Cut Throat Cam Shops

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Originally posted by newuser

by the way, it's next to S@@g Br@@@@@@. near the entrance/exit of SLS.

That shop ah. I once went there to purchase a Panasonic VCD player, they were saying it's good lah blah blah, but when I asked about the warranty they say no 7 days 1-1 they say have to go back directly to the manufacturer.

Just as I was about to purchase I asked if I could test the unit first, they said no testing allowed, cannot test, I was just very annoyed, nice price but then stupid policies and services.

I bought my Panasonic VCD unit finally at S@@g Br@@@@@@. They let me test the unit and gave me 7 days 1-1 warranty.

Guess when it comes to buying hardware/cameras it does pay to pay a bit more to get assurance then a cheap sleeky deal somewhere.

So far AP CP are still ok for me, no complains about S@@g Br@@@@@@ from me :)

Originally posted by silver.wolf
how come this experience seems distinctly familiar to me?! same encounter for me too. same shop!

warning: keep away from that shop !!

Wahseh, i tot i am the only one. Same shop, went along with my frens to help him purchase a slr, then since he forgot to buy filter, we passed by this shop and asked for 58mm thread filter.

The guy so frenly, took my frens cam, say "Hmm... this filter will be just right for u" and fitted a filter.

How much? "35SGD", "errr..ok..",my fren.
(both of us totally cam idiot that time, newbie mar:D )

Then went back.

only long long time later do i realize HOYA 58mm filter can be very very cheap. And some more the one my fren got is not those expensive type, just normal UV filter.

Good experiance. :D

Heh actaully if u suspect something funny, doesn't matter whether he put it on for you or whatever, just take it off and give it back to him.


actually AP also a cut throat shop, if u are not familiar with prices of the stuff you're buying ... last time when I went there to buying the lens adaptor and the UV lens, the salesman quoted $10 for the UV ... I asked is it a Hoya UV .... he said Hoya one is $17 ... that time I blur so kenna chop $7 juz like that ... after I found out the usual price of the Hoya UV, no more AP for me ... ;( ;(

yah same exp with AP maybe i was suay coz i was served twice by the same guy....called kenny... must know ur price first. both times he overquote me and then i juz said to him how come my fren can get at a different price then he act the end gave in. next time try looking for boss steven..he gives far better quotes

steven is the boss meh?

he's the guy with the spiky hair is it?

Cathay Photo at Marina Square. Once I was walking passed, went in and asked a salesman there the price of a EOS 30 body. Got quoted at $970. Best price, I asked. He replied, "special price for you!". Already knew the price CP at Penisular is selling ... so next day went down there to get it at $760 nett. Funny thing is that the salesman there asked someone to go down to the Marina branch to bring over a set as there was no currently out of stock.

cavaet emptor
:) :) :)

But anywhere you go, do your homework first. Just check up the prices on Internet or wherever. Otherwise you get taken for a ride.

Originally posted by vince123123
steven is the boss meh?

he's the guy with the spiky hair is it?

if i'm not wrong he is. he's a bit plump lah with short crew cut like hair. my 2nd experience with kenny he actually went to 'ask' steven if can give me that price..shows that he's in charge.

Used to get lousy prices at shops but once I go enough times and get recognised, quotes just dropped.


Originally posted by kiwitan
Cathay Photo at Marina Square. Once I was walking passed, went in and asked a salesman there the price of a EOS 30 body. Got quoted at $970. Best price, I asked. He replied, "special price for you!". Already knew the price CP at Penisular is selling ... so next day went down there to get it at $760 nett. Funny thing is that the salesman there asked someone to go down to the Marina branch to bring over a set as there was no currently out of stock.

same thing happened to me kiwi bro. the very same thing he said to me: "special price for you!". that was when i enquired abt the 50mm f1.8. he quoted me 165SGD. think is the more skinny saleman.

too bad i already knew the market price for it. HA! :D

a bit like divert from original topic, but nonetheless about irritating shop owners and irritated customer...

i wanted to buy the panasonic lumix fz1 (god knows why), and the guy quote me $899. (of course i noe cannot be true price and can bargain lar, tho i din know the exact true market price)

so i make him drop price to 800. like i damn "song" laiddat lar...but i still doubt man...

so when he punch numbers into calculator, he punch 700. i saw and i immediately diam i tot. har har..i cheat him liao...

2 weeks later i check price out at AP... basket i nearly got cheated myself..the same cam going for 720 man..somemore at respectable shop lor...

i think making the trip to AP, CP(penin) or MS seems more reliable man...

damn heng arh.....:what:

well, sad to say while i like AP generally,

it is quite dangerous to go there to shop WITHOUT doing your Homework,

as if they dun recognise you, or forget you, the prices they quote can be quite unfriendly, but once they do know you, their price is better than MS color, and Cathay photo!

well, i went on my market survey today, and i have to declare that all shops at FAR EAT & LUCKY PLAZA are to be QUARANTINE!!! for being really dodgy at all cost!!!!!

they overquote you, and make it seem like it is a good price, haha. funny how people actually do such things for a living!!! oh mine!

I remember the camera shop, is it World Photo? which is just beside the lift, almost opposite Cathay photo, where you see the FAT boss with moustache, he is very very dodgy, the prices they offer are naturally higher!!!

why do this people not know that what goes around comes around????

in addition, it is very important for post of such nature to exist so as to defeat syndicates where there are commercially self-interested groups,

What happened to HWZ is that, simply the reviewers, some of them are the shop people, and thus u get naturally influenced people, the last time i heard, even the magazine they produced seems inclined!

well, it is very tricky when things happen like this!!!!

thus i uphold the need of a FREE forum to put down all this virus like shops...

either they SHAPE UP or SHIP OUT!!!

though it is a pity fotoguide left us.... one less option for us....

wah i feel like everyone work together just buy from ONE shop...and spread word ALL around..make other shops lose man... lol

Its not only camera shops. Generally, its everything! Okay, okay, that was a little too dramatic? But it boils down to doing your homework before you shop lor. Otherwise, it'll be, as they say, "pay to learn". :D

Originally posted by GreenEggs_n_Ham
wah i feel like everyone work together just buy from ONE shop...and spread word ALL around..make other shops lose man... lol

thats a very nice sales tatic ;p
set up a shop get lots of ppl spread gd word.

Well good word alone is useless if its a sham, cos it wil be pretty obvious whats the service lvl like once someone goes there and/or does some simple mkt research.


aiyah what market research here there everywhere...what do your homework...

the problem is we don't like these cutthroat shopowners man... tt's why got this thread. even if we did our homework and blahblahblah, still got these irritating shopowners tt oughtta be shipped out man...

and of course we need seniors/exp ppl to help out man...

and of course this thread serves as a detterence and guide to fellow members of ClubSnap so as to facilitate their enjoyment in photography...

Do we have to 'sar kar' the sales guy to get good price? It's your money and if the shop wants to earn it, the sales guy has to kowtow to you not the other way round. Never got to buy a thing from the don't know why so famous haunt in SLS. Firstly, see you no up and secondly, more ex than CP.
When you ask the price, they look at you top to bottom, size you up and wallop you. They only believe in regulars, so be it.
Take you money elsewhere, maybe the bros at 2nd storey. Kenna wallop also 'song'.

Originally posted by GreenEggs_n_Ham
the problem is we don't like these cutthroat shopowners man... tt's why got this thread. even if we did our homework and blahblahblah, still got these irritating shopowners tt oughtta be shipped out man...

Howzabout we (as in 3-4 of us) go down and kar-chiow them back in return? .....

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