NEW -fuji F200EXR is out

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Ask south asia computer qoute $490 does it include GST. Plus all the freebies inclusive.

Bought it for $450 .... just get the LCD protector, 8gb card, case and tripod. :)

Bought it for $450 .... just get the LCD protector, 8gb card, case and tripod. :)

That's a good price, where did you get it from?

That's a good price, where did you get it from?

John 3:16 ... seems like it's selling like hotcakes n slowing down the sales of the LX3. :)

BTW, black sold out ... can't wait so bot the silver. Must place order if want black ... :)

Don't worry, TK has lots of stock...

No, the pics setting is the same except the DR I set it to 400%.
In a second thought, I will check my picture tonight at home.

Check already, Confirmed not flash. If there is, I believe there should be hot spot at the back of the seat, the very grey area.:)

So, which country is this amazing camera made?

Should be China.

I had F50fd before which is from China, F100fd was also from dun think it's different for F200...

But shouldn't worry as the build quality is actually better than my MIJ 870IS though...

The F200EXR is made in Shanghai, China by the former Shanghai Camera Manufactory. ;)

They also make selected camera models for Casio and Sony.

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cool. will it probably mean that they'll sell it cheaper over there? :bsmilie: cos dropping by shanghai next mth ma. if cheap then buy there. hmmm warranty...:dunno:

cool. will it probably mean that they'll sell it cheaper over there? :bsmilie: cos dropping by shanghai next mth ma. if cheap then buy there. hmmm warranty...:dunno:

Not true. It is about the same price as Singapore but without the freebies.

Warranty is non-transferable. This meaning Fujifilm Singapore will not honor your warranty from Mainland China.

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Anyone knows why the higher DR can only be set when the file size is M or S? Could it be that the camera takes the pic at L and then sums the neighboring pixels to generate the higher DR?

No one knows the answer?

I got it at $470 with the usual freebies.

I pay extra $50 for the 2 more years warranty in Havey. So I can shoot more than I can do.:)

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Anyone knows why the higher DR can only be set when the file size is M or S? Could it be that the camera takes the pic at L and then sums the neighboring pixels to generate the higher DR?

To use DR above 100% with 'L' image size, use ISO 200 or higher in P, A and M modes.

Anyone knows why the higher DR can only be set when the file size is M or S? Could it be that the camera takes the pic at L and then sums the neighboring pixels to generate the higher DR?

Are you refer to EXR mode? I think we have say it before. Please read 2 to 3 pages before this.:)

Does the camera make a lot of clicking/ticking noise when it is in EXR Auto mode?

Mine appears to be having this symptom, i am not sure if its a problem

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