[SunChasersSG] - sunrise outing, Lwr Seletar, 10Jul

Overall great outing~! And Nice sky.. shortlived for that mere 23 mins.. After that the haze took over and the lighting becomes rather flat, and scene less constrasty.

Ok, nuff said.. here's mine.. kindly c n c so tt i can improve further yah... TIA~!

NNB - 1 : Colors of Dawn~



NNB - 2 The lone jetty



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Great outing this morning...!

I start the ball rolling.


wow, nice shot bro ZCA,, cloud formation are so great, i like no.2 as well...:thumbsup::thumbsup:;)

NNB - Threesome


wow bro bryan, all of ur shot looks good,:thumbsup::thumbsup:,did u use any filters on shooting the landscape?:cool:
hope to join u again next time,,,:) and i like the tittle of no.3 , threesome,,hehehe

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Here are two of mine. The rest of my shots I am still processing, and I am posting some that looks very similar to bro ZCA's shots.

DD#1 - Had to crop out Dingaroo's leg...

DD#2 - This shot came from the dare-devil act of setting up on the floating platform.

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Overall great outing~! And Nice sky.. shortlived for that mere 23 mins.. After that the haze took over and the lighting becomes rather flat, and scene less constrasty.

Ok, nuff said.. here's mine.. kindly c n c so tt i can improve further yah... TIA~!

Bro, your wide angles are really really wide... *drool*

Some feedback: #1 and #2: If you pull back exposure around 0.5 to 1 stop, the sky colors will come out very very nicely. The thing is, you have to sacrifice some light on the foreground to balance it out, if not, the reflection in the water will be brighter than the sky. Bro, you can just try it and see how you like it.

Newbies pics




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I was there as well today :) as I could not fall asleep. Noticed a large group (probably you guys) there, but did not managed to talk to anyone from my lone position. I rushed off at about 7.15 for another photo outing. Would have been a good chance to meet some of the CS folks in person (another time perhaps) ;)

Hope its ok to post in this thread.



BTW, many nice shots posted.

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I was there as well today :) as I could not fall asleep. Noticed a large group (probably you guys) there, but did not managed to talk to anyone from my lone position. I rushed off at about 7.15 for another photo outing. Would have been a good chance to meet some of the CS folks in person (another time perhaps) ;)

Hope its ok to post in this thread.



BTW, many nice shots posted.

nice shots bro....

Bro, I have to apologize for causing the ripples caught in your image#01. :embrass:

It's okay for those picture have ripples, where by still can do some correction on PP..:D

But what I'm concern is you'll easily fall down to the water, as we know the little wooden jetty are not stable..:nono:

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#3 some of the guys in action
guys...how do i get to this area where u r all standing?
lower seletar is the one nex to yishun stadium rite?
but the photo taken..it seems like this is on the other side of the reserivor. not where its along the mrt track.

Haven't reached home yet, so can't post any pics yet.

But from what I can see, I think all of us must have gotten a high percentage of keepers from this outing.

I think we've been blessed by the gods with good weather to welcome us and for our first SunChasersSG outing! Worth the effort waking up at 4.30am!

Many Cheers to all! And to more fruitful outings in the future!

guys...how do i get to this area where u r all standing?
lower seletar is the one nex to yishun stadium rite?
but the photo taken..it seems like this is on the other side of the reserivor. not where its along the mrt track.

If you are at the carpark between the HDB flats and Yishun stadium, just cross the street via the 2 traffic lights walk towards the shoreline and you will see the new walkway. Do not walk onto the walk way, but turn right and follow the shoreline. You will see the jetties.

Haven't reached home yet, so can't post any pics yet.

But from what I can see, I think all of us must have gotten a high percentage of keepers from this outing.

I think we've been blessed by the gods with good weather to welcome us and for our first SunChasersSG outing! Worth the effort waking up at 4.30am!

Many Cheers to all! And to more fruitful outings in the future!

Hear Hear!

guys...how do i get to this area where u r all standing?
lower seletar is the one nex to yishun stadium rite?
but the photo taken..it seems like this is on the other side of the reserivor. not where its along the mrt track.

Secret! Cannot tell you location! Because we E-Team! LOL!

Just kidding. As you can see on the right side of the picture, on the other side of the pond/reservoir/lake/whatever-not, you can see the dishes, so we are just opposite the satellite installation. It is to the right of the new waterfront launched on 27 June.

Hope this helps.


Great pictures theBuzzed.

Some feedback:

#1, the treatment is nice. But the angle for the jetty is a little low for this composition. If there is a person on the jetty, this angle would be perfect. But since this pic's Point of Interest (POI) is the jetty, the angle is a little too low to draw the viewer in. IMHO of course, others may think different.

#2, colors are great, sharpness awesome, horizon level. Great pic. If I am to nickpick, it would be the composition. I understand the difficulties of the view to the left. But all the beautiful clouds and light all lead to a point to the left outside of the frame. This will lead the viewer's eyes out of the picture. Usually we try to lead the viewer into the picture. Anyway, I was there too, so I know the difficulties in composition... Just FYI. Still a great picture!

Hope you know I am not thrashing your photo-taking skills. Just want to share some thoughts so we can all improve. When I post mine later, I would love criticisms as well, so we can all improve and learn from each other. Cheers!

Mate, thanks so much for your very constructive feedback! Agree on both points, #1 would have benefited a lot from a human element to it and yes the lead-out is happening certainly as I have cropped out the distracting parts on the left. As for #2, again yes and I'm not totally satisfied with the detail-less blotch of cloud on the right. I suppose we've gotta keep coming to this spot until mother nature decides to put together that picture perfect moment!

I have a few more that I am yet to work on and need to do the more time consuming blending etc. Hoping they will be salvageable!

Here are two of mine. The rest of my shots I am still processing, and I am posting some that looks very similar to bro ZCA's shots.

DD#1 - Had to crop out Dingaroo's leg...

DD#2 - This shot came from the dare-devil act of setting up on the floating platform.. it gave me my best shot of the day.

Like your images man, nice work. My own humble feedback would be as follows; Good colour tones and fantastic sky in both images. Compositionally the second image is much stronger due to it being more left-right balanced (The bushes on the left were a pain weren't they!). I'm wondering if there is still more balance missing due to the largely empty space on the right? Again, difficult shooting conditions given the points of interest we had to play with (especially the floating point of interest in the water i.e. the boat!) and I think you made the best of the situation by getting on that precarious jetty for the second shot. The boat is a bit of a problem point here again -because it is right in front of the new jetty lit up in the background it doesn't quite stand out clearly and gets kind of 'lost' in the jetty that is behind it in both your images. I might have shot this from a higher elevation (given time and preperation!) to get some water between the boat and the jetty for more separation between the elements. Hope this helps, nicely done buddy!