Leica M10 to be Announced?

In an ideal world, modern digital cameras should be made like films cameras. You buy the camera and choose the film to load in and shoot base on the sensitivity of the film, the color tone of the film, etc... On digital cameras, you load sensors in it. So when technology improves, you dont change the camera but the sensor. Then the camera will last for at least a few years, even a life time.

But, we are living in a consumeristic world. This year's model will be obsolete by end of the year. So that camera makers sell you the latest and greatest. Due to volume sale, makers can bring the cost down, so that consumers can afford it. And its a vicious cycle. The more they sell the cheaper the camera can be priced. The cheaper they price, the more they sell and the more often consumers will want to change cameras.

Leica as a company has to keep up with technology, and to keep the price/brand high, they have to build using the best material, selling it as a high quality, super luxury item. Because the brand can command it.

Back to M10 ,.... I wonder if they will use MX moniker instead of M10.

Which is the best M film camera?

Mechanical Perfection...

"Best" is really subjective....what is best for me may not be good enough for u! :bsmilie:

I agree with Bro newghost. There is no such thing as the best film M. For me, I realised my love is for MP. It has a special draw to me. Love the rewind lever most. Adequate friction to make you feel connected. It's not that I dislike my M2, M3 or M7. They are all my babies. Just the special connection to MP...

Just use any M mount camera and it is good enough. I don't own any Leica M rangefinders, but I have found my lot in Cosina made rangefinders, Bessas and Zeiss Ikons. The latter have a better extended base length useful for fast lenses but really, if you want to shoot landscapes and people, better to spend more on the film and scanning end. The scanning part I guarantee you will be the part where you would scream the most.

I fully agreed with artspraken remark about Leica current marketing strategy. I have my 1964 M3 and it's still functioning well, let's give another 10 years, look back & see who is still using M9P or M10.

I respectfully disagree - just as film has moved on, people today don't talk about old film vs new film. In the same way, we have reached a point of the technological curve where 18MP on the CCD will give you images large enough to print 16x20. Let's be honest here - how many of you guys develop your own film then print to silver halide? Few, if any. Today, people shoot film, develop, then scan and print. How people print to 16x20?

5 years down the road, the M9 may be old tech, but just as it is in the world of film, with a good eye and technique, one can still create stunning prints 5 to 10 years down the line. The difference is, my sensor will probably still work in 2017, but I cannot say for certain that film will still be produced and sold.

On the flip side of the argument, look at the medium format world today - film offers the flexibility of formats - 645, 6x6, 6x7, 6x8, 6x9, 6x12, 6x17. That is something that digital cannot match, since MFD is limited to the 645 format. However, my workflow is straightforward, and the amount of detail captured allows me to quickly turn around projects for clients. Film, on the other hand, requires me to scan, the retouch, another step in the process that delivers little, if any value over digital since most prints are done digitally today anyway. Even if film can capture 24-bits/channel, most printers can only go as high as 16-bits/channel, which renders the extra colors pointless. Again, the debate of how many kinds of film will continue to be available over the next 5 years, if at all.

As much as I enjoy shooting film, I reluctantly concede that digital, unfortunately, is the way forward.

Hi it is the beat time to get M8 ?
Any recommended place?

Everything can remain the same except for the following:

1. Better card reader/writer
2. Better high ISO performance
3. Better dynamic range

Leica is threading on thin ice in the digital battleground. They do not own much IP that is digital, whether its sensor or electronics or
digital image processing to go against the Japanese or the emerging Koreans.
Look at Hasselblad and D800 comparison.
What I like about Leica are the film cameras esp. the pre-war Barnacks. The lenses are good in that era too & not (too) overpriced.

Leica is threading on thin ice in the digital battleground. They do not own much IP that is digital, whether its sensor or electronics or
digital image processing to go against the Japanese or the emerging Koreans.
Look at Hasselblad and D800 comparison.
What I like about Leica are the film cameras esp. the pre-war Barnacks. The lenses are good in that era too & not (too) overpriced.

They should just eschew independence and go to a Japanese manufacturer and get them to do a decent camera. At least then we won't all feel like buying a Leica is like some glorious rip off.

A little bird called Steve has already shared some details about the M10 release on his blog site:

Leica M10 – September Photokina Announcement - March 2013 Available from Dealers

Seems like there will be CMOS sensor, EVF (instead of OVF) and Live View?


Sounds like a Panny made in Germany ....

Sounds like a rip off at an expected USD $9-10,000 !!

Still has one! Better news is new m-e with "lower" price point

Take a M9 minus 9 plus E and you get the M-E.... with almost everything intact except for a USB port (who cares) and frameline preview selector (which actually is useful to some extent). Aiyoh........

"relatively" speaking... ;p

but woah... a rangefinder that shoots videos? imagine what we can do with the Noct f0.95...

Might as well get that NEX video camera with a 35mm sensor..

Here's a video of the M10... John Dooley demonstrates The Leica M on Vimeo

No love there - with the vf, its an unsightly deviation away from the purist camera.

As for the M-E with its pricing of ~ €4,800, current M9 / M9P owners certainly won't be too glad! :faint: