Weight Loss Cafe (2)

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Funny said:
Cup noodle again. :nono: :nono: :nono: Like almost everyday leh! Bad for health. Nt healthy leh!
not everyday lah..I am having dual $$$ saving plans...instant noodles and roti diet :bsmilie:

Funny said:
Furrycake, pls edit ur 1st post wif link to the 1st n 2nd season. Like tat , this thread can continue wif meaning leh. ;p

edited but dunno how to link properly sorry :cry:

furrycake said:
just edited again.. dunno how to do nicely... sian gotta work again :sweatsm:

Okie liao! I juz edit n attach 1st season. U attach both loh! Do pretty pretty loh!:thumbsup:

Btw Haze, I saw one cser name karyinn, is tat u oso? Same name as u leh! :think:

Funny said:
Okie liao! I juz edit n attach 1st season. U attach both loh! Do pretty pretty loh!:thumbsup:

Funny, you see can or not :)
sorry still playing around with it :bsmilie:

furrycake said:
Funny, you see can or not :)
sorry still playing around with it :bsmilie:

Can!!! Veri gd! :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Funny said:
Can!!! Veri gd! :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

hehe i forgot to type in the title for the link lah :bsmilie:
will try to play around more next time ;p

ate the most sinful lunch of this week.. BK's lambie burger set meal. oh no :(

furrycake said:
hehe i forgot to type in the title for the link lah :bsmilie:
will try to play around more next time ;p

ate the most sinful lunch of this week.. BK's lambie burger set meal. oh no :(

Nice or nt! Lamb oso yang shao wei! Eeeekkkkk........ :sweat:

Aiya..... Must control n cut down weight lah! I wan to down 8 kg! Later when we mit up, I will show u my after n b4 photo. ;) ;p

Funny said:
Nice or nt! Lamb oso yang shao wei! Eeeekkkkk........ :sweat:

tried it and i find it okie lah :bsmilie:
they added lotsa bbq sauce & i added lotsa chilli sauce :sweatsm:

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
me too... spagetti & croissant only... pai mia... :cry:
you call this pai mia??
those are rich noodles and bread diet!
What that compare to $1.80 myojo and $2.80 wholemeal bread which can last me 2 weeks?

Funny said:
Aiya..... Must control n cut down weight lah! I wan to down 8 kg! Later when we mit up, I will show u my after n b4 photo. ;) ;p

im trying to control lor.. just now no time to lunch.. 25 mins niah :sweat:
physically tired also.. think must exercise more else feel lethargic :(

Funny said:
Aiya..... Must control n cut down weight lah! I wan to down 8 kg! Later when we mit up, I will show u my after n b4 photo. ;) ;p
all talk and no actions...dare us to post pics here but you girls never post..
typical leh..

alechim said:
you call this pai mia??
those are rich noodles and bread diet!
What that compare to $1.80 myojo and $2.80 wholemeal bread which can last me 2 weeks?
2 weeks? i think last me a few days nia. :bigeyes:

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