Sony NEX announced ...

They should bundle the NEX with a sufficiently wide 20mm or 30mm pancake prime. Then it will really sell if the price is reasonable (less than $1000). Cos I think what many people would like is DSLR quality without DSLR size and the only way to get that on a APS-C sensor is to not have a zoom lens.

I think one of the the biggest selling points would be...can it accept as many other lens mount as micro four thirds.

While the specs are formidable, something that immediately strikes me is this: Mounting something like a superzoom or a telephoto zoom will really offset the balance for this bugger. Already, the 14-140mm (28-280mm 35mm equivalent) on the Panasonic GF-1 is a little off-balanced as it is.

I like the looks leh.. haha : P maybe I'm one of the few who does...

Any idea when it will be available in S'pore? Still frustrated that there is no fast 35mm on release for it.. oh well.

I think one of the the biggest selling points would be...can it accept as many other lens mount as micro four thirds.

1. Nope. Biggest selling point will be how many people think it looks so Chio.

2. Micro 4/3s cannot accept "many lens mounts". As for the NEX system, it accepts E-mount and A-mount (with an adapter, MF only).

after i saw the video.. i was like.. wow.. it is really small.. the lens is not as big as i thought it would... it seems light with the lens mounted too....

i think design of the camera, its up to personal taste la... how can a camera maker satisfy all the users? dun like dun buy lor... simple....

1. Nope. Biggest selling point will be how many people think it looks so Chio.

2. Micro 4/3s cannot accept "many lens mounts". As for the NEX system, it accepts E-mount and A-mount (with an adapter, MF only).
One of the biggest lure for many for the M4/3 system has been the ability to mount rangefinder lenses on their camera, and some legacy lenses. Hence the "many lens mounts".

1. Nope. Biggest selling point will be how many people think it looks so Chio.

2. Micro 4/3s cannot accept "many lens mounts". As for the NEX system, it accepts E-mount and A-mount (with an adapter, MF only).

Correct. But what I meant was accepting various lens mountings via adapters.

One of the biggest lure for many for the M4/3 system has been the ability to mount rangefinder lenses on their camera, and some legacy lenses. Hence the "many lens mounts".

That's a specialized minority. for the other 95% of buyers (the secondary school kids, teenage girls, people who want to "look cool" or think their pictures will now "look pro") this was not an issue, or something they even know about.

its not targeting for current dslr user for 2nd body already mentioned in press release ... its for new point and shoot users to upgrade.. i m sure it ll outsell.. but i find it weird to make such a super compact body and 1855 lens is 2xbigger .. rather put Supersteady in body . anyway IQ and video r amazing...

another poison arghhhhhhhhh..............

ya posion !

Oly or Sony or Oly or Sony or Oly or Sony Oly or Sony

headache la

here a comparsion of the zoom kits from both camp

the zoom 14-42 from oly is in a enclosed capsule form had it will be even more longer than the sony kit

i saw some pics elsewhere where sony zoom kit lens extends further than that... not internal zoom like i initially thought when i saw the pic

But A-lenses on NEX 'although' with adapter is still manual focus
I think Sony really 'force' us to buy their E-lenses

Bro, where do you know about this? I saw the adapter cost like 200pound, I tot it must have some kind of AF motor inside. lol

Bro, where do you know about this? I saw the adapter cost like 200pound, I tot it must have some kind of AF motor inside. lol

it will have a mechanism to control the mechanical aperture of a-mount lenses. the specs mention that it's MF-only though

i saw some pics elsewhere where sony zoom kit lens extends further than that... not internal zoom like i initially thought when i saw the pic

Correct me if I am wrong. The EPL-1 zoom has a lens lock that will spring out the lens when uncap correct ? From that aspect , the lens size shouldnt be too far off.

Anyway , I think this is a cool compact to have . Its really mean for the PNS shooters who wants something more .

For DSLR users , its a nice casual camera to have. When its out , I m getting the 16mm 2.8 pancake ! plus UWA converter haha.

I think one of the the biggest selling points would be...can it accept as many other lens mount as micro four thirds.

and provide as an outlet whereby finally oly and panny users had a common foe to direct their angst at...instead of each other even though both are consider as under the same 4/3 consortium.