Get well thread for Agape01

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SniperD said:
Can I suggest that we print this list out for Caleb and send it in together with the rest of the well-wishing..

I can coordinate the collection and passing over to Caleb's church.. just a stone throw away from my place..

Have just PMed u.

i met Caleb at Astin's earlier photoshoots... he is a nice guy.

my condolences to his family and prayers for Caleb's fast recovery...

he'z a very nice n cheerful guy .....

me wizh that he'll pull thro n come back safely .....

my condolences to his family and prayers for Caleb's speedy recovery....

To our brothers-in-Christ, Mr Cheong, Joshua and Caleb,

Take comfort in knowing your loved one is with the Lord now. May He watch over you in these difficult times of grief and sorrow, and take heart, that your brothers and sisters-in-Christ are with you, in our thoughts and our prayers.

Caleb, we are all praying for your recovery. Get well soon...

Has Been Register a ClubSnap account for sometime but never try to post a thread yet.
Using my first post to Pray For Mr.Caleb Cheong.. Get Well Soon..

though i don really know him, but i have seen him a few times in the doggie events.

May he have a speedy recovery and my condelences to his family.

Shocked to hear what happened. Was chatting with him just before he left for US...

Pray for Caleb and his family during this difficult time...

Yo Fren,

You have to get well soon mate... There are tons of stuff waiting for you to shot.

We will pray very hard for you.


Dear Caleb,

my deepest condolences and prayers to you and your family. Trust in the Lord guide you thru these difficult times.



It is very sad to have such unfortunate thing happened to one of clubsnap members.

Caleb, please know that you are not alone, we feel for you, all of us will pray for your that God will take care of your mum (May her soul rest in perfect peace) and God will give your household strength to see through this rough time.


Hi People

I've just called Agape01's church & I understand from them that they will be sending the stuff by courier hopefully by this evening. If not, latest by tomorrow morning.

As such, I will print this thread out during my lunch hour at 1:30pm today as I will be couriering it to the church office by 5pm.

So keep your messages coming!


Speedy recovery man. God bless to you and your family.
Sigh man, what a real pity this happened.

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