who here r students?

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roti_prata said:
every1 need a long lens. mid-range lenses r pretty useless >100ft

actually depends on what you are shooting I did say.

rebbot said:
actually depends on what you are shooting I did say.
i took this with my senior's 300/2.8 + my tc1.7

such shots would be impossible w/o a tele lens

student here also...:bsmilie:
new to this thread... hmmmm....

roti_prata said:
nth is needed. IS is nice to hav. im nt sure abt IS but nikon's VR works wonders. i can shoot my 70-200vr@200mm@1/4sec.

70-300 does nt hav a tripod mt so it'll be kinda unbalanced on a nt-so-steady tripod. 70-200/4 and sigma 70-200/2.8 r good too

200mm is how many meters ah? I need a zoom cause when i go out shooting like parks or zoo,the birds and animal quite far and kit lens(18-55mm) cannot zoom so much so always miss the shot...

Swatch said:
200mm is how many meters ah? I need a zoom cause when i go out shooting like parks or zoo,the birds and animal quite far and kit lens(18-55mm) cannot zoom so much so always miss the shot...
eh 200mm is 0.2m lo. i meant the max zoom of 200mm

student said:
student here!

When I was a student in schools (several different schools), my camera was two simple rings formed by the thumbs and index fingers.

Now that I am a student of life and photography, and having WORKED HARD for years, I am able to "upgrade" my photography equipment.

But my most expensive (priceless!) equipment remains my eyes with the "thumb-finger" rings!

Yes this is our OLDEST CS student.......and I am the youngest student.:bsmilie:

roti_prata said:
for me to try and for u to hao liao lo:bsmilie:

:kok: Well if you want to and if I drive that day~ :) May just go for a shoot that day

Ola said:
To show to the rest lah ... ;) when is the open house?

Gotta check with my old friend, my lecturer :) u dunno anything about it? which school u from? :think:

roti_prata said:
i took this with my senior's 300/2.8 + my tc1.7

such shots would be impossible w/o a tele lens

and how often do you use it? that's why I say its what you shoot. :sticktong

rebbot said:
and how often do you use it? that's why I say its what you shoot. :sticktong
aiya go sightseeing and most sch events will need tele de ma. tts juz an xtreme example

roti_prata said:
aiya go sightseeing and most sch events will need tele de ma. tts juz an xtreme example
use tele and snipe students ma... right? :bsmilie:

Swatch said:
Im so confused...:confused:
at a long focal lenght of 200mm, where any handshake is drastically magnified, im able to shoot 1/4 sec because of VR...get it?

Bringing camera to school is very dangerous

roti_prata said:
at a long focal lenght of 200mm, where any handshake is drastically magnified, im able to shoot 1/4 sec because of VR...get it?

Swatch said:
Bringing camera to school is very dangerous
how come?? my sch sports day along the track got at least 5 big guns thn performances and prize presentations in the hall got 17-35 infront and 70-200 behind

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