The new ClubSNAP forum theme hard to read?

Urrggg.....My eyes hurt! I have to put on a polarised filter to read the posts.......:eek:

Ok, seriously, I think the white background is too bright for the eyes. Would be good if it's in a lighter shade of grey so that the black fonts stand out better i the shaded background. It's very tiring for the eyes with such high contrast background.

See the grey boxes heading at the top of the forum page? It's so soothing to the eyes :thumbsup:

Keep up the good work ClubSnap Admin ;) :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Ya, i agree with that too.

A little bit of grey would be good.

Update :

Increased font size in post content to 14px.
Link color in post content now in blue.

Thanks a bunch! It's now more or less similar with the previous font size, which I believe will help forum readers getting used to with the new theme.

Actually I was using Metro Grey by default for some reason. But I prefer Metro Blue. Metro Grey makes it difficult to tell each post apart. :think:

[EDIT] I take that back, Metro Blue is very bad when looking at page listings. :(

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[EDIT] I take that back, Metro Blue is very bad when looking at page listings. :(
Agreed, the separation lines are too bright. Dark grey would work better here.

Please keep the feedback coming... we know we won't be able to satisfy everyone but the tweaks are aimed at keeping the general majority happy.

Did you do some tweaks? Seems better now or is it my imagination? :think:
Hehehehe keep you guessing.

Actually been doing quite a bit of little tweaks here and there. The individual changes are likely not noticeable but overall, there will be some adjustments to the page (eg line spacing, font spacing, resizing some elements like the signature).

More grey is good. Getting used to the new template.

Anyone getting this msg - " Fatal Error: Invalid URL." while moving back to main forum page? :think:

I get this msg very frequently & I can't go back to the main forum page & sometimes it does & sometimes it doesn't & sometimes it brings me back to the home page that you just logged in.

Anyone getting this msg - " Fatal Error: Invalid URL." while moving back to main forum page? :think:

I get this msg very frequently & I can't go back to the main forum page & sometimes it does & sometimes it doesn't & sometimes it brings me back to the home page that you just logged in.

Yup. Getting this too.


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Anyone getting this msg - " Fatal Error: Invalid URL." while moving back to main forum page? :think:

I get this msg very frequently & I can't go back to the main forum page & sometimes it does & sometimes it doesn't & sometimes it brings me back to the home page that you just logged in.

Yup. Getting this too.
Yes, we are aware of this and am looking through the server logs to find out what is causing this.

Anyone getting this msg - " Fatal Error: Invalid URL." while moving back to main forum page? :think:
Had it occasionally when selecting the "Subscribed threads" link. Not in the last two days, though.