F.U.N. Seeing Red......post your pics here!

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I managed to find a FREE classroom at Tiong Bahru Community Center. This classroom has a whiteboard, and about 10 to 12 desks and chairs. ;)

The person in-charge, Mr Chan, told me that I am free to use this classroom for 2 hours during off-peak hours (on a weekend, from 7pm to 9pm).

Here is the location:


I have to agree that this place is a bit ulu, but don't complain lah...... it is FREE. The nearest MRT Station is Tiong Bahru (EW17).

By the way, the nearby Tiong Bahru Market and Food Center is where you can find the reknown - zui kueh, wanton mee, kway chap, pao, bean curd dessert, etc. In another words, lots of good food :thumbsup:. (No more Big Mac liao. :D)

beside the CCthe ba ku tei is good man:thumbsup:

good time to compare D3 vs S5 Pro dynamic range, even without the benefit of R-pixels at iso1600.

1/25s f/2.8 ISO1600

Hi Madmacs,
Can you elaborate on the dynamic range on the two pics?


Hi Madmacs,
Can you elaborate on the dynamic range on the two pics?


ok...let me put the 2 pics together.


S5 Pro

first..not sure if you did any post-processing like adjusting levels and curves, but i'm assuming you did not. but if you did comparing with your unadjusted photo will be better.

if you look at the photo by the D3, you can see the the statue's groin area is blown out and not much detail can be seen. yet if you look around the legs and the red cross beam at the top, the shadows are very deep and a bit hard to make out the details.

in the photo by the S5 Pro, the you can see the details in the same areas and you can still make out the texture on the lower part of his weapon.

you can see the the statue's groin area is blown out and not much detail can be seen.

With the S5 Pro, I can even see the shadow details around the groin area of that young artist/craftman. ;)

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I managed to find a FREE classroom at Tiong Bahru Community Center. This classroom has a whiteboard, and about 10 to 12 desks and chairs.

I made a trip to Tiong Bahru Community Center to look at the classrooms this afternoon. To my surprise, that FREE classroom is roughly the size of a HDB bedroom, which could occupy 8 to 10 adults at most.

There is a bigger classroom which is able to accomodate 12 to 15 adults. Rental of this classroom is NOT FREE and costs S$20 per hour. After discusing with Jacob, we decided to consider the larger classroom instead.

To keep the fee low, I am planning to absorb the cost of projector rental. ;)

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But horz..wat lens the D3 is using? Very sharp leh..:bsmilie:

If I remember correctly, a "Cow Sai" 50mm f2 Makro ZF lens was used.

Our friend paid close to S$1,500 for this 50mm lens. Of course it has to be sharp lah.

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???? the cost of my S5pro + 50mm1.4 neekun.:eek:

Yeap.... That is premium cow manure. Top-quality stuff!

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If I remember correctly, a "Cow Sai" 50mm f2 Makro ZF lens was used.

Our friend paid close to S$1,500 for this 50mm lens. Of course it has to be sharp lah.

no wonder..everything is good abt CZ..love the color, the sharpness..but i sucks at doing manual focus..:bsmilie:

no wonder..everything is good abt CZ..love the color, the sharpness..but i sucks at doing manual focus..:bsmilie:

Not only you suck. Many of us are suck too, including me. But I still like "Cow Sai'.

Anyone got change to split focusing screen for s5pro?

ME. :)

And Bigbird17 too..... probably (last time he told me he will change).

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ME. :)

And Bigbird17 too..... probably (last time he told me he will change).

ME!!!! hahha.. i havent bring my camera down to get it fix.. maybe 2 person go, can get discount??? i stil cant decide my lens la. tats why.. one more manual focus lens and i am getting tat thingy..

its pretty gd i tried photobum's easy to focus!!!! almost instant hehe

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i stil cant decide my lens la. tats why.. one more manual focus lens

Once your godfather accepts you, you can have all the "Cow Sai" lenses you want, plus that D700 too.

Once your godfather accepts you, you can have all the "Cow Sai" lenses you want, plus that D700 too.

true... haha than i will sell off the D700 and get a D300 and more lenses instead.

jsut torn betwween which to get. i email chiiff if he free i can try 40mm and 58mm or nt no reply.. either this one or the 85 AF-D bah

beside the CCthe ba ku tei is good man:thumbsup:

Yummy.... ;p

I like the wanton mee at the Tiong Bahru food centre. There are two stores and both are good, but I like Wah Fong (red signboard) more. This store serves very classic Hong Kong style wanton mee.

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