Cut Throat Cam Shops

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Sim Lim Sq. Yah the shops there, many are just con jobs. :(

Over the last 10 years of buying things (on my own or with friends), one does get a good sense of the con jobs from the better ones. Of course, even the so-called "better ones" will have had their share of horror stories. The point is to look at them objectively. I will normally blacklist a shop only if I have at least 2 bad encounters with them (for PC shops).

For camera shops, I've so far been lucky, I guess. It's been only a few digicams bought over the last 4 years. Either via direct order (website) or Cathay Photo or through a friend (he's in CS too). For newbies buying their first cam, stick to the regular shops like CP, AP. Or go shopping with well-informed friends. Or if you must go alone, do your homework. Check around, ask around first.

Rushing to the first shop to buy a camera (or a PC for that matter) is just asking the con-men to "come, kill me, kill me!" :p :bsmilie: :D

Originally posted by GreenEggs_n_Ham
the rest of the shops in sim lim are really just there to con ppl lor...

Yah, most of them are. I'd NEVER think to buy a camera from them.

As for the PC shops from 4th floor upwards,
CyberMind/Cymax, Jorjy, Unlimited, Sysnet, Bliss are amongst the still surviving con jobs. Aquest, Advance Gravis, and many others have either died or changed their names or moved elsewhere. Good riddance. ;(

//Disclaimer : I quote the above shops out of personal experiences over the years from 1994-present. Should any member be affliated or related to them, sincerely you treat this as feedback, and look to improve.//

I don't think there is an equivalent. The closest we have is to be a member of casetrust? (did i spell it right?)

From what I understand, this is what the retailing industry body is trying to push across as a standard for the industry, but so far .. there are only a few shops with the sticker.

Case Trust? It's so ineffective that most people have never heard of it, let alone help the consumer or tourist. Go ask the layman on the street.

The problem is that Case has no power to prosecute shops which have bad business practices. At the very most black list them, and refer it to the STPB so that they can in turn, list them in hopelessly outdated 'tourist information booklets'.

Then the shop will rename itself, and business as usual again.

Originally posted by Nikonian Foo
Does Singapore has any U.S. equivalent of Better Business Bureau? You can check out a company and look at how many complaints it has for the past few months.

There was this talk of a Fair Trade Act some time back (I think that's what's it's called)

However it's just a set of guidelines and who's to ensure the retailers follow? I think it's difficult to roll out some thing like that in Singapore.

As for the prices, I don't think the authories can tell a shop what price to set for the products as it's their right to determine the price for their own goods.

Perhaps the distributors could inform the shops not to sell above the MSRP at least, but the practise of shops in singapore is NOT to display their prices and use codes on the products so that only the salesman know the cost price. (unless it's department stores like Harvey or carrefour)

He will reply with a quote that's higher than the cost, that's why it varies with different salesman.

Originally posted by finkster
Case Trust? It's so ineffective that most people have never heard of it, let alone help the consumer or tourist. Go ask the layman on the street.

The problem is that Case has no power to prosecute shops which have bad business practices. At the very most black list them, and refer it to the STPB so that they can in turn, list them in hopelessly outdated 'tourist information booklets'.

Then the shop will rename itself, and business as usual again.

The procedures are complex and time-consuming. they will listen to your side of the story, then contact the store, wait for their reply. show you their reply, if not satisfied (which of course will be), then will "find time" to get the 2 party to neogiate and try to resolve it peacefully.
The time spent on the "waiting for the other's party reply" is so long that most give up.

Unless you got con over big ticket items like 1Ds, furnitures..etc where got the time to go through all this.

The consumers prefer simple and straight forward re-fund policies like "Money back gurantee and no questions asked" but does any shop in singapore dare to offer such a refund policy for big ticket items, like cameras, lens..etc

no offence for true patriots here man..

but the red part of the flag already show got a lot of red tape one...

the reason why singpaoreans are noted to complain n complain is cuz their complaints are

1. not taken seriosuly
2. not acted upon
3. not accurate by the complainer as well lar.

seriously man...if one day, we photog form union to rid of singapore of unruly/cutthroat businessmen we def can get rid of conmen.

but. guess why singapore not dong anything? cuz this is where the money stops. a 1200 Fuji602 to british tourists is a good deal. tt means more money for shopowner, and mean rent for land is definitely paid and not owed...

which explains the common term used in the early 90's abt singapore..

'the buck stops here'

so i guess. we don't get rid of them. we just avoid them. let tourists go to that honest shops would not end up jacking their prices when they are the only shops arnd..


Originally posted by Azure
Yah, most of them are. I'd NEVER think to buy a camera from them.

As for the PC shops from 4th floor upwards,
CyberMind/Cymax, Jorjy, Unlimited, Sysnet, Bliss are amongst the still surviving con jobs. Aquest, Advance Gravis, and many others have either died or changed their names or moved elsewhere. Good riddance. ;(

//Disclaimer : I quote the above shops out of personal experiences over the years from 1994-present. Should any member be affliated or related to them, sincerely you treat this as feedback, and look to improve.//

CyberMind, Unlimited, Bliss are con shops?? I did buy something from them after compare many pricelists. Can u suggest me ur favor pc shop in SLS? I prefer fullwell due to their services but some items in its price list higher than the con shops u mentioned.

are some of the members in CLUBSNAP related to the shops???

it seems, they always have something nice to recommend and say abt the shop,

wary, wary,

i read about a thread from this forum that promotes a certain shop in outside town area, when a member was complaining abt some service, or price, ....

so i hope all members ARE NOTIFIED OF SUCH EXISTENCE,

SOME ADVISE u recieved may be tainted

Originally posted by s2s1
CyberMind, Unlimited, Bliss are con shops?? I did buy something from them after compare many pricelists. Can u suggest me ur favor pc shop in SLS? I prefer fullwell due to their services but some items in its price list higher than the con shops u mentioned.

