Cut Throat Cam Shops

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actually i got a funny thing to ask..

ever notice u ask a camera model, they think and they quote u a price?

how many of them ACTUALLY know the true price of all of them or just give agar agar one...

like one old guy on lvl 1 shop..i ask 602z..he one arh.. tt one.. tt... 1200. eh no. 1100.

sometime is not really kena con, sometime is they don't remember and if u interested then they sell u tt price..then u feel conned...


Originally posted by sfhuang
Even if it's for a moment, try to see the business logic and circumstances of this very competitive business. These shops are trying to make a living like you and I.
Fair enough to say that what I posted may be a sweeping statement.
:kok: me...
It is also true that they ARE trying to make a living. It is unfortunate that they resort to less-than-likeable ways of doing so.
:kok: them!

That is why at the end of the day, the most important thing is - if you don't want to suffer the con jobs of those rotten salesmen, do your homework first. If you are feeling lazy to do so, then bring a well-informed friend. If both also cannot, then pay to learn.

Originally posted by Azure
Fair enough to say that what I posted may be a sweeping statement.
:kok: me...
It is also true that they ARE trying to make a living. It is unfortunate that they resort to less-than-likeable ways of doing so.
:kok: them!

That is why at the end of the day, the most important thing is - if you don't want to suffer the con jobs of those rotten salesmen, do your homework first. If you are feeling lazy to do so, then bring a well-informed friend. If both also cannot, then pay to learn.

This is so :thumbsup:

As with regards to cam shops, I've no problems with AP/CP, as for me, I don't really ask much questions at the shops. I usually do the 'homework' on CS/net, and then I proceed to get my stuff.

I'm more of the 'buy and chiao' type.
Make sure that you know what you are getting (and what's in the package)

If you are saying that cam shops are deceptive, look at what the SLS PC shops have up their sleeves. Assembling a PC is always a hassle, as you have to literally keep your eyes and ears open for any 'hidden' catches that some of them have.

But the best advice is to go to the various shops and deal with them (provided that you know your stuff). You'll be able to know whether they are trying to fleece you or not, based on the way they try to sell the product to you.

Originally posted by Azure
That is why at the end of the day, the most important thing is - if you don't want to suffer the con jobs of those rotten salesmen, do your homework first. If you are feeling lazy to do so, then bring a well-informed friend. If both also cannot, then pay to learn.

you're right! I almost got 'conned' today again ... sigh ;(

Wanted to buy a lens, and I knew the market price (luckily), and got a price that was way off base. Eventually bought the lens at market price, without even needing to haggle and bargain, at TCW. (I'm not advertising for TCW, but that's the fact of the matter)

There's this electronics shop near TCW oso.. quoted me $270 for a damn BP-511! Told them i din want to buy liao the ah beng come ask rudely how much I wanted it for? i told them i could get it for $1XX at CP oppersite.. they then brought the price down to $1XX to match CP but still $10 higher.. i walked out straight.. no point in dealing with this kinda people..

Originally posted by GreenEggs_n_Ham
actually i got a funny thing to ask..

ever notice u ask a camera model, they think and they quote u a price?

how many of them ACTUALLY know the true price of all of them or just give agar agar one...

like one old guy on lvl 1 shop..i ask 602z..he one arh.. tt one.. tt... 1200. eh no. 1100.

sometime is not really kena con, sometime is they don't remember and if u interested then they sell u tt price..then u feel conned...


Actually. The cost price or rather the price the shop paid for the items are all written on the items but in coded form.

I used to work for a neighbourhood electronics shop.

The boss taught me how to read the coded prices from the price tag.

The code word was "DOING WEST" (don't ask me why, and it's not the same for all shops)

D = 1, O = 2, I = 3, N = 4, G = 5, W = 6, E = 7, S = 8, T = 9, X =0

Just nice, 9 different characters for numbers 1 to 9. 'X' is 0.

So for a walkman with a cost price of $103, the price tag will have the code "DXI", for $599, it's "GTT" respectively.

So when we (the salesman) quote the prices for the products, we are taught to state a selling price of let's say $20-30 higher (for example lah)

So after looking at the code "DXI", we will tell the customer $125 or $130.
Hence the prices is not definte and will change, depending on if you asking which salesman and what he/she wants to state.

So If you ever encountered, ask Salesman A, he say $120, ask Salesman B, he say $127.
You will understand why.

When you go make payment in AP, you noticed the salesman assisting you in the payment, if he is NOT the person who attended to you, he will asked the other sales man who attended to you, "What price you give him?"

If it was a FIXED price, he would have flipped a pricelist or catalog and know what.

OK, end of corporate secret.

haha...thanks...i kinda new that after i realised they mauled their displays with all the permanent markers..

the exp i had was that, without opening the glass casing, without touching the camera, he left his lunch on the table and scratch his eyebrow and said...."eh..this one i think.."

tt's why i say he aga aga only..

i think also he can't be bothered to sell man..some obscure shop by the corner...

when i went on sunday. ONLY alan photo had customers. the shops beside all emtpy...really really empty...shopkeepers just see all customers drawn to alanphoto like bee to flower...


