What is your stand on reserving seats using using Tissue in the Food Court etc.

What is your stand on reserving seats using Tissue/belonging in the Food Court etc.

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One day if someone remove or throw away a pack of tissue to take the reserved seat in CBD area, this might happen!!

"Ooi, you first day work here har??
don't know the law meh??
I put my pack of tissue to chop sit,
you blind liao har?

so low class,
you want to take my sit say so lar,
why you want to fight until face red red,
like you want to wrack people like that,
I know what company you're from,
you boss is my junior you know?

just open your mouth and ask lar,
your school never teach you meh?
your parent never teach you meh?
see you so high educated,
but look like all the "sai" are inside your head,
know how to do work,
don't know how to do "people"

you "seah suay" your company lar ooi!!!"

Well, it is difficult to prove anything in such a situation. As with the risk pissing off a potential client or associates with removal of a tissue packet, the corresponding risk remains in pissing off the same client or associate who may not share your view on putting the tissue packet there.

As for the second paragraph, are you really sure that those who spoke against tissue paper reservations are those who do not go to lunch regularly in these areas? Are you also sure that all working executives in the CBD practice and agree with the whole tissue paper reservation concept?

this is all about personal integrity, working executives in CBD should know better than to lie about packets of tissues just to get a seat. After all, this is the practice in CBD, of course, you are allowed not to agree to such a practice, but if you're working in the CBD, you'll know that the lunch crowd is big and the world is small, you'll keep running into the same couple of people all the time. Especially so if you made a scene from it, you'll never know if that person you just pissed is a potential client or associate.

And I notice that most who voiced up about removing the tissues were there on a 'one off' thing and not one who goes to lunch regularly in the areas with such practice, it is very similar to trolls in forums, the regulars here all adhere to certain rules in this forum, like no mud-slinging, no political talk, no sales outside B&S and only photography related items. Those who don't follow are probably only here on a 1 off basis to stir up some stuff.

this is all about personal integrity, working executives in CBD should know better than to lie about packets of tissues just to get a seat.

People should know a lot of things, but Singaporeans, including executives in the CBD, are frequently be remarkably antisocial and selfish.

And I notice that most who voiced up about removing the tissues were there on a 'one off' thing and not one who goes to lunch regularly in the areas with such practice, it is very similar to trolls in forums,

Yeah, like all the trolls who oppose street prostitution and drug dealing. I'm sure many of them don't regularly visit prostitutes or consume illegal drugs.

It is not confined to CBD.
And statistically, definitely not all CBD people do this. Some.
If not in a great hurry, then give and take a bit.

Just because the damned herd does it, doesn't make it ethical.

I've never had to place a tissue packet in the CBD, so I'm wondering at which point it became more than just elementary.:dunno:

I am the one that eat the fastest among my lunch group, so normally I would end up guarding that table while they go get their food, but it helps if they leave tissue around, no need to entertain so much asking if the rest of the seats are available. Worst type are those that just sit without asking. Have tissue on seat, much reduced of such cases.

who gives a dam about their unwritten rule of placing tissue paper about.
I do as i deem,sitting on any empty seats as i like.

These people don't matter.

leaving tissue packs does not work that much liao, ahhahaaha
i have seen ladies leaving tissue packs, sweet packs at suntec n marina sq food court , guesss wat , the cleaners sweep it all to their cleaning tray , hahahhahaha , when they come back with the food n saw the table taken up by others, quarrels broke out.

i think the sweeping stance is a good thing to do , kind of rude to expect reservation for seat at food court with tissue packs and small stuff eg sweet packs. i m not that fussy in picking my food at food courts, hence i m the 1 sitting behind to reserve seats while my colleagues go off to buy their food.

i agree its time wasting to wait for adopt this approach but i buy fast n eat fast , so the time wasted is kept minimum. if freeing up the table with the time savings is critical, then there are lots of other time wasters people. eg, food eat finish already , 1 by 1 go n buy coffee, or 1 person buy coffee the rest eat full n sit there n talk or groups of people buy coffee sit there n talk (get this, no more coffee liao hor and when i ask them politely if they would free up the table for me and my group of colleagues for meal , they says : "No, we still require the table for discussion " there are so many occassion i see such people taking such acts, 1 pm liao leh , still so many thing to discuss worrrr. and some more this is food court , not coffee house leh.

hahahaha so wat to do , tissue reservation is a behavioural culture that is here to stay , if in the future if there is no more tissue chopping stance, then most probably , the eating culture of food court has evolved to some thing like wat is happening to carrefour in suntec , people stand to eat .
imagine all the food court at shenton change to stand to eat. hahahahah more business

I am totall fine with it.