Superpet (6th floor). By far the best service i've ever got.
Look for martin...he's the boss, very frenly and helpful.:thumbsup:

Ok as earlier promise, my story on Song Brothers.

My sis asked me for advice on buying a digital cam. Told her to go AP look for Steven.

She called me up excitedly telling me she is in Song Brothers. I went ballistic asking her what the f*** she was doing there. They have the most dishonest sales people.

Song Brothers' salesman tried to pull this stunt on my sister. offer the Fuji 601 @ a price 70-80 less than AP.

Of course if really cheaper then nothing to say right. I resigned and asked her to check the accessories carefully.

Luckily realised he is keeping the 128MB card. Got out of there and bought from AP. That time 128 MB quite expensive. More than $70-$80. Over a $100

In the end she bought from Steven and he even pyscho her to buy a better cam the fuji 6800. Well at least steven did not cheat her.

Until today I only talk to Steven when I am inside Alan Photo. I feel that the others are a waste of my time.

So going by this only negative comments are to believed?

Originally posted by maxtheevil
are some of the members in CLUBSNAP related to the shops???

it seems, they always have something nice to recommend and say abt the shop,

wary, wary,

i read about a thread from this forum that promotes a certain shop in outside town area, when a member was complaining abt some service, or price, ....

so i hope all members ARE NOTIFIED OF SUCH EXISTENCE,

SOME ADVISE u recieved may be tainted

Yeah, I guess a lot of people had heard 'good' stories about the Song Brothers... However, they have 4 shops in SLS...

Originally posted by zekai
Ok as earlier promise, my story on Song Brothers.

did i say that only negative comments are to be believed?

HELLO wantun?

i only saying that at some threads that i reaD some members seem to be pushing for the brands of some shops so persistently that it is important for THE REST TO TAKE NOTE that there may be members of shops who come in here to give advises that will benefit their shop,....,

looking at the first two threads when i start this topic, it was a concern between members, wwasn't it?

so if u like to read between the LINE, pls, do not infer too much b4 you shoot.


wantun, or what ever it is....

Originally posted by ivor
Yeah, I guess a lot of people had heard 'good' stories about the Song Brothers... However, they have 4 shops in SLS...

And their shops are pack with so many sales personal.Went there and saw around ten over sales personal doing nothing.Wonder how they can survive.

Each person's salary must be very little, so they resort to con people. ;(

Hey, no need to fly off the handle unless I've touched a raw nerve (have I ?)

Anyway, there are always 2 sides to every coin and while some members here may indeed belong to retail shops and heap praises on themselves, don't discount the fact that some may also be here to try and bring down their competitors by complaining about them.

Therefore, you'll have to ask yourselves what to believe.

P.S. I generally go by the advice of users known to be not affiliated to shops and this applies to both good and bad comments.

Have a nice day.

Originally posted by maxtheevil
did i say that only negative comments are to be believed?

HELLO wantun?

i only saying that at some threads that i reaD some members seem to be pushing for the brands of some shops so persistently that it is important for THE REST TO TAKE NOTE that there may be members of shops who come in here to give advises that will benefit their shop,....,

looking at the first two threads when i start this topic, it was a concern between members, wwasn't it?

so if u like to read between the LINE, pls, do not infer too much b4 you shoot.


wantun, or what ever it is....

Originally posted by Azure
Sim Lim Sq. Yah the shops there, many are just con jobs. :(

This is too sweeping a statement to make.

Let me try to explain in layman terms the business concepts I perceive as being the reason why AP's prices are generally much lower than what the other shops can offer you. AP retail sales are just a small part of their business revenue. They earn much more on the export side of their business. So they can afford to make little profit on the retail side and try to push as much volume sales as possible. This works as marketing for their shop name as well. And do not forget, they only sell camera equipment, which is a very important factor.

Now, consider the other consumer electronics stores in SLS. They do not just sell cameras. Heck, these stuff only occupy the front glass cabinets. They also cannot sell by volume - they need to make profit to sustain cash flow or else how they bring in other new models when they come out? Their capital is limited. Because of the limited number of sets they get from the distributor each order, they cannot get as good a price as AP might be able to, since AP pushes much LARGER volumes of their merchandise out. So this would mean that they are pertually always at the losing end in terms of business.

As a consumer, I sometimes put myself in the shoes of these shop keepers. But other than the unscrupulous shops (the many posts here will alert you to some of them though there prob are more around), I will not go so far as labeling all other SLS shops as being con shops. Even if it's for a moment, try to see the business logic and circumstances of this very competitive business. These shops are trying to make a living like you and I.


well, wuntan, let me tell you what i think.

are u one of the afflicted members to the shop?

the way you put it, it makes me wonder if u have got some vested interest?

anyway, while u thread on the fence now, which u didn't on the earlier thread, dun bother,


do me a favour, as i have said earlier, let's waste each inch of these space by listing the shop that we should avoid due to personal experience whereby we later realised we were conned, otherwise let's not make this thread a fourm whereby i replied to your mails, becos, you got the wrong drift, so in short, pls stay as what this thread is intended...

let this be our last exchange


As you wish, I won;t debate the matter any more here,.
Let others decide for themselves.

Have a nice day.

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