The new ClubSNAP forum theme hard to read?

I don't like the new color scheme ...

Yah. I don't like the link part as well.

Really don't see how this new visual style improve on the previous one. If there are no significant improvement, then what's the change for? For the sake of change?

Change is inevitable.

You Will be Assimilated. Resistance is Futile.

Change is inevitable.

You Will be Assimilated. Resistance is Futile.

I know this is a free forum, but seriously this kind of attitude means that you lose fans. The take it or leave it attitude in Singapore, be it the government or shops, loses support...

Food for thought, all mods and those behind the change..

Think our ruling party who think they always know best, and ask the people to take it or leave it...

My 2c worth.


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I know this is a free forum, but seriously this kind of attitude means that you lose fans. The take it or leave it attitude in Singapore, be it the government or shops, loses support...

Food for thought, all mods and those behind the change..

Think our ruling party who think they always know best, and ask the people to take it or leave it...

My 2c worth.

Hi petetherock,

We do not expect all members to fully agree with the changes we have made and we can live with that - we cannot please everyone all the time, if we can please most of the people most of the time ... that would be a good starting point.

The reasons for this change was in my post and I add it here :-

We updated our forums software to the latest version (to keep in line with security updates and underlying OS requirements) and unfortunately, our old theme broke with the upgrade. The theme designer did not update the themes to accommodate the latest version and he/she is also no longer contactable thus we had to search for and install a new theme.

As it is, the theme is being worked on after taking into account feedback from the members and hopefully over the next few days/weeks, we can all settle into a happy middle ground suitable for the majority.

Thank you for your patience and support of our community.

this is what i see on my screen.

I would say it is the best i hv ever seen! Like it. Give a more spacious/breathable feeling


this is what i see on my screen.

I would say it is the best i hv ever seen! Like it. Give a more spacious/breathable feeling
Thank you for the compliment!

Also, I just fired up Safari on the iPad and I must say that it looks even better on the Retina Display with the fonts being better defined. In any case, will look into the font sizing for the forums to cater to the desktop crowd.

I used Internet Explorer 9.0 - all the drop down cannot see :angry:

I know this is a free forum, but seriously this kind of attitude means that you lose fans. The take it or leave it attitude in Singapore, be it the government or shops, loses support...

Food for thought, all mods and those behind the change..

Think our ruling party who think they always know best, and ask the people to take it or leave it...

My 2c worth.

FYI, our admins already explained why need to change the theme,

Hi members,

As you might have noticed, the site has been given a makeover :D

We updated our forums software to the latest version (to keep in line with security updates and underlying OS requirements) and unfortunately, our old theme broke with the upgrade. The theme designer did not update the themes to accomodate the latest version and he/she is also no longer contactable thus we had to search for and install a new theme.

As in all updates/upgrades, please keep an eye out for weird or out-of-place stuff in the forums and report them into this thread in the Feedback section - Issue Reporting.

New with this update is the ability for members to choose the colors of the theme. Currently it is set to default to a bluish theme and if you prefer, you can switch to a grey theme using the drop-down box at the bottom of the page. The switch should carry over to future browsing sessions until you change it again. We will be looking at adding more colors as time goes by based on feedback from all of you.

Thank you for your patience during the short downtime, and thank you all immensely for the support and patronage of ClubSNAP Photography Community over all these years.

Nobody like changes, as we need to step out of our comfort zone.

btw, you have no sense of humour.


Pretty good.
Metro Grey theme is fine.
URL links can be formatted purple (by user) during drafting for easy identification. Test SIA

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Read the News section where the reasons for the forum upgrade and the lack of the old theme were explained rather than opening your mouth and spouting ignorance.

I'm speaking from usability point of view.

The links now are rendered without any difference in colour, nor are they underlined.

Readers won't be able to see the links, which makes whoever posted the link waste his/her effort.
A post with useful links will become less useful to readers.

since when did Baracko become a borg? LOL

I'm speaking from usability point of view.

The links now are rendered without any difference in colour, nor are they underlined.

Readers won't be able to see the links, which makes whoever posted the link waste his/her effort.
A post with useful links will become less useful to readers.

I believe these teething issues will be resolved eventually. Just give them some time to look at the css codes.

I'm speaking from usability point of view.

The links now are rendered without any difference in colour, nor are they underlined.

Readers won't be able to see the links, which makes whoever posted the link waste his/her effort.
A post with useful links will become less useful to readers.

that is what this thread for..

Issue reporting on new site theme after software update

hmm.. blue / red on orange.. much better