There are one kind which bothers me, are those after eating still chit chatting away, acting like there are no one around them waiting for them to get up. Please! We have only 1 hr to eat..

I have recently come across another way of saving a seat in a food hall !

Place a bag or similar on the seat that has the symbol of nuclear substance on it '.'

Then wear a suit such as a fireman might wear ..... call out "clear the area" .... take your food and sit down.

Probably wont have to pay and will eat alone!

Just my $5 worth ( I charge big time to save you money :bsmilie:)

I don't agree, therefore I don't do it, but I don't go and fight with those who do it.

question is, regardless of how the seats are taken, should you and would you take the seats that you know clearly is taken by someone who came here earlier than you, ready to ignore a confrontation and the eyes of the public.

it does not matter the tissue paper belongs to who and how to prove it, unless it became prevalent that the tissue papers are left there without people returning to the seats or that the tissue papers are left there when the guys go off to do something else other than buying their food. if these two cases are indeed prevalent, or at least common enough for our attention, than we can safely say these people who left the tissue papers there and did the above things are inconsiderate.

also, it is common courtesy to conform to social practices of a foreign country that you visit or stay. if one didn't know it and did something offending, he apologise and dun do it again. social practices varies from culture to culture, and we should have some tolerance to it, unless there are good reasons against the common good.

but till now, there has been zero good reasons offered against the practise. good reasons include things such as safety, hygiene or efficient use of resources that benefits everyone. but is there?

It is not confined to CBD.
And statistically, definitely not all CBD people do this. Some.
If not in a great hurry, then give and take a bit.

Tissue packet chope disease has spread to Science Park too. :thumbsd:

Yea such inconsiderate behaviour. I don't know how some can justify its merits or even its existence.

Yea such inconsiderate behaviour. I don't know how some can justify its merits or even its existence.

i think there is a difference in cultural background and upbringing that sees a different viewpoint. just think of you carrying a bowl of hot soup noodles and having to look for a seat... you may think that those who support it is inconsiderate. but similarly i regard the other party who took the seats despite already knowing someone is there earlier not just inconsiderate and rude, but utterly a bully.

not too long ago, a few young british tourists took a rickshaw in sg and laughs at how slow the 70+ old man is slogging his way carrying all three on the same rickshaw, jumped off the rickshaw half way and took a cab instead. there seems an allerged uncertain part of them not paying or paying only a partial sum (which later on is affirmed of paying a partial sum becos they think the service is not up to standard). they videoed it and put on the internet, only to bring up the wrath of many angry singaporeans. on the other hand, many british on their forum thinks otherwise of the response of the singaporeans, thinking that the rickshaw pricing is a rip off, that it is singapore fault of poor welfare that an old man have to work while still so old, and that at such rip off and so slow, the service doesn't worth that price and they are in the right of not paying full or not paying at all.... while admitting to some insensitive parts of the young drunk guys, though put as only minor... that's actually illustrate how different the viewpoints are between different cultures (taken into consideration of differences in the "sides of the story").

it is later said that at one point of time, the rickshaw driver, who knows little of english, had once move in front and pulled open one of the guy's wallet, of which the westerner forumers are very taken aback. and while i think most would think the act is very rude, i can empathise, though not agree, with the old driver coming from his cultural background and in the unexpectedly rare situation that he comes across becos it is his first encounter after decades of working in this job.

i seldom bring tissue papers and have never ever use the tissue paper packet to take a seat, and is among many of those "disadvantaged" guys, so there is no conflict of interest, but i have seen such practices (though not as prevalent) decades ago and know where it is coming from. i'm aware of your proficiency in a debate, but i only wish to highlight there is a difference in viewpoints. instead of labelling so fast, certainly more can be said in discussion. in the first place, why is it considered inconsiderate? is it becos some people do not carry tissue papers or are unwilling to do so of what they perceived to be somewhat ungracious, but being so render them at a losing end of not finding a seat? i can understand why some ppl dun like the practice, but i'm still hard pressed for the reason of it being considered inconsiderate. i see it more as of intolerance. maybe you can share your viewpoint on this.

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