You know you're a photographer when...

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May 2, 2008
at your bedroom window assume and hope for a moment from time to time that everything can be fixed in photoshop.
"now let me go to my history palette and fix this...."

(i don't know if anyone would continue this thread but it'd be fun to read what others might say. post please:D)

your hands itch & ur constantly volunteerin or gettin volunteered by other people to be the inaugural photographer for the day... plus you
when people want to take your photo and
nothing can't be fixed in photoshop
and you keep thinking of redoing things with either

I know i'm a photographer when i brought my first camera phone.

your hands itch & ur constantly volunteerin or gettin volunteered by other people to be the inaugural photographer for the day... plus you
when people want to take your photo and
nothing can't be fixed in photoshop
and you keep thinking of redoing things with either

spill a drink? said something wrong? command+z and option+command+z for me.
photoshop for the win! lol

Found this on the Net, just wanted to share... ;-)

You know you're a photographer when...

1 GB of memory lasts most people a month but barely lasts you the afternoon.

You know what aperture-priority means.

You delete more photos in a week than most people make all year.

You always need just one more lens.

You've crawled on the ground to get a shot of something.

Your camera equipment is worth more than your car.

No one else brings a camera to an event if they know you're coming.

Your family doesn't recognize you without a camera covering your face.

You have thousands of pictures and you're not in any of them.

You've been up before dawn, or out in the freezing cold, or even done something semi-dangerous… all for a photograph.

Your friends ask you to shoot their weddings.

You have enough camera bags in your closet to pack up your entire house.

You choose airlines based on carry on baggage allowance.

CS3 is a software program and not a school you attended as a child.

Your family cringes every time you say, "I'll be right there, I just need to take a couple shots of this."

You look at a gradient of a clear day's sky and try to find spots on the sensor.

When you go to movies you spend more time trying to figure out their lighting than trying to figure out the plot.

When you lose track of a dramatic conversation between two characters in a movie because you're too busy paying attention to the nice bokeh behind them....

When you go on a road trip timing everything to get the best light at the places you want to stop...

You feel incredibly happy when you walk into a room with sunlight-balanced bulbs.

...when you get done shooting a bunch of shots, pack up your gear, then 2 minutes later you're kicking yourself because you see something worth shooting.

..when you realize that EVERY SINGLE TIME that you don't have your camera, the perfect shot is right in front of you!

...when you start enoying your photos as photos, rather than pixels.

When a beautiful girl is laying in front of you wearing nothing but her knickers and the only reason you want her to remove them is because the colour clashes with the backdrop.

Your baby's first full sentence is : "STOP taking pictures!!"

You tell firefighters "save the camera and computer, the rest can burn......" when you think your house is on fire. (turned out the fan belt fell off and the kill switch didn't kill.....)

When you get a call at 1am from the neighbors telling you "turn that damn strobe light off".

When you reply that it isn't a "strobelight", but a flash gun

...When looking at playboy, you don't see the naked woman, you see art.

When your cameras, lenses, and computers are the most expensive things you own

when you drive by a frozen over ugly marsh of broken down trees can visualize the beautiful finished image.

When you stop saying "on the count of three"

You buy a new dog and the first thing the family says is " You just bought it so you will have something to take pictures of"

When your CEO walks into the office and asks "Anybody here who's familiar with digital cameras?" and all eyes turn to you...

When the UPS man says " See ya tomorrow"

When your children are named "Canon" and "Nikon" and your dog is named "Gitzo".. :D

when all you can think about is what lens/gear your going to buy next

When you eat, drink, breathe, sleep, walk, talk, crap, sing, dance, and act photography.

When you teach your photo teacher new things each class period!

When you hear a tv commercial for the "Curves" workout program for women, and the first thing that comes to mind is Photoshop's "Curves" adjustments.

When you see a pretty young lady with a tan and try to figure out what the exposure should be. (today)

everyone evacuates for a hurricane, but you wanna stay for the pictures.

You walk into a building looking for composition angles....

You get married and you want to take your own wedding photos :D

When you find yourself nodding, agreeing and laughing at everything you're reading on this note and realise you do at least 3/4 of the stuff in it!


.........when your other girl friends save money for a handphone, or designer wear, and you save up for a macro lens.

..when you realize that EVERY SINGLE TIME that you don't have your camera, the perfect shot is right in front of you!

True, true.. something along the lines of 4D. That week dun buy that week open.

...When looking at playboy, you don't see the naked woman, you see art.

If only I can shoot like Suze Randall.. or shoot the same subjects she does..

you know you're a photographer when... mentally photoshop people you're talking to. (patch tool, clone, healing brush......hmmm and those eyebags...)
.....when your photos are in other people's faves collection on Flickr
.....when you start arranging food just to take pictures of them while everyone else eats
.....when you lie/sit on the floor in public just to get the shot you want
.....when 1GB CF card isn't enough.....

i can't sleep. anyone got sleeping pills?

... when IS, VR, OS, HSM, USM, APO, G, L are not just random letters to you
... when you look for the (usually) non-existent optical viewfinder as your friend pass you his/her P&S to take photos

1 GB of memory lasts most people a month but barely lasts you the afternoon.
You know what aperture-priority means.
You always need just one more lens.
You have thousands of pictures and you're not in any of them.
You've been up before dawn, or out in the freezing cold, or even done something semi-dangerous… all for a photograph.
You look at a gradient of a clear day's sky and try to find spots on the sensor.
When you go to movies you spend more time trying to figure out their lighting than trying to figure out the plot.
...when you get done shooting a bunch of shots, pack up your gear, then 2 minutes later you're kicking yourself because you see something worth shooting.
..when you realize that EVERY SINGLE TIME that you don't have your camera, the perfect shot is right in front of you!
When your cameras, lenses, and computers are the most expensive things you own
When you stop saying "on the count of three"
when all you can think about is what lens/gear your going to buy next
When you hear a tv commercial for the "Curves" workout program for women, and the first thing that comes to mind is Photoshop's "Curves" adjustments.
You walk into a building looking for composition angles....
Some very interesting points here which I'm guilty of... Hahaha!

... when IS, VR, OS, HSM, USM, APO, G, L are not just random letters to you
... when you look for the (usually) non-existent optical viewfinder as your friend pass you his/her P&S to take photos
Errr...this happened to my friend and I was LOL away...:bsmilie:

you know you're a photographer when...

i taught my daughter how to pronouce N I K O N :bsmilie:

"when you look for the (usually) non-existent optical viewfinder as your friend pass you his/her P&S to take photos"

I'm guilty of this MANY times.

another addition,
when you look at everything and think "this might make a good picture" or "colours here are fantastic"

"when you look for the (usually) non-existent optical viewfinder as your friend pass you his/her P&S to take photos"

I'm guilty of this MANY times.

another addition,
when you look at everything and think "this might make a good picture" or "colours here are fantastic"

yeah, when P&S cameras suddenly feel so light and tiny in your hands.

Found this on the Net, just wanted to share... ;-)

You know you're a photographer when...

No one else brings a camera to an event if they know you're coming.

You have thousands of pictures and you're not in any of them.

i agree with these two the most!
when my aunts see me with the camera, they'll automatically keep their P&S in their handbags lol...
sinapore garden festival is comin soon... anyone goin? ;3

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