You know you're a photographer when...

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when people talk about kids losing their teeth

the first word that leaps into your head is mmmm creamy

when you can tell people in a strong, loud, confident voice that


when you have panic attacks when you see people saving in jpg format

when you can tell people that you are attracted to them, could they please kiss you

when you can be any of these things:

creative director
artistic director
insert some pompous sounding title here that means nothing much actually

when you raise a p&s to your eye and realise that you have effectively plastered your eye against a very very big lcd screen

when you regard all in-camera phototricks like BNW MODE, SEPIA MODE, blah blah blah, with extreme disdain

"i can do better in photoshop, with greater control"

when i see people chatting in CS rather than on the phone, MSN, facebook etc... ;p

you know you're a photographer when people think you are pro and your camela very big after you attach a battery grip on your puny 400D

i bored, bump the thread

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