Jumping ship to Canon

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i have nothing against EVILs, its a nice technology & innovation really...

but my point is, why would you dig deep into something with no clear vision?..

take a look at Olympus E-Volt, after battling with C & N on dslr segment & with promising products, where are they now?, Micro four-thirds (EVIL)?

and how about Samsung with their GX22 (same dna as Pentax K20D), they elso evolved to NX10, also an EVIL...

so i wont be surprised if alpha dslr becomes extinct coz its already facing its extinction...

I dont think EVIL meant to replace DSLR. Its almost comparing different arms all together. If the DSLR is a GPMG , no matter how the SAW tries to be like a supporting gun , can never replace the GPMG !

The point is , do you need to use the MG all the time ? This is where the EVIL comes into play.

Talking about cameras becoming extinct, I dont think Alpha is becoming extinct judging from the market share reports. If it does becomes extinct , we all will know , cos the Sony/Konica Minolta subforum will be gone from CS le :confused:

Btw TS, lens sharing is more of a myth. Don't take it into consideration. ;)

not sure if it is considered a myth but my friends do get my gears from me once a while; and that is because I trust my gears will be in good hands. :)

I dont think EVIL meant to replace DSLR. Its almost comparing different arms all together. If the DSLR is a GPMG , no matter how the SAW tries to be like a supporting gun , can never replace the GPMG !

The point is , do you need to use the MG all the time ? This is where the EVIL comes into play.

Talking about cameras becoming extinct, I dont think Alpha is becoming extinct judging from the market share reports. If it does becomes extinct , we all will know , cos the Sony/Konica Minolta subforum will be gone from CS le :confused:

EVIL will replace DslR in term of family,travelling photography or streets photography. But for more serious sport or event photography, it not there yetbut doesn't mean it will not in the near future.Most important ask yourself, if the end result is the same as if I were to carry a dslr or evil, I will choose a lighter setup.

@ daredevil

You don't understand. I only mean that the technology of the DSLR is outdated with the advent of live-view sensors. Why would you want to continue with the bulk and weight of the mirror/prism box if they are not necessary - especially if EVFs are better for composition and show more info, and contrast detect AF is more consistent than phase detect with any lens.

Arguing about batt life, grip etc is redundant when you are comparing cameras of different types and genres. I am very pleased though that I can get 400 shots in full live view, which a Canikon DSLR cannot do at the moment (disappointing). The battery life of pro level cameras will indeed be suited for that application, when it does come eventually.

I think EVILs are here to stay, but once again I reiterate that DSLRs are not redundant. The mirror/prism assembly is not an unnecessary thing, even with the advance of EVF technology.
Even for my hobbyist-style of shooting, I simply cannot fathom using an EVIL.

The main selling point of the EVIL is that it's smaller, otherwise why bother doing all this re-engineering right? But couple it with anything other than a pancake lens, and it becomes bulky and cumbersome, especially with a smaller grip area (to reduce size).
So with even a 55-200mm f3.5/5.6 kind of lens, it's no longer compact, and yet it's not comfortable to hand-hold for long periods of time. So what's the point?

EVIL will replace DslR in term of family,travelling photography or streets photography. But for more serious sport or event photography, it not there yetbut doesn't mean it will not in the near future.Most important ask yourself, if the end result is the same as if I were to carry a dslr or evil, I will choose a lighter setup.

if the weight difference is but a couple of hundred grams, I would choose the more comfortable setup.

@ ZerocoolAstra

EVIL is a technology that involves removing a component of the camera and replacing it with something electronic. The advantages of this are not ONLY size, but more accurate contrast detect AF as well as better EVF information. On this basis it is advantageous for camera manufacturers to migrate to the technology, which is why IMO I feel the mirror/prism box is now fading. When EVIL eventually ends up in pro level cameras I am sure bodies will continue to have weight (but maybe not bulk) in order to balance out heavy lenses. It's true that for many professional applications EVIL technology is not available yet, but give it time and it will be. So all I'm saying is, investing in DSLR based systems now may not be the wisest choice because the technology is pushing cameras into a new world soon.

bro. just jump.

i jump from fujifilm s100fs to sony a200 to canon 500d. i tell u, once u get into canon, its an addiction.

just look, the rumours of sony for this year coming up camera, none got video function and some still using old sensors. not to start a brand war but i used both brand before so i just wanna share my view. :)


so i wont be surprised if alpha dslr becomes extinct coz its already facing its extinction...

In 3 years since Sony alpha came into the market, they have overtook more established players like pentax, Olympus, sigma, Samsung etc and took over the 3rd largest dslr market share in the world, losing only to Canon and NIKON.

For a company to go from zero to 3rd place in just 3 years time, I certainly don call that nearing extinction. If anything, the NEX just increased the market share for Sony in the whole interchangable lens camera market.

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In 3 years since Sony alpha came into the market, they have overtook more established players like pentax, Olympus, sigma, Samsung etc and took over the 3rd largest dslr market share in the world, losing only to Canon and NIKON.

For a company to go from zero to 3rd place in just 3 years time, I certainly don call that nearing extinction. If anything, the NEX just increased the market share for Sony in the whole interchangable lens camera market.




A recent forum string on Dyxum has discussed an article from Photoscala, the "International Magazine for Photogarphers" in Sweden, about dslr market share from 2006 t0 2008. (See http://www.photoscala.de/Artikel/DSLR-Welt-im-Wandel)

The upshot of the article is that, from 2006 through 2008, Nikon and Sony together made dramatic gains in market share, primarily at the expense of Canon. In those years, Canon lost nine points in market share, while Nikon gained four points and Sony very nearly eight points. Sony's market share in 2008 was 13%, more than the entire market share of Pentax, Olympus, Panasonic, Samsung, Fujifilm, Sigma, Leica, etc., which in aggregate dipped two points. Moreover, Nikon itself lost ground between 2007 and 2008; is this the first sign that Sony has begun to take market share from Nikon?

