The Pentax K1 Thread! - Post all your K1 picts and impressions

I started ti use the K1 + FA31 today in school to document the different areas of the school buildings. The camera's AF was very fast. The weight of the K1 is almost double that of the K3 and it is bulkier too. I like the grip and the weight though as it feels really solid in my hands.

K1FT0043 by Felix Tan, on Flickr

Straight from camera. No edit yet.

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Congrats to all the happy owners of K1! Especially to FW, JK, Des, Bernard, Felix and other bros who have been preparing for this day for a long time!

Camping on this thread for more photos by Pentax's legendary primes in their full frame glory. :)

Congrats to all the happy owners of K1! Especially to FW, JK, Des, Bernard, Felix and other bros who have been preparing for this day for a long time!

Camping on this thread for more photos by Pentax's legendary primes in their full frame glory. :)

Thanks Darren. How have you been?

Clouded Parliament - Justice, Parliament, Finance, Gambling? by jenkwang, on Flickr
K1+Samyang 14/2.8

A quick visit to the CBD area.

There are so many custom user modes on the camera. (5 in fact!)
I can even assign on to ISO100; Av mode; Pixel shift
So when I want pixel shift, its just at a turn of a dial. ;)

The battery has certainly been good.
Been using it since Sunday with landscapes and casual family shooting and its only dropped a bar.

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Clouded Parliament - Justice, Parliament, Finance, Gambling? by jenkwang, on Flickr
K1+Samyang 14/2.8

A quick visit to the CBD area.

There are so many custom user modes on the camera. (5 in fact!)
I can even assign on to ISO100; Av mode; Pixel shift
So when I want pixel shift, its just at a turn of a dial. ;)

The battery has certainly been good.
Been using it since Sunday with landscapes and casual family shooting and its only dropped a bar.

Nice clean shotz...the battery certainly a plus...mine also just drop a bar haha...+1 is, it still use back the same type of battery from k7 to k3ii :)

Today i try out the Pentax-F 17-28 fisheye. Bought 2 years and kept for 2 years lolxx. No chance to use it as in apsc it is no more real fisheye. Ok my first impression is...Wow, very sharp in center and good to sharp in corners. SMC coating is really good.



I guess this month city/landscape will be k18.

Test on detail

Test on light ray and i still need a filter?

while its starburst cant be compared to DA15 (but then which lens can)..i still like the FA*24 starburst..guess i will continue to use this as my wide angle until i can get the FA20-35 or the new 15-30

IMGP0216 by Unforgiven28, on Flickr

Sibei nice the starburst! *Drool*

Got the k1 over the weekend..first impression is that the camera is well built..with the 2 additional dial on top, it mean i can change settings for almost anything without diving into the menu

here are some pictures which i took with FA*24

IMGP0184 by Unforgiven28, on Flickr

FA24 is doing really well here!

Used my k18 on K1. Straight from camera and the color is saturated and poping. Both photos taken at F8 to F11. At the meantime for me, 18mm should be wide enough....15mm? Hmmm...


I am sure a lot will want to pry this away from you!

Long time never post here liao....

Took the K1 and DA*300 for some random shots this morning. The combo is very well balanced for handheld shooting...


Des!!! Wunderbar!

Please keep poisoning us with your 31, and don't forget to remove the 3rd party hood. No longer needed.

Clouded Parliament - Justice, Parliament, Finance, Gambling? by jenkwang, on Flickr
K1+Samyang 14/2.8

A quick visit to the CBD area.

There are so many custom user modes on the camera. (5 in fact!)
I can even assign on to ISO100; Av mode; Pixel shift
So when I want pixel shift, its just at a turn of a dial. ;)

The battery has certainly been good.
Been using it since Sunday with landscapes and casual family shooting and its only dropped a bar.

The samyang 14 does look good...

for me, i assign the pixel shift to the raw button at the side..since i always shoot raw+jpeg..the raw button doesnt serve any function to me

Just got mine this evening.
First thing test high iso.

Straight out of cam jpeg, no noise removal.
Pentax K1 Test shot by Ken Goh, on Flickr

Anyone can give a guess the iso of this shot?