memory cards for trip

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so you are the travel queen, so why worry about the HDD being a white elephant?
in 3 years time your HDD will still backup your photos, just not as good as the latest HDD

just buy it!

so you are the travel queen, so why worry about the HDD being a white elephant?
in 3 years time your HDD will still backup your photos, just not as good as the latest HDD

just buy it!

i forgot to mention though i travel queen, but 80% of the time i dont bring my dslr:bsmilie:

i have future plans to go ulu places too.i'm quite a travel queen:bsmilie:
so the way to go is still more CF cards lah!

saw the p5000 at shashinki.very very tempting!OMG!:bigeyes:

When it comes to ULU places... you can't charge your portable HDD right?
Also travelling in rough terrain would incur higher risks of "killing" the HDD also.

bring extra AA batteries?

That's one way of doing it... but must buy PD70X or something that supports AA...
The Digimate won't do in such a case...

Got an idea... lay the batteries like rambo's bullets around the body... As if like ammo... :bsmilie:
Will be cool man...

PD70X is ok la ... those alkaline battery can last a long time ... load up 40G worth of photos at 1 trip and use less than 8 batteries.

PD70X is ok la ... those alkaline battery can last a long time ... load up 40G worth of photos at 1 trip and use less than 8 batteries.

PD70X heavy, somemore with alkaline batteries.

You should stop going to Cathay a CAMERA store for cards and storages. Form what I can see you are kenna tok already.

Go Sim lim and go to Computer stores for peripherals lah.

dun prey prey

our lil sister here has got lots of experience you know, digital newbie only
hhahahh, She uses F5 before you know? dun prey prey, I'm so poor, only using Nikonmat, FM, FM2, F3, F90X and F80, can't affort the top of the line cameras.

b4 that got F4 also, long long history

how u know i got F4 also?i really missed my F4.i sold it sometime back and regret it till date.:cry:

cathay prices ok lah.must do homework.

honestly, have been searching around, i cant find sandisk extreme 3 2GB < $160.anyone can find cheaper than that?can share the lobang?

i have been buying equipment from a shop in funan:bsmilie:
but after all these years, realised....DUH...
i better not go there.let's leave it as that...

Here is my suggestion (and I wonder how many others have done the same test):

Before you go, find something to shoot and take identical pictures at your camera's different picture sizes (L/M/S) and at the different compressions (FINE/MEDIUM/BASIC) - that will be 9 pictures in all, 10 if you include a RAW. If you can mount the camera on the tripod it will help as you will then get almost identical pictures. Keep all other settings the same.

Then print the pictures out (the bigger the better) and compare. It will help you to decide if you can get away with not having the camera set on L/FINE.

When I did this on my D2X and printed pictures at S8R, I was really surprised at the lack of differences between the L/Fine and S/Basic. Of course you lose some fine detail but I now know that if I am away on a trip, I can easily shoot at M/Medium and have pictures that will print out at S8R. If I am really running out of memory, I would drop to S/Basic and still sleep easy knowing that I am going to get ok shots at S8R.

how u know i got F4 also?i really missed my F4.i sold it sometime back and regret it till date.:cry:

cathay prices ok lah.must do homework.

honestly, have been searching around, i cant find sandisk extreme 3 2GB < $160.anyone can find cheaper than that?can share the lobang?

i have been buying equipment from a shop in funan:bsmilie:
but after all these years, realised....DUH...
i better not go there.let's leave it as that...

do you know that you can find out lots of things on the internet?
for the cheapest Memory cards, go to SLS
but be careful of fake sandisk cards

do a google on how to tell a fake card from a real one.

that's a very good suggestion.
i'll try that out if i'm not too lazy...

is there a serious lack of diff between fine and basic?if so, i'll shoot basic.

do you know that you can find out lots of things on the internet?
for the cheapest Memory cards, go to SLS
but be careful of fake sandisk cards

do a google on how to tell a fake card from a real one.

sls which shop?you know in general gals are suckers when it comes to electronic stuffs and visiting sls is the last thing on their minds...

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