[SunChasersSG] - sunrise outing, Lwr Seletar, 10Jul

very very clean n very very high quality of photo...:thumbsup:
hopefully this no after photoshop editing...

Thanks for your comment..;)

Yup, those shots had done some minor image enhancements such as adjustments to color, saturation, contrast and cropping.


wow bro bryan, all of ur shot looks good,:thumbsup::thumbsup:,did u use any filters on shooting the landscape?:cool:
hope to join u again next time,,,:) and i like the tittle of no.3 , threesome,,hehehe

Hihi bro,

Thanks for ur comments man~

Nt all, i go "naked" for the 1st 2 shots

But last shot "Threesome" i stacked a 0.9 GND over a 6 stop ND as more ambient kicks in.. ;)

Bro, your wide angles are really really wide... *drool*

Some feedback: #1 and #2: If you pull back exposure around 0.5 to 1 stop, the sky colors will come out very very nicely. The thing is, you have to sacrifice some light on the foreground to balance it out, if not, the reflection in the water will be brighter than the sky. Bro, you can just try it and see how you like it.

Told u ard mah, FX u see "true" wide..:devil: lol... ok nuff said, stop the poison

Thanks ah bro, for the feedback for 1-2, i tried ard leh, nt to my liking leh, overall exposure darkens with minimal colors enhancement, i will choose preserve shadows details.. hee.. :lovegrin:

Newbies pics




Wah lau eh.. lidat newbie meh... Swee liao lar..eh sai zor senior liao tis kinda standard :)

:thumbsup:Wow....Nice series !!!

Hope its ok to post in this thread.



BTW, many nice shots posted.

Wah, why suddently so many ppl outside our grp start posting here also.. :bsmilie:

No prob~!! its always gd to share :)

I like 1, nice work bro :)


Haa.. we make a point to chase at least once in every 2 weeks lar.. Bros, on bor?

Next one i organize... :)

Why don't I do it la. I haven't organize yet... very paiseh.

Numnumball, nice photos! My favourite is #2 -great blending work(?) on all!

Thanks dude..


Only 1st 2 shots are blended, all from 2 exposures...

love urs as well.. nice meeting u today~! :)

nice pics!

Btw, were any filters used? No right?

Ok, I processed a couple more, here they are:

DD#3 - Opted for a different treatment. Added a little 'coolness' into the pic. Turned out I like the color of this one the most.

DD#4 - same view as bro ZCA. We took turns shooting this angle.

Bro,power lar.. :thumbsup:

Colors looks real good by preserving highlight details, all single shoots exposures? -ev 2/3 or 1 stop at least?? :think:

Wow!! look at that clouds!! good shot ZCA!! :)
maybe you could do layering/blending to bring out more details of the foreground?
That would definitely bring a notch up higher for this pic ;)

thanks for the comments bro!
I do feel that my foreground lacks sufficient exposure, but I was having a hard time with the digital blending, because my bracketed shots had the darn boat moving from frame to frame. si beh irritating. So in the end this was a slightly compromised shot.
Next time I go there, I will go about 2 hours earlier, then swim out and anchor the boat with 5 cables so it can't b***** move AT ALL.
Also DD123 pointed out that my right jetty was cropped off. That was my fault :thumbsd:. Kinda distracted and so not fully concentrating on all the elements in the frame...

Ok, I processed a couple more, here they are:

DD#3 - Opted for a different treatment. Added a little 'coolness' into the pic. Turned out I like the color of this one the most.

Bro, I really really really really really like this one...! I think I'm a fan of purplish and warm tones. You've converted me!

DD#4 - same view as bro ZCA. We took turns shooting this angle.

Your composition works much better than mine. Something for me to aspire to...! :D
distracted with the 3" LCD la...

Bro,power lar.. :thumbsup:

Colors looks real good by preserving highlight details, all single shoots exposures? -ev 2/3 or 1 stop at least?? :think:

Yes bro, both are single exposures.

#3 is EV -1/3
#4 is shot handheld, EV 0

Actually, this is a lesson to myself also. The location, although very nice and all, has too many elements. There are the 3 jetties close together, the boat (that drifts around), the walkway platform in the background, the trees on the left.

So in the end, IMHO, among all the pics I took, the one that worked the best is when I isolated the foreground to just one Jetty.

So, moral of the story, the less is more. Simplicity is beauty. That said, sometimes I wish we can somehow move that darn boat.

Agreed. if the damn platform aint there, if the tress were cut down on the left..

just the boat and the jetties will make for a more balanced filled composition..

And too much of sth is nt gd.. :)

Overall great outing~! And Nice sky.. shortlived for that mere 23 mins.. After that the haze took over and the lighting becomes rather flat, and scene less constrasty.

Ok, nuff said.. here's mine.. kindly c n c so tt i can improve further yah... TIA~!

NNB - 1 : Colors of Dawn~


Bro... I really envy the wide angle you got... No wonder you squat there so long don't want to give up position :)
I find the saturation of the yellow and red a bit too strong around the bright sun area.
Not sure it's your processing, or my monitor, or my tired eyes.
Anybody else concur or disagree?