When I went to get my Hoya R72 from CP, I noticed this folder lying on the counter. Flipped it open and saw a list of camera models with minimum prices listed and also "incentives" - sell 3 G3's - how much incentive etc.

When the salesman came back I told him he should not leave such stuff lying around. He looked at me and mumbled something unintelligible.


shop which is beside THE CAMERA WORKSHOP


And the shop which is at the corner, beside the lift, beside CATHAY Photo,


generally, i go to Cathay, Alan, MS color, & john X:XX, to check my price, (well, used to go Fotoguide)

well, heck, i even go to The Camera Workshop, to look at my price, or even the secondhand shop beside cathay photo too,

ALL OTHERS, well, to all newbies, if u have followed this 6 pages thread for so long, pls note that the whole affiar can be TRCIKY!!!

even, in my own personal opinion,

i dun like Cathay photo,

as u have to be their regular customers to get better service from them, one of them recognise me, and know that i am willing to spend my $$, so it is something i dun like, imagine, when i can't find him! anyway, i dun recognise that guy now.... after i bought my equipments,

I detest MS color,

MS color got a funny way of working, they like, no should i say, they love, no no, it's their PASSION to requote you this statement, "oh, where did you buy your XYZ? How much is it?" then i tell them how much i paid for my damn stuffs, then what they say, oh YOU should get it from us, as we are cheaper, then he/she quotes me the price by deducting what i just said, well, then i replied, i asked you for the best quote b4 i went other places, remember? and they simply ... zipppp upppp, dodgy people, i say, if i am not wrong, the person in control is this auntie,

Earlier, i said, I seldom check John X:XX out,

num 1, they are too far for me, as they are in funan, and i dun like to go funan, #03 or #04 somemore, or i think is it #02?

and while they were friendly to me the last time, (i heavily suspect becos i looked damn tired, and was with my cam bag) they were quite short and sweet, READ (COLD MERCHANTS) on other previous occasions, plus some of their info are not very accurate, nor the cheapest...

but, i still think i will check it out more often, give them some credit for it....


well, it is a funny thing, a camera shop in a PC building, and the most visicious place of all to put your shop, i thought it was a con act like all others too, there were for one thing, platoons of sales men, yet, none of them seem to be doing what they are paid for, other then gathering in tight formations, looking at newspapers, chatting abt the ger opposite, or some other stuff...

AND when they quote you, they do it the sim lim style, always 10% higher... so u got to make them understanbd, u are in the KNOW!!! give them the friendly, yet dun mess with me look, then they would requote you,

IT HAPPENED TO ME< they quote me some price, i know that it is not the cheapest, and they bring it down, cos, thier prices, as i found were the lowest of them abovementioned , but they can be a funny group of merchants... that said...

so now, you asked me, am i a plant from CASE? i dun have any good thing to say,

(well, you have not heard what i gotta say about 2nd HAND shops yet!!!, those are the masters of evil! not all, some)

well, so how do i get my stuff?

well, where do u think u got these stories from? i paid my sch fees, that's why.... :( i sure wish someone have start this thread earlier, now in retrospect to what WanTun said, i must agree with him, NOT ALL SHOPS ARE THAT BAD,

i bought my stuff from some of these shops too, and they are okay, as it is a combi of cheap price, screw up service,
or okay price, okay service, or bad price, great service,

what i even pay for bad price? yes, but if it is a great, informative service, where i could trust the person on the equipment, etc, that's why people go to caTHAy isn't it???

okay, i guess this ought to be my last contribution on this thread, i may consider thjis my last to this topic,
AND TO WAN TUN, if u are reading this, no hard feelings, and thanks for your valued contributions,

boy, am i happy, we made this one of the most viewed topic!!!!

great, thjis is the internet age, wheere hopefully, we inform ea other to prevent ea other from being connn.

last words....

let's enjoy life, & be a useful Member of Mankind.

Please don't turn this into a "Four legs good, two legs bad". We can always argue until the cows comes home with no end results.

To rant about one's bad experiences is fine with me, provided that it does not go overboard.

Who doesn't have any bad shopping experiences? I'm sure almost everyone has at least one bad shopping experience. But to put the shops names in bold and red, don't you think we are going too far??

Please keep things in perspective.

Have a nice day.

Originally posted by StreetShooter
When I went to get my Hoya R72 from CP, I noticed this folder lying on the counter. Flipped it open and saw a list of camera models with minimum prices listed and also "incentives" - sell 3 G3's - how much incentive etc.

When the salesman came back I told him he should not leave such stuff lying around. He looked at me and mumbled something unintelligible.

Was it you I met at CP, just bought a monopod and went over to the otherside to look around...then saw the salesman left to do a sales transaction but left a folder on the counter and the buyer was flipping through. The buyer was pretty suprised that such things was left "unguarded" and even reminded the saleman to be more careful.

Too bad I was trying to spy the value for Tandy..can't see it..heeheehee :D

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