Adam Goi
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  • Dear Adam,

    May I know how I may share details of a photo/video contest on the main feed/page? Will clubsnap be able to help share it for me?

    Thank you,
    Hi Adam, this is Marc from the Singapore Art Museum. I have been trying to reach ClubSNAP and I was told the forum would be the fastest way.

    We are planning for programmes for 2009/2010 and I was wondering if I could have a chat with ClubSNAP's organizers/executive committee for a photography-related community event. It can be a series of talks / showcases / workshops that we can run for this year or next.

    If you can, please refer me to the right person by sending me a name, contact number and/or email. I can be reached at 6332-3506. Thanks Adam.
    Hi, this is Yanling. One of my friend actually signed up an account with Club Snap by the nick of Xperio- and he is not very familar with the whole process and also paid for the subscrption of advertising in the work shop thread. Now because his account has not been moderated yet and that he can't make any post.

    Can you advise on his problem?
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