam occurred. Driving stress me out, esp with other road users. :confused:

I take note of the car la, if not I so sure he on/off braking so much. He is more dangerous than me as his on/off braking indicated that he is too near to the one infront of him. That's why he confuse me so much and after a distance, he really braked n luckily I got enough distance to brake.

Oh, for me, one more thing, not sure good for u all to learn or not. Beating red light if no vehicles infront of u. When I near to a traffic light (Reached the first arrow) n turn yellow, I will see how the situation like. If got vehicle infront, I will stop. Why? Cause some jokers might e-brake n in the end, I got no time to brake due to I am acceralating. But if my front is clear, I will go ahead n my timing just nice, before it turn red. I do that on main road as minor road light turn fast n also, got ppl one, better don't do it.

Driving need to be alert at all time. In the end, you might get too tired after a day of driving. Remember to drink more water else can get sick easily. ;)

Yeah.. if the bugger in front on/off braking, it really means he's too close to the car in front.. Better keep distance.. ;p Traffic lights best to slow down.. Beat a few amber lights a few times because the car behind was too close and I wasn't prepared. Now I will just lift off, go a bit slower and decide what to do at the 3rd arrow as taught. Even if the lights turn amber, still got time to react and slowly brake. ;p

Many impatience drivers like to speed and brake frequently while driving an auto car. Beware of these drivers and better keep at least 2 car lengths or change lane and do not follow behind them.
Driving like that has a big impact on fuel economy! ;p

Driving like that has a big impact on fuel economy! ;p

Blame the speed bumps that force drivers to almost come to a halt rather than allowing them to maintain a constant (and legal) speed.

Blame the speed bumps that force drivers to almost come to a halt rather than allowing them to maintain a constant (and legal) speed.

i don't think anyone would bother slowing down if there were no speed bumps.

blame the drivers, not the speed bumps. :rolleyes:

i don't think anyone would bother slowing down if there were no speed bumps.

There's nothing wrong with speedbumps as such (although depressions rather than bumps are arguably safer). But when speed bumps require to be maneuvred at 15 km/h or less when the speed limit is 40 km/h, they are misengineered. In the end, they create frustration for drivers, which may then accelerate more aggressively (and dangerously) between bumps to get back to normal speed.

It shouldn't be that difficult to tailor the bump shape so that discomfort only sets in close to the prevailing speed limit. This would also benefit public transport: buses along speedbump-equipped roads tend to be ultra-slow/fuel-wasting/noisy because they almost have to stop at every speedbump.

It shouldn't be that difficult to tailor the bump shape so that discomfort only sets in close to the prevailing speed limit. This would also benefit public transport: buses along speedbump-equipped roads tend to be ultra-slow/fuel-wasting/noisy because they almost have to stop at every speedbump.

Tell that to the contractors who just pour gravel and tarmac to make the humps. Some are so high that even whan you come to a crawl it still hits the undercarriage!! You think they care? I think strips are better.

i don't think anyone would bother slowing down if there were no speed bumps.

blame the drivers, not the speed bumps. :rolleyes:

Add a chicane like what they intended to do for the farced Indy F1 race. ;p

Add a chicane like what they intended to do for the farced Indy F1 race. ;p

Actually that's a quite good idea. In my old home town, they replaced junctions with roundabouts and narrowed some roads with "obstacles" that require curving around every now and then in residential areas. At first, all the drivers were agsint it. But after a few years later, it proved very effective not only in terms of controlling speed, but also with respect to traffic noise and smooth traffic flow.

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