To Q or to Q10?

there is real and third party adapter...

Thanks for the heads up! Must make a trip to Peninsula SC next week. Cannot decide between Q/Q10 and LX-7. How? How? :think:

I believe if u have a DSLR , its better to buy LX7 cos its smaller to keep and bring around.

I'm in LA Disney and Las Vegas for this 3 weeks and my K30+10-17 and 16-50 and LX7 works hand and hand.
some times too K30+16-50+FLash too big to bring around I will just keep in bag and use the LX7.
and when I use my K30 my wife will take over the LX7.

Could you post a LX-7 indoor shot. Thanks in advance. My very old compact's IQ is very poor indoor. The photos are practically useless.

Could you post a LX-7 indoor shot. Thanks in advance. My very old compact's IQ is very poor indoor. The photos are practically useless.

DC cameras have gone a long way, some current p&s cameras can do pretty well indoor even when the light gets pretty dark. Among all I love Fujifilm cameras the most.

Thanks for the heads up! Must make a trip to Peninsula SC next week. Cannot decide between Q/Q10 and LX-7. How? How? :think:

Its time for you to test Q, Q10 , LX-7 in the shop at low ISO and 1/50 and see for your self.

DC cameras have gone a long way, some current p&s cameras can do pretty well indoor even when the light gets pretty dark. Among all I love Fujifilm cameras the most.

Actually I like the Fujifilm EXR sensor a lot. But the size of the X10! I have considered the XF-1 but the aperture at the tele end is pretty small.
In the end, I may still end up with a Q. My only wish is that Pentax would hurry up and produce a proper wide angle lens.
There are also other good compacts like LX-5, LX-7, XZ-1, TG-1, G15, etc.
Arrr! Choosing a compact is harder than an DSLR! At least for APS-C DSLR, I know Pentax K-5IIs is the king!

Actually I like the Fujifilm EXR sensor a lot. But the size of the X10! I have considered the XF-1 but the aperture at the tele end is pretty small.
In the end, I may still end up with a Q. My only wish is that Pentax would hurry up and produce a proper wide angle lens.
There are also other good compacts like LX-5, LX-7, XZ-1, TG-1, G15, etc.
Arrr! Choosing a compact is harder than an DSLR! At least for APS-C DSLR, I know Pentax K-5IIs is the king!

I have shown Q to many since I bought it, the first thing they say is so small, then so very sharp, then I say, try it.

Eh! Now got Pentax Q10 watch! Outer bezel looks like lens mount!


Hi all,

Anyone got the Q10? APD FB say it is in SG already.

It was such a long wait for Q10 and many ran out of steam liao.
Any news of Q mount to K mount ? It's such a long wait !
I think if the adapter still not here, I think many would have spend all their money for other thing during Christmas.

Eh! Now got Pentax Q10 watch! Outer bezel looks like lens mount!


I want the Watch, that is really geeky look, as another way to show off as a pentaxian. :thumbsup:

PhilipKr35 said:
It was such a long wait for Q10 and many ran out of steam liao.
Any news of Q mount to K mount ? It's such a long wait !
I think if the adapter still not here, I think many would have spend all their money for other thing during Christmas.

Yes, the wait for the Q10 is indeed a long one...maybe a good thing where I got more time to pounder if I really need one :)

I don't think the adaptor is here.