The bigshot

"If you can move to right a bit more for the ear, it will be better"

If move liao, the nose will be GONE! That distance and the blockage just nice, how can a bit of adjustment correct the whole photo?

Should be "You should move in closer a bit inorder to get the ear and the bokeh will be nicer too"

POV hor.

First time im watching this. Post processing not allowed?

Sad, the big shots did not judge for the facebook entry for the 1st episode 'i am alive' .

I would suggest that Nikon replace the bunch of judges. IMO they are talking nonsense.
eg for yesterday pick of the wk, that shot, if one is not aware of the theme, would hv mistaken the smoking old man to be one of those seen at chinatown instead of a renowned indonesian painter. LOL
What is the point of having a theme if the photo does not show that???
Though i would say composition wise, it is the best. But the main point is whether a photo depicts the requirements of the theme.

If i were to give my judgement, this pic and the one showing the painter dancing with a "horse-head" should be listed as the worst two, in terms of not meeting theme.

i don't watch the Big Shot...

i'd rather watch Gangnam style for an hour :bsmilie:

kei1309 said:
i don't watch the Big Shot...

i'd rather watch Gangnam style for an hour :bsmilie:

Idk why since I've heard it on radio on tuesday it's been playing in my head nonstop....

Caleb C has pull thru again. good for him.

Actually, this is quite a good one from him. Really capture the painter's commitment and concentration is his facial expression.

The "white" on the canvas looks quite white to me.
Wonder why judges said WB is out????
should be color saturation???


these 2 looked very "staged" Subject looks very tensed.
also looked like a mirror image of each other. LOL



these 2 looked very "staged" Subject looks very tensed.
also looked like a mirror image of each other. LOL



Caleb's is undoubtedly better.

the first one in this post is too tight. you can't tell what he's doing. could just be a crazy old man staring at you.

the second one also makes me feel like he's a crazy old man vandalizing a wall.

but in terms of composition...all 3 IMHO all fall short of what a professional photographer is capable of.

Caleb's is undoubtedly better.

the first one in this post is too tight. you can't tell what he's doing. could just be a crazy old man staring at you.

the second one also makes me feel like he's a crazy old man vandalizing a wall.

but in terms of composition...all 3 IMHO all fall short of what a professional photographer is capable of.

LOL, "crazy old man"....

Regarding the WB issue pointed by the judge, IMHO, doesn't seem like one because what i understand about WB [might be wrong, still new] is that if the "white" that is supposed to be white appears as white in your photo, your WB is ok.
In Caleb's shot, the white part of the canvas appears quite white.
so i think the judges might be wrong in saying it is WB problem. Think it should be more of a color saturation setting.
Nikon AWB can't be that bad mah. Judges be careful what you say hor.

the skin tone on both pic looks (huge) different to me.

looks like its
LOL, "crazy old man"....

Regarding the WB issue pointed by the judge, IMHO, doesn't seem like one because what i understand about WB [might be wrong, still new] is that if the "white" that is supposed to be white appears as white in your photo, your WB is ok.
In Caleb's shot, the white part of the canvas appears quite white.
so i think the judges might be wrong in saying it is WB problem. Think it should be more of a color saturation setting.
Nikon AWB can't be that bad mah. Judges be careful what you say hor.

The problem with Caleb's shot is the skin tone... There is a visible tinge of magenta/red. Subtle perhaps but there.

Also there is just too much useless space on the right.

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I would suggest that Nikon replace the bunch of judges. IMO they are talking nonsense.
eg for yesterday pick of the wk, that shot, if one is not aware of the theme, would hv mistaken the smoking old man to be one of those seen at chinatown instead of a renowned indonesian painter. LOL
What is the point of having a theme if the photo does not show that???
Though i would say composition wise, it is the best. But the main point is whether a photo depicts the requirements of the theme.

If i were to give my judgement, this pic and the one showing the painter dancing with a "horse-head" should be listed as the worst two, in terms of not meeting theme.

Isn't the theme portrait photography?

Got Indonesian painter theme meh, I don't really see anything on the FB page, sorry, didn't watch the show. In any case a portrait should capture the essence and character of the person, not just his actions or what he does for a living, and I have to say that the chosen winner (to me) does that a lot better than any other shot.

There are many aspects of a photograph, not just "meeting the theme". You can choose to discard the theme and score higher on other counts... And might still come up tops?

Btw, not sure why you think that a "staged" portrait shot is inferior to a candid one. Some of the best portrait shots I've seen are posed in studio settings.

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Isn't the theme portrait photography?

Got Indonesian painter theme meh, I don't really see anything on the FB page, sorry, didn't watch the show. In any case a portrait should capture the essence and character of the person, not just his actions or what he does for a living, and I have to say that the chosen winner (to me) does that a lot better than any other shot.

There are many aspects of a photograph, not just "meeting the theme". You can choose to discard the theme and score higher on other counts... And might still come up tops?

Btw, not sure why you think that a "staged" portrait shot is inferior to a candid one. Some of the best portrait shots I've seen are posed in studio settings.

Can discard theme har? sorry, didn't know about this, never be in any contest before.

"staged" = i mean the subject looked uncomfortable and tensed

i wonder why the challenge is always so short. this time only 15mins. trying to learn from the contestants but cant seem to learn much when they have so short time.

season 1 was great, get to see how they plan, try to work out the shot, their ideas, concept and workflow. learnt quite a bit from that season.

this season so far not very useful in learning to me. so far i think my main takeaway is listening to the judges comments.

i wonder why the challenge is always so short. this time only 15mins. trying to learn from the contestants but cant seem to learn much when they have so short time.

season 1 was great, get to see how they plan, try to work out the shot, their ideas, concept and workflow. learnt quite a bit from that season.

this season so far not very useful in learning to me. so far i think my main takeaway is listening to the judges comments.

Probably they film 2 to 3 episodes in ONE day!...overseas trip..must cut down budget..:dunno:

Our good Caleb has made it again.