[SunChasersSG] - TCSS thread (Part II)

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Die, I post the pic on flickr and I just poisoned someone else...

Comments and faves

saahmadbulbul (25 minutes ago | reply | delete)
Can i have one?

If you go on KPE you need to be at Boon Keng road side right? You go into KPE from Geylang right?
If I were to go directly tomorrow, I'd go onto CTE from Newton, then turn to PIE (Changi), then to KPE (TPE) just before Kallang Way.
But if I exit at Serangoon Rd, I can't re-join KPE... so I might just head up Serangoon Road all the way?

If I were to go directly tomorrow, I'd go onto CTE from Newton, then turn to PIE (Changi), then to KPE (TPE) just before Kallang Way.
But if I exit at Serangoon Rd, I can't re-join KPE... so I might just head up Serangoon Road all the way?

If we are going where we think we are going,

My place is just off CTE entry point. Just take CTE to TPE, and it is like 2-3 exits to our destination.

So your route will be CTE exit Moulmein Road, turn right into Balestier, Turn left into Serangoon road, pick me up, turn left, into CTE/PIE, take CTE (AMK), go all the way to TPE take TPE(Tampanies), Exit our destination.

Is it too troublesome? if it is, then no worries, I will get there on my own.

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ok bro... can do la. Though I think that going Serangoon Rd all the way might be faster, especially with the new viaduct.

ok bro... can do la. Though I think that going Serangoon Rd all the way might be faster, especially with the new viaduct.

There are some parts of Upper serangoon road with tons of red lights. Highway is a lot faster bro.

Hahaha, if you go CTE way .... can pick up meow meow too :)
I east coast, if go Bishan hv to make huge detour leh ....

Wah ZCA, sell so fast ah .... I hv feeling it will close at day high this evening leh ...

Hahaha, if you go CTE way .... can pick up meow meow too :)
I east coast, if go Bishan hv to make huge detour leh ....

Wah ZCA, sell so fast ah .... I hv feeling it will close at day high this evening leh ...
aiyah... can never catch the highest... I'm trying not to be too greedy.
Don't worry! I still have more Cosco to sell!

DD123, but if I gotta fetch my gf from Sengkang, going by Upp Serangoon seems like the most direct. Agree with you about the red lights. Hoping (as always an optimist) that the lights will favour me in the early morning :D

edit: the 'meow meow' will only join us for brekkie la.. :D then after that put the 'hit head here' sign... MWAHAHAHAHA

no leh, meow meow confirm going leh in FB

aiyah... can never catch the highest... I'm trying not to be too greedy.
Don't worry! I still have more Cosco to sell!

DD123, but if I gotta fetch my gf from Sengkang, going by Upp Serangoon seems like the most direct. Agree with you about the red lights. Hoping (as always an optimist) that the lights will favour me in the early morning :D

edit: the 'meow meow' will only join us for brekkie la.. :D then after that put the 'hit head here' sign... MWAHAHAHAHA

Bro, no need to pick me up already...
I was thinking of ditching the car because I can go direct to SAM after with one of you guys, and finally get to enjoy breakfast with you all.. but seems like everyone going off in different directions after the sunrise. So I will drive there as per normal and head out to SAM later.

Hahaha, if you go CTE way .... can pick up meow meow too :)
I east coast, if go Bishan hv to make huge detour leh ....

Wah ZCA, sell so fast ah .... I hv feeling it will close at day high this evening leh ...

Oh sorry. I dunno why I still thinking it's Upper Seletar :embrass:

edit: the 'meow meow' will only join us for brekkie la.. :D then after that put the 'hit head here' sign... MWAHAHAHAHA


I can go pick meow.

OK OK, I can make my way somewhere nearer you... thanks.
What time you wake up? In case I wake up then decide go back zz :p

What is your budget?

Budget <$300. (Tianya n Cokin not so expensive right)

oi! this one is Talk C**k Sing Song thread la... what is this? ;) asking advice about photography?
It's Cokin, by the way, Cokine sounds like cocaine... :)

I have the Cokin P holder, with the Tianya ND8... paiseh to take out coz all the Lee and Hitech users here... :embrass:
reviews say they wouldn't touch Tianya NDs with a barge pole. I haven't had enough hands-on experience with it to give a clear answer.

Aiyo ZCA, don be so serious lar... TCSS oso can share some good pointer to me mah, anyway see alot of BBB so this one oso BBB...:bsmilie:

Sorry... ya it's spell as COKIN :sweatsm:,

Bro, no need to pick me up already...
I was thinking of ditching the car because I can go direct to SAM after with one of you guys, and finally get to enjoy breakfast with you all.. but seems like everyone going off in different directions after the sunrise. So I will drive there as per normal and head out to SAM later.

Where's the best place to park for this event? SMU? Will be attending the photowalk on Sunday. :thumbsup:

Budget <$300. (Tianya n Cokin not so expensive right)

Aiyo ZCA, don be so serious lar... TCSS oso can share some good pointer to me mah, anyway see alot of BBB so this one oso BBB...:bsmilie:

Sorry... ya it's spell as COKIN :sweatsm:,

With that budget, I recommend you get Hitech filters and holder. Holder and ring adapter around 180. Then get 2 filters enough, ND8 and GND8.

The rest like 1 to 2 stops GND you can do it in PP.

Where's the best place to park for this event? SMU? Will be attending the photowalk on Sunday. :thumbsup:

I am not driving there. But you can also park at the old national library there. Armenian street. Coupon parking, but after 5pm and sunday/public holidays free.

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I thought of asking NNB to bring out his 1.4 to try-try also
(before I bought the 1.8), but I think I'll be very stressed... and also worried about being poisoned.

Bro, do you want me to bring the 85/1.8 tomorrow?
Only 3 of us going?

u buy liao, no point bringing..haa.. but i will bring to SAM most likely :lovegrin:

what time SAM starts?
I need to go home eat breakfast and zzz first.

on a positive note, I managed to sell some cosco @ 1.65... :D
paid for the Markins, QR plates, and 85/1.8... yay!

Swee lar.. the event starts at 9pm.. but i wil only be there from 12..

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