Question on weight loss

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insignificant.i said:
wear swimming cap and buy those shampoos that de-chlorinised your hair and do hair treatment weekly (at home)...

too much work liao.. i cannot make it.. but quite good suggestion hor.. but my hair so long.. can squeeze into the cap ;o.. i got big head too..

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
there is those dry swimming also, just that they haven formularise with a way that exercise the legs at the same time... maybe we should have a version where we do dry swimming on a threadmill... :bsmilie:

u mean majong is it? i like to play.. but not more then an hr ;P.. no patient to sit so long

i am so angry1!.. early morning sweat like hell.
Stupid company bus did not come to work..
all of us have to take bus come into office.
by the time i reached office, already very sweat and make up melt liao

Karyinn said:
i am so angry1!.. early morning sweat like hell.
Stupid company bus did not come to work..
all of us have to take bus come into office.
by the time i reached office, already very sweat and make up melt liao

hmm change job lor... :think:

i old liao :( nobody want a 29 yrs old admin..
and also not much qualification
and also.. i like this company leh :p except today~

Karyinn said:
i old liao :( nobody want a 29 yrs old admin..
and also not much qualification
and also.. i like this company leh :p except today~

time to be tai tai lor... dun use your camera block your face, i think many ppl may approach you... ;p

nowaday how many girls can be Tai Tai. Tai tai is Yellow face wife at home ok.. no way man... i like to work and meet friend and talk to friends...

ehhe someone help me to put up this pic.. i dun know how to change

Karyinn said:
nowaday how many girls can be Tai Tai. Tai tai is Yellow face wife at home ok.. no way man... i like to work and meet friend and talk to friends...

ehhe someone help me to put up this pic.. i dun know how to change

which pic?

Karyinn said:
too much work liao.. i cannot make it.. but quite good suggestion hor.. but my hair so long.. can squeeze into the cap ;o.. i got big head too..

the swimming cap is made of stretchable material.... can fit one, no worries....;)

huh this avator pic lor..

so hot.. early mornign i am drink diet coke ;P

Benign said:
Feel like taking a break today, but the guilt of not able to burn the 450++ calories.......:embrass:

Yes.. you should take a break.... i also taking a break today :)...
going to eat claypot rice for dinner ;D yummy

but still thinking what to eat for lunch ;:)dunno:

I ate Ee Fu noodle for lunch ;).. nice, sinful and full...
tmr also no time to jog.. got to wait until friday liao :)..
how come today so quiet ;o

I ate Ee Fu noodle for lunch .. nice, sinful and full...
tmr also no time to jog.. got to wait until friday liao ..
how come today so quiet ;o

I will try to walk as much as possible......ate korean noodle with 3 king prawns plus egg. :cry:

Nowaday, every meal is like a serve of sin :confused:

hey i love Korean Noodles..singapore le Meriden Foodcourt sell nice korean spicy noodle.. yummy.. best!!!
Now cineleisure foodcourt sell HOTSTONE korean rice too.. $4.50 only ^^...
Gosh i miss my lovely korea soo much... should have marry a koraen man :p

:D... aiyo.. is not fattening lah~.. but dun drink the soup too much.. drop hair :)..

... aiyo.. is not fattening lah~.. but dun drink the soup too much.. drop hair ..

Should tell me earlier lor, no wonder these days my 'kar cheng' gone botak liao....... everytime I walk in the park......backside so chilly! :cry:

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