Malaysia Airlines plane missing...

... throw the watermelons there as buoy markers.

Maybe the water-melon is for consumption as it may be a long flight up there (not to mention may be hazy too).

Got video somemore!!


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Bomoh is in the spiritual or supernatural realm. We would not know if it is sham or not. Anyway don't be too fast to make fun of it.
Was told the Toa Payoh murderer Adrian Lim was eventually found that way; although officially it would be denied.
Well if the MLY top leaders believe supernatural can help, then they can ask Yingluck to send some Thai kong tau sifu to assist in locating the plane.

Bomoh is in the spiritual or supernatural realm. We would not know if it is sham or not. Anyway don't be too fast to make fun of it.
Was told the Toa Payoh murderer Adrian Lim was eventually found that way; although officially it would be denied.
Well if the MLY top leaders believe supernatural can help, then they can ask Yingluck to send some Thai kong tau sifu to assist in locating the plane.

The issue is, if the govt believes in and wants to involve some spiritual help, it is best done out of the sight of international media, where it can get very sensitive.

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This event brings out the vultures like her. She is South African (talking to an Aussie newspaper/tabloid) was on Piers Morgan show, grabbing every chance to be on TV. But at the expense of others.

If her story is true, not only the other pilot of the Phuket to KL flight, but the stewardess and steward would be terminated by MAS too.
But she does not care about the harm she has done to others, as long as she gets her 5 minutes of fame.

Some comments in New York Daily News on dumb blonde who wanted her 5 minutes of fame:
nur2 hours ago
I'm from Malaysia..please respect the use to tell about this story..for what. this lady already landed safely..the first thing is to pray so we can find the plane and help to ease the PAIN of the family..PLEASE RESPECT!!

raymondox3 hours ago
Sack the editor who is so insensitive to the people who died. What right do you have to print something so obscene when there are so many families grieving for their lost ones.

raymondox3 hours ago
This story is total dross. Have you no respect for the people who died on this flight. You should be ashamed to print this story. I bet you're trying to hack into the phones of the people on the flight to get more dross to print.

eramly10 hours ago
I bet her heart must be so broken for the pilot and his family that she have to come outfront to tell her side of the story to the media and smeared their good name, furthermore when Fariq is not around to defend himself. How compassionate of them…. oooooh I am so touched! Yikes!!!!!

fraise14 hours ago
What is this story about? Trial by media of the pilots before the plane is actually found and anything is actually known of what happened.
Why blacken the reputation of those men until it is known if their behaviour caused the disappearance of this flight.

fraise12 hours ago
it's totally irrelevant. Do you have any evidence that they behave in an unprofessional manner during the that flight that cause its disappearance?

Marco Dona8 hours ago
How crass...really girl? have absolutely no class and I'm beginning to think neither does DN...go talk to the National Enquirer and let the families of the people who are missing not stumble upon dumb stuff like this...please, are you kidding me?

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In the first place, those pilots let it happen... give them these vultures the opportunity and the pictures etc etc etc...

I guess the plan is to fly the carpet, use the bamboo bino to locate where MH370 is and throw the watermelons there as buoy markers.

coconut, not watermelon.

A corporate vulture trying to plug their Volvo cars safety standards.

Volvo posted this on their website after flight MH370 went missing:

“The rescue operation for the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 plane is in full swing. Passenger safety is also a top priority at Volvo Cars, let’s pray together for the 239 lives that were on board of the plane. Bless them, and may a miracle occur.”

Volvo later explained this was done (wrongly) by their marketing consultant who was too kay kiang.