All of this in the middle of a vast expansion of the total market for dslrs during the same period, from 5.3 million dslrs sold in 2006 to 9.7 million in 2008.

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sony wun extinct one la. u see fujifilm still fighting strong. why? PNS and other super zoom or 3D camera enuff to save the backside liao. people choose sony mainly becos of the price factor. its just that sony got alot to chase up lor. their R&D la.

Camera is only a tool. What's more important is how you compose your shot and creativity. I can say all of my friends are using Canon and Nikon. We still share tips and tricks most of the time. Also did you consider the situation when both you and your friends needs the same lens at the same day?

If you want a better feel, look at the A5xx series and A700. They'll change your mind.

PS: I know your friend too. We shoot macro together. And Im a happy Sony user:)

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In 3 years since Sony alpha came into the market, they have overtook more established players like pentax, Olympus, sigma, Samsung etc and took over the 3rd largest dslr market share in the world, losing only to Canon and NIKON.

For a company to go from zero to 3rd place in just 3 years time, I certainly don call that nearing extinction. If anything, the NEX just increased the market share for Sony in the whole interchangable lens camera market.

Sony is no.3 because they came from Minolta legacy. And Minolta was no.3 since the 35mm film days. Olympus 4/3 mount is really start from scratch.

Don't know if anyone has the same mentality as me.

I won't want to use other people's lenses, if i spoil the lens then how? Have to pay my friend and also "may" make our friendship tense??

But that's me.

@ ZerocoolAstra

EVIL is a technology that involves removing a component of the camera and replacing it with something electronic. The advantages of this are not ONLY size, but more accurate contrast detect AF as well as better EVF information. On this basis it is advantageous for camera manufacturers to migrate to the technology, which is why IMO I feel the mirror/prism box is now fading. When EVIL eventually ends up in pro level cameras I am sure bodies will continue to have weight (but maybe not bulk) in order to balance out heavy lenses. It's true that for many professional applications EVIL technology is not available yet, but give it time and it will be. So all I'm saying is, investing in DSLR based systems now may not be the wisest choice because the technology is pushing cameras into a new world soon.

You make it sound like Contrast detect is the holy grail. But the truth is, it is a lot slower. Phase detect AF is extremely fast. The best solution is to have a hybrid of both. BUT, phase detect AF requires more or less a mirror reflex system. That is why you find AF on EVIL cameras to be lagging to their DSLR counterparts. And that is also why prosumers never caught up in AF speed.

Other than contrast detect AF, what other benefits will you get from losing the mirror and prism? Apart from size that is? Your argument just can't stand.

More info on phase detect AF and contrast detect AF.

Arguing about batt life, grip etc is redundant when you are comparing cameras of different types and genres.

My point exactly. EVILs and DSLRs are cameras of different types and genres. And they each fullfill a certain slice of the needs of the market. EVIL design is just inherently not suited for a large slice of work that the DSLR are being used for.

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Since you've already said that you are a student and are on low budget, then i think you should move to other brands where 3rd party lenses have available mounts for them, like Canon and Nikon.. It's much harder to find 3rd party lenses with mount for sony and why this is important is because not only 3rd party lenses are much cheaper, they also are capable of producing images, as good as, if not, better than the original fit lenses. So since you are a student and you have much passion for photography, why not move to brands that are more popular? That way, getting things will be easier and cheaper, and servicing won't be much as pain in the @ss like sony...

Sony is no.3 because they came from Minolta legacy. And Minolta was no.3 since the 35mm film days. Olympus 4/3 mount is really start from scratch.

U r wrong. Read the report carefully.

The report was for DSLR marketshare, not slr marker share. And minolta's dslr marketshare was very low, as they came into the dslr market way too late. Infact this was one of the reason for their downfall. Minolta only released 2 dslr, the dynax/maxxum/alpha 7D and 5D, before their camera division got absorbed by Sony.

Thus minolta was never 3rd in the dslr market share, not even close.

Minolta collapse not because their cameras are bad. they practically bring about the revolution of the autofocus system. Minolta makes excellent cameras, but they lack the financial might and marketing power. Sony inherited a great camera making company,but they forced their way into the dslr market and got 3rd on their own.

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U r wrong. Read the report carefully.

The report was for DSLR marketshare, not slr marker share. And minolta's dslr marketshare was very low, as they came into the dslr market way too late. Infact this was one of the reason for their downfall. Minolta only released 2 dslr, the dynax/maxxum/alpha 7D and 5D, before their camera division got absorbed by Sony.

Thus minolta was never 3rd in the dslr market share, not even close.

Minolta collapse not because their cameras not bad. they practically bring about the revolution of the autofocus system. Minolta makes excellent cameras, but they lack the financial might and marketing power. Sony inherited a great camera making company,but they forced their way into the dslr market and got 3rd on their own.

Wow..so who is no.3 then before Sony bought over?

Wow..so who is no.3 then before Sony bought over?

Olympus and pentax was holding the 3rd and 4th, both are very close.

Olympus and pentax was holding the 3rd and 4th, both are very close.

Ok thanks. I was once a Minolta slr user and I know many loyal users was holding their lens collections even Minolta was late in DSLR. So I personally think sony success was due to the minolta loyal user's intervention.
But I jumped to Canon that time :) I would not want to say how Canon help me during those years. Without some of Canon special lens, some shots wouldn't be possible for me.
Anyway I am a m4/3 user now. I change due to my needs change:) All brand are good and choose according to your needs.

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