F.U.N. Seeing Red......post your pics here!

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First of all, I must thank Jacob for organisng this outing. This is my first shooting at Chinatown Chinese New Year night scene. It is really an experience squeezing thru the streets packed with people and it was not easy to have good shots. The group fellows were nice and friendly. These are some of my shots, appreciate your C&C.

D3 shots!!! :bsmilie:

First of all, I must thank Jacob for organisng this outing. This is my first shooting at Chinatown Chinese New Year night scene. It is really an experience squeezing thru the streets packed with people and it was not easy to have good shots. The group fellows were nice and friendly. These are some of my shots, appreciate your C&C.

#3. Messy colors

great to see you! plus your 'model-to-be' daughter.:bsmilie::bsmilie:

i like messy color. got potential for magazine centerfold. just bring down the brightness to bring out the colours. ;)

hello everyone! i'm muahchee, aka lohtecksiong's daughter. i'm a beginner at photography, and i'm sure i will learn and benefit a lot from all the big brothers here. thanks for letting me tag along yesterday!


nice to meet you too. gotta let you come along cause your father is taller than me. and you guys got CZ leh:bsmilie::bsmilie:

hope you'll learn a lot from those big brothers cause me small brother talk/type a lot but cannot work one.

btw 4-D number you're hinting us ah?:bsmilie:

ur pictures too big, i thot my lappy hang.

My photos are cropped 1200 px by 800 px at 72 dpi. Not that big what? :dunno:

This is a sign to show that your computer needs to be upgraded liao. :devil:

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Take a look at the images Pentaxians posted for their CNY outing. Most of them were shot during the day. A very different look and mood indeed. :)

where got time to peep over there?

Make time mah... Have got to know what others are doing so that we can improve ours.

Learn from our competitors. ;)

Seems that most of my photos too red liao but since the event is "Seeing Red" so should be ok correct?
Will post the rest of the photos after I get a new card reader tomorrow:D

Oops found that only take less than 30 pics & the only one that can present is the one I posted already:p

Got 1 question, how to reduce the red color in my pic without affecting the rest of the color in photoshop?
Maybe those "Liao Jiao" over here can help me;)

As u said i went over to pentax forum to take a look.. i has a shock of my life.. no offence and IMHO the color is all out man.. .. the red is funny.. the skin tone make the ppl inside look like dummy or plastic people:sticktong.. i prefer olympus color more.. Afterall it s still one's preferences

Take a look at the images Pentaxians posted for their CNY outing. Most of them were shot during the day. A very different look and mood indeed. :)

Make time mah... Have got to know what others are doing so that we can improve ours.

Learn from our competitors. ;)

Yah lor. It's always nice to see a different viewpoint. Looking forward to more pics. ;)

Oops found that only take less than 30 pics & the only one that can present is the one I posted already:p

Got 1 question, how to reduce the red color in my pic without affecting the rest of the color in photoshop?
Maybe those "Liao Jiao" over here can help me;)

you might want to come to basic photoshop workshop then. akan datang.......

i also wan photoshop lesson :p

learn can but when i've the time.

i'd let my pictures do the talking........................;)

I meant learn how other groups organise their outings.

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