Why Singapore football cannot make it?

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ask yourself this: Where does a young boy who wants to play organised football go? Is there an organised, out of school competition for under 10's? under 12's? under 14's? I dunno if there is or not, but it certainly is not well known....

If this young boy does find such a competition, he is one of only very few playing at such an age... so from a pool of very few (say a few hundred players at under 10 age group) can we expect Singapore to develop a strong national team? not really... some more when the kid gets a bit older he will be under pressure to study from his family, school and teachers, so he trains less or stops totally, then reach NS age and older, dun play ever again, get fat and complain about how poor the national team is these days... :devil:

just kidding on the last bit ;)

Fundee said:
for singapore to draw or even win this game is a near impossible... the main question is will singapore able to score a single goal against them ???? that is what i wanna see.. i dont expect miracle to happens.. being a playmaker myself during the early 70s... i used to beg for a chance to prove my ability.. i got it and make full use of it... but not to a national level... for us to be in the global level, we must ask this question first... do we have a footballing culture ?????... yes we have an open grass patch here and there, but an over crowded one such as at bishan park.. and someplaces else but often been chase away... really sad... what i really wanna see in the near future is that... a thinking footballer and more specialist like Dolah Kassim the gelek king, Rajagopal the banana specialist, arshad kamis and mokhtar dahari the pile driver Sudiat Dali and Hasli ibrahim the russian tank.. those names can really shake the opponent guts... my idol in the 70 was and still is... our own zainal abidin the playmaker... he is the switch.....

Add one more, QUek KiM SoNG.
In those day these players only get peanuts playing with M'sia for the M'sia Cup.

imet said:
Add one more, QUek KiM SoNG.
In those day these players only get peanuts playing with M'sia for the M'sia Cup.

you mean QUAH kim song. ya in those day they play their hearts out. thats why national stadium full when they play. fans also make the effort to travel long distance to away games. those were the days.

madmacs said:
you mean QUAH kim song. ya in those day they play their hearts out. thats why national stadium full when they play. fans also make the effort to travel long distance to away games. those were the days.

yes of course the Quah brothers. kim lye and kim song.. the never stop running striker.. the fans was fanatical at that time. 1974 one fan died of gate crushed after camping for tickets.... i was there..... scary man... full house stadium leg stomping and the whole stadium shaking.... i really mean the WHOLE national stadium shaking... its obviuosly more than 60,000. :eek: catching it live for the atmosphere... forget about live telecast on tv, really not interested.. if there are any national team player reading this.... i wanna see you guys give them a run for their money, put some dents to their egos.... i'll be there cheering you guys.... i dont care what's the margin.... if you were to go down, go down fighting....

Koh Li Kuan said:
I hv forgotten how and why Singapore was kicked out of the M'sia cup. Can anyone tell me??

the last thing i know is about the gate fees that the FAS and FAM cannot agree. dunno how true, and also wonder what else..?.?.?

They say it's the corruption but I really think it's more than that. When it comes to money both sides claw at each other.

you noticed???......every time we win the Malaysia Cup we get threatened or were actually kicked out....twice already.....it never happens when we did not win the Cup.....go figure for yourselves

that #&^%#** who was heading the Kedah FA was a real anti-Singapore facist.

sidenote and totally offthread>>>a client of mine from Holland told me that his club Eindhoven has an unplayed pitch on which the ashes of its die hard fans are scattered after they die and cremated... and that he will do the same to his ashes when he is gone.

Singapore lost .... but :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: to Singapore .... their performance was a surprised to me ....

Yeah.. they started quite badly, but got better as the match went on. At least they showed some spirit.

A very respectable scoreline indeed..
nothing to be ashamed of.

glad that they prove those doubters wrong.
japan is definitely a good side...but definitely no world-beaters yet.


After watching tonite's game, will you support Singapore again??

akane said:
After watching tonite's game, will you support Singapore again??
i always support the lions .... even though they always lost .... sometimes even though i know lions will lose, i will still cheer on them .... haiz ... singaporean bah ...

almost teared when i hear the national anthem...
was surprised when i saw bennett singing... :thumbsup:

Singapore 1 Japan 2

akane said:
After watching tonite's game, will you support Singapore again??

guess the frustration inevitably arises from the fact that we want them to do well.

yes...we complained...watched them beaten by M'sia 4-0 then...it definitely hurts.

then again....was quite please to see the equalizer. :cheergal:
the ups and more often then not, the downs, not easy being a lion supporter.

Can see that Japan got the speed, Spore spend most of time chasing after them. Looks like we needs some work on the fitness area.

And kudos to the Spore, they really play with fighting spirit:thumbsup:

The national team and management got to understand.. We don't really care if they win or lose, as long as they show effort and give their 110%, we will cheer them on. Just like the game today. I felt as though we had won the game, the sense of pride. Like the Msia Cup days.

We will throw them the bullocks when they go punctured like a balloon after conceding a goal. Like during the Malaysia game, where they literally displayed an image of a lion which has given up


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