Get well thread for Agape01

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Agape's Latest Condition:

Caleb went through a head surgery to remove a blood clot on the outside of his brain on the left side. The surgery went smoothly, the surgeon was positive about it, and Caleb is recovering now.


RuthBaby said:
Agape's Latest Condition:

Caleb went through a head surgery to remove a blood clot on the outside of his brain on the left side. The surgery went smoothly, the surgeon was positive about it, and Caleb is recovering now.



that is very very comforting to hear. ;)

RuthBaby said:
Agape's Latest Condition:

Caleb went through a head surgery to remove a blood clot on the outside of his brain on the left side. The surgery went smoothly, the surgeon was positive about it, and Caleb is recovering now.


here's wishing Caleb a really smooth and quick recovery. :thumbsup:

Well, it's at least comforting to know that he's passed the first hurdle.
Go on Caleb, everyone in CS will be wishing your speedy return back to CS!

We know that you can do it!
All the best!!! :)

PS: Someone could forward this URL to the church, so that they can at least print this out, and send it over via DHL or something... That'll be a morale booster to him and his family.

RuthBaby said:
Agape's Latest Condition:

Caleb went through a head surgery to remove a blood clot on the outside of his brain on the left side. The surgery went smoothly, the surgeon was positive about it, and Caleb is recovering now.


Latest update from

A Night of Prayer for the Cheong Family
Wednesday, 24 Sep, 8:00 - 9:30pm
Hebron Sanctuary, 2nd storey
Woodlands Evangelical Free Church
1 Woodlands St 83. Singapore 738488

Send Your Words of Encouragement and Comfort
If you wish to send a letter or a card, please send or bring it to the church office. We will consolidate the items and send it via DHL courier to them sometime in the week

Let's print out in cover and send to him!!

I would like to include a prayer if someone is printing something for caleb.

I pray God give the Cheong family strength in this difficult time. Get well soon Caleb.

I've always been a lurker in CS forum. This news is luring me out of my cave and I would like to wish Caleb a speedy recovery ...

Rest well, and I hope you will get well soon.

Here's wishing a speedy recovery for Caleb!
And if you guys are sending something over to him, why not gather all the well wishes to sign/thumbprint/handprint something this coming SEED?....


Wishing u a speedy recovery.

My condolences to u and your family for the dismiss of your mother. May the Lord bless u and your family with strength and comfort.

Hi all

I volunteer to print this thread out by 1PM Tuesday 23 September 2003 & will be couriering it to the church office by tomorrow afternoon together with a card from all of us at CS.

So, please post all your wishes and prayers & encouragement on this thread by then in order for me to do so.

Lilian aka lavenderlilz

C'mon Caleb! Im sure you can do it. We are waiting for you!
Wish you a speedy recovery.

lavenderlilz said:
Hi all

I volunteer to print this thread out by 1PM Tuesday 23 September 2003 & will be couriering it to the church office by tomorrow afternoon together with a card from all of us at CS.

So, please post all your wishes and prayers & encouragement on this thread by then in order for me to do so.

Lilian aka lavenderlilz

Thanks Lilz! :thumbsup:

My deepest condolences to your family ... and get well soon.

Can I suggest that we print this list out for Caleb and send it in together with the rest of the well-wishing..

I can coordinate the collection and passing over to Caleb's church.. just a stone throw away from my place..

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