Weight Loss Cafe (Final Seasons for 2005)

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Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
dunno soma name is brad, but i know his pit is damn black... :bsmilie:

I think only gay don't have any pit hair.:bsmilie:

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
simi bah wu?

i know most ang mos got bah wu (foul kind), tats y they use alot of perfume...

That's quite truth..even woman also the same..:p

Funny said:
So ur tat Brad Pit??? :think:

:kok: you see any brad pit around in singapore ah..:sticktong

soma said:
That's quite truth..even woman also the same..:p

U mean Ang Mos women??? :bigeyes:

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
if i not wrong... last heard gays (region around) a** hole no hair... cos its obstructive to them...

*beep* this is another urban legend *beep*

I think should be fact.:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Funny said:
U mean Ang Mos women??? :bigeyes:
Ya.. what's that look??:bigeyes:

soma said:
:kok: you see any brad pit around in singapore ah..:sticktong

I have nt c u b4 so dunno loh! Y u wan to ditch Jennifer? :cry:

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
i think he meant angelina jolie also got ba wu... :bsmilie:

ya right..Smell like flower:heart: :sticktong :sticktong

Oh, read from the papers that during the shooting of 'Troy', some complaint his BO, cos he dun bath. And he jus buy new clothings to change.

Funny said:
I have nt c u b4 so dunno loh! Y u wan to ditch Jennifer? :cry:

That woman not as chio as Angelina Jolie leh.

evq said:
Oh, read from the papers that during the shooting of 'Troy', some complaint his BO, cos he dun bath. And he jus buy new clothings to change.

somehow same like the KING KONG on top lor... how 2 bathe... need to wait rain then can bathe lor... no wonder angelina jolie like king kong...

soma said:
Ya.. what's that look??:bigeyes:

Most Ang Mos women r suppose to be better looking than Asian women mah! Beauties does hav flaws! :think:

evq said:
Oh, read from the papers that during the shooting of 'Troy', some complaint his BO, cos he dun bath. And he jus buy new clothings to change.

Hahaha that's not our problem, for the gals to worried..:bsmilie:

evq said:
Oh, read from the papers that during the shooting of 'Troy', some complaint his BO, cos he dun bath. And he jus buy new clothings to change.

Hahaha that's not our problem, for the gals to worried..:bsmilie:

evq said:
Oh, read from the papers that during the shooting of 'Troy', some complaint his BO, cos he dun bath. And he jus buy new clothings to change.

Hahaha that's not our problem, for the gals to worried..:bsmilie:

evq said:
Oh, read from the papers that during the shooting of 'Troy', some complaint his BO, cos he dun bath. And he jus buy new clothings to change.

So Soma Brad Pit, u did tat??? I tink u hav too much $$$ dunno where to spend liao!! The inner wear too! :eek: :bigeyes